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Post by webearthonline »

Players can put frequently asked questions here.
It might help if someone goes back through the old messages and pull the questions out.

Questions answered below:

WEO not loading ...
Gizzard for Blue Bird?
Theres no fresh meat and I'm starving to death! What can I do?
What are the red and green dots next to my ID number on my animal view?
How do I give milk to my offspring?
What's that H?
How to I register an account on the WEO forums?
How can I be taken care of NPC?
How can i get players to be my kids?
What does the Mayor, Judge and Sheriff do?
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Post by webearthonline »

Q: What should I do when I see a security prompt from Java?

A: Try this help link:
http://www.java.com/en/download/help/ap ... ialogs.xml

Q: WEO not loading ...

Applets do not run. CAUSE

Java is not enabled in the web browser. If Java is already installed but applets do not work, you may need to enable the Java through your web browser. SOLUTION

Please follow these instructions to enable Java though your Web browser:

Internet Explorer 4.x and Up

1. Click "Tools" --> "Internet Options"
2. Select the Advanced Tab, and scroll down to "Java "
3. Check the box next to the Java version
4. Next, select the Security Tab, and select the "Custom Level" button
5. Scroll down to "Scripting of Java applets"
6. Make sure the "Enable" radio button is checked.
7. Click OK to save your preference.

Mozilla 1.x

1. From the menu bar, choose Edit --> Preferences
2. Select the Advanced category
3. Check the box labeled "Enable Java"
4. Click OK to save your preference.

Netscape 7.x

1. From the menu bar, choose Edit --> Preferences
2. Select the Advanced category
3. Check the box labeled "Enable Java"
4. Click OK to save your preference.

Netscape 4.x

1. From the menu bar, choose Edit --> Preferences
2. Select the Advanced category
3. Select "Certificates"
4. Check the box labeled "Enable Java"
5. Check the box labeled "Enable Java Plug-in"
6. Click OK to save your preference.

Other Web Browsers Firefox 0.8 and Up

1. Start Mozilla Firefox browser or restart it if it is already running.
2. Select Tools > Options.
3. Dialog box: Options
4. Click Web Features > Select Enable Java

AOL 3.x and Up
Please refer to our Help page on AOL Issues with Java software. Opera 4.x and Up

1. Opera for Windows does not use Java, but an embedded version already inside the Opera Web browser.
2. Opera for other platforms may supports Java . Please consult your Opera platform documentation.
3. For further information, please review the following Opera Support article:
Support for Java software in Opera


Applets do not run. CAUSE

The Java control panel is not configured to use the web browser. If Java is already installed but applets do not work, you may need to enable Java for your web browser. SOLUTION

To see whether your browser is configured to use Java or not, first open Windows Control Panel. From the Start menu button, select Settings, then Control Panel to open the Control Panel. You should see Java Coffee Cup logo icon in the Control Panel.


1. Double-click the icon to open Java Control Panel.
2. In Java Control Panel, click the Advanced tab.
3. Click on + icon next to Default Java for browsers.
4. Make sure the box next to Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Mozilla is checked.
5. If it is not checked, click the checkbox to enable Java for your Web browser.
6. Click Apply.


1. Double-click the icon to open the Java Control Panel.
2. In the Java Control Panel, click the Advanced tab.
3. Under Settings, click on + icon against <Applet> tag support.
4. Make sure the box next to Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Mozilla is checked.
5. If it is not checked, click the checkbox to enable the JRE for your Web browser.
6. Click Apply.


1. Double-click the icon to open the Java Control Panel
2. In the Java Control Panel, select the Browser Tab
3. Make sure the box next to Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Mozilla is checked
4. If it is not checked, click the checkbox to enable Java for your Web browser
5. Click the Apply button.

If you do not see the coffee cup icon in the Windows Control Panel, you do not have the latest version of Java installed on your computer.

Clearing the browser cache can help with getting a new copy of the weo client downloaded.

How do I clear my web browser cache?
This article applies to:

* Platform(s): All Platforms
* Browser(s): All Browsers
* Java version(s): All JRE Versions

Clearing your Web browser cache forces the browser to load the latest versions of Web pages and programs you visit. For Internet Explorer 4.x and Up

1. Click "Tools" from the Internet Explorer menubar
2. Click "Internet Options..."
3. Click the "General" Tab
4. Click the "Delete Files" button in the "Temporary Internet files" section
5. If you still have a problem, repeat the steps above and restart the computer.

For Netscape 4.x and Up

1. Click "Edit" from the Netscape menubar
2. Click "Preferences..." from the "Edit" menu
3. Expand the "Advanced" menu by clicking the triangle sign
4. Click "Cache"
5. Click both the "Clear Memory Cache" and the "Clear Disk Cache" buttons.

For Mozilla 1.x and Up

1. Click "Edit" from the Mozilla menubar
2. Click "Preferences..." from the "Edit" menu
3. Expand the "Advanced" menu by clicking the plus sign
4. Click "Cache"
5. Click the "Clear Cache" button

For Opera

1. Click "Edit" from the Opera menubar
2. Click "Preferences..." from the "File" menu
3. Click the "History and Cache menu"
4. Click "Cache"
5. Click ok to close the Preferences menu
6. Please refer to the Opera support page on Web caching for more detailed information.

For AOL 3.x and Up

1. Please refer to the AOL support page on Web caching for more detailed information.
2. Please also refer to the java.com Help page on AOL issues.
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Post by Kenya »

Q: Gizzard for Blue Bird?

To get gizzard up for Blue Bird and many other birds seek out mud (looks like droppings) or gravel (grey cloud) both found by the river banks or eat dirt patches when you happen to come across them when other players dig such as snakes or mammals.

Q: Theres no fresh meat and I'm starving to death! What can I do?

A: Find a carcass. You can pick up the meat and drop it. The meat you dropped will be fresh. Do this until your full, then goto a den, and don't
move.(Unless you get hungry again, then just repeat the steps)

Q. What are the red and green dots next to my ID number on my animal view?

Depending on what animal you are playing, green or red dots may appear. The red dot represents that a predator is detected upwind*. A green dot means that an animal is detected upwind, but it won't harm you.

*Note: Upwind and downwind get confused often. Upwind is where the wind starts, and downwind is where the wind ends.

Q: How do I give milk to my offspring?

A: You don't. They will automatically drink any milk you have. All you need to do is keep your energy up high enough to make milk.


At first, I myself didn't know how to get Dominance. Dominance is the number/number at the right top corner of your advanced view status. Say you are a Female Wolf, and the population of Female wolves in that world is 6. Then you would be 6/6 if you where the latest wolf to spawn. Now say you challenge the 1/6 and win. If you win you trade ranks, meaning that wolf got 6/6 and you got 1/6. If you are 1/6 that means you are the most dominant wolf. For Coyotes and Wolves you need to BE most dominant and mate with the most dominant or you will be turned down.

Q: What is the 3/13 above my age?

Your dominince rank. You can challenge (purple rams) animals with a higher rank and defeat them. For wolves and coyotes its the difference of breeding and controling your pack / being a loner. Some animals require you be above 50 % of ranking males and females. What that menas is out of 8 males you have to have 4/8 or higher rank to be able to mate. If its "true" for alphas to mate then you must have 1/8.

Q: What are those Fire ants? Are they just annoying or have meaning?

fire ants are NPC reserved creatures for now. Theres a rumor going about how you need 99.99 million points (99,999,999) to get a link. for now they are just annyoing but for weak animals like mice and young starter animals (bluebirds and cardnials) they could be deadly if bitten by the group. The have no name, may attack randomly and are hard to hit even if your half aged with full combat since they are so small.

Q: How can I get my health back up quickly?

My strategy is to eat untill your water, fat stomach and energy is full. then go into a den or hole and sit there cleaning and sleeping. dont forget to get minerals (orange cloud) and gizzard (grey cloud for birds) or calicum (fox, wolves, coyotes, bears, bobcats) I put simpley as sit there and take care of yourself.

What's that H?

The H means Heat of battle, after you've hit something or tried to pick another animal up ( or if an animal hits you ) the H will come up.If you log out during Heat Of Battle, the next time you play you'll have very low stats.

For Forum Guests: Q. How to I register an account on the WEO forums?
A.First, login to your account on the Web Earth Online game. If you don't have an account, register and login. Then, go to "My Account". Then, go to "Edit Personal Account Settings". Right under the sentence that says "Request here to be added to the WEO Forum", There is a form. Fill it out and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Submit." All you have to do after that is login.

Q: how can I be taken care of NPC?

Go to my account> player game options> and check "Always play as infant animal"
NOTE: Only possible during spring. if your fast enough at the right time you'll be logged on as an adult already.

Q: How can I get players to be my kids?

2 options:
1. If they agree take them from where they are and care for them (your mate might attack.)
2. Go to "Player game options" and select "allow real players to be my offspring."

Q: What does the Mayor, Judge and Sheriff do?
A: Mayor – The Mayor makes the player-generated rules for World 1. They can edit it at anytime, and add new rules (though there is a word limit).

Judge – The Judge sends the warrant to get someone banned. Read City Hall for more information on reporting players.

Sheriff – The Sheriff bans the player. They can only ban people if the Judge has sent a warrant, or else it doesn’t work.

We recommend you become apart of the forums if you would like to be voted for, since all three of them and the Community help decide if a player will be banned.
WEO Moderator since August 31st, 2010

If you need assistance please PM me.
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Post by webearthonline »

Q: What should I do when I see a security prompt from Java?

A: Try this help link:
http://www.java.com/en/download/help/ap ... ialogs.xml
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Post by webearthonline »

Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running.

If you see this message:
java0.jpg (39.1 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
There are two options to fix this issue. These are shown below as Option 1 and Option 2. Option 1 is easier to do but is less secure than Option 2. With Option 1 you set the Java Security to Medium. Option 2 is a more complex method but also is more secure for your computer. With Option 2 you add http://game.webearthonline.com/ to the Java exception site list. See below for details on how to do this.

Here is what to do for Option 1:

First Open Control Panel.
In Windows Open Control Panel by clicking the Start button
start_button.jpg (2.33 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
, and then clicking Control Panel.

For more from Microsoft on how to open control panel:
Windows 7: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... trol-panel
Windows 8: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... trol-panel

Open the Java control (click on image below to see entire image)
java1.jpg (269.48 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
For more on how to find the Java Control Panel in Windows see:
Where is the Java Control Panel on Windows? http://www.java.com/en/download/help/wi ... lpanel.xml

For more on how to open the Java Control Panel on a MAC:
Where is the Java Control Panel on an Apple MAC: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/ma ... lpanel.xml

On the Java Control Panel Select the Security Tab (click on image below to see entire image)
java2.jpg (85.22 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
Slide the Java Security Setting to Medium and press OK: (click on image below to see entire image)
java6.jpg (85.19 KiB) Viewed 75395 times
Here is what to do for Option 2:

First Open Control Panel.
In Windows Open Control Panel by clicking the Start button
start_button.jpg (2.33 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
, and then clicking Control Panel.

For more from Microsoft on how to open control panel:
Windows 7: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... trol-panel
Windows 8: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... trol-panel

Open the Java control (click on image below to see entire image)
java1.jpg (269.48 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
For more on how to find the Java Control Panel in Windows see:
Where is the Java Control Panel on Windows? http://www.java.com/en/download/help/wi ... lpanel.xml

For more on how to open the Java Control Panel on a MAC:
Where is the Java Control Panel on an Apple MAC: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/ma ... lpanel.xml

On the Java Control Panel Select the Security Tab (click on image below to see entire image)
java2.jpg (85.22 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
Edit Site List (click on image to see entire image)
java2b.jpg (88.6 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
Add http://game.webearthonline.com/ to the exception site list (click on image below to see entire image)
java3.jpg (58.87 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
Click on Continue
java4.jpg (61.87 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
Now you can see that http://game.webearthonline.com/ is in the Site Exception List and press OK: (click on image below to see entire image)
java5.jpg (80.44 KiB) Viewed 75406 times
Follow up to this:
The WEO Java app is now commercially signed and should pass the new security requirements started with that latest release of Java: Version 7U51
Everyone should be able to reset the security settings back to the original ones and the WEO Java app should work now.
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Post by webearthonline »

This from Alexander:

Thanks a whole lot again for the solution, WEO. For those that don't have Windows 7 or Vista, here is how to get to the Java Control Panel since they seem to differ a bit.
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/wi ... lpanel.xml
Mac: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/ma ... lpanel.xml
(I tried to search for Linux but it doesn't seem like there is one yet.)

I figured out that you can also get past the security by switching the level to Medium. That's probably only the second best option though. I would recommend the "Exception Site List" much more.
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Post by webearthonline »

Follow up:
I think this has resolved most of the connection issues with the newest version of Java.
All that is needed is to answer the security prompt when starting the game.

The WEO Java app is now commercially signed and should pass the new security requirements started with that latest release of Java: Version 7U51
Everyone should be able to reset the security settings back to the original ones and the WEO Java app should work now.

When you get the security prompt click on RUN.
You can check Do Not Show this again if you don't want this popping up again as shown below:
WEO_Start.jpg (36.76 KiB) Viewed 75020 times
This has been tested successfully on these operating systems:
  • Windows 8, 8.1
    Windows 7
    Windows XP
    Ubuntu Linux
    MAC OSX Mavericks
    MAC OSX Lion (does not work due to an Apple bug)
This has been tested successfully using these Browsers:
  • Internet Explorer 7,8,9
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Post by webearthonline »

Here is the latest for enabling Java to run in your browser:


How do I enable Java in my web browser?

This article applies to:
Platform(s): Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Macintosh OS X

Even after installing Java, Applets do not run.


Java is not enabled in the web browser. If Java is already installed but applets do not work, you need to enable Java through your web browser.


If you recently installed Java, you may need to restart your browser (close all browser windows and re-open), in order for the browser to recognize the installation. In addition, make sure Java content in the browser is enabled through the Java Control Panel.

Follow these instructions to enable Java though your Web browser.

Browsers for Windows

Internet Explorer
Click Tools and then Internet Options
Select the Security tab, and select the Custom Level button
Scroll down to Scripting of Java applets
Make sure the Enable radio button is checked
Click OK to save your preference

Enter about:plugins in the search field.
In the Plug-ins list, look for Java and check whether Java is enabled (if the Disable link appears, Java is already enabled)
Click on the Enable link (if available)
(Optional) Check the Always allowed box to stop additional Chrome warnings when running Java content
Browsers for Windows and Mac OS X

Open the Firefox browser or restart it, if it is already running
From the Firefox menu, select Tools, then click the Add-ons option
In the Add-ons Manager window, select Plugins
Click Java (TM) Platform plugin (Windows) or Java Applet Plug-in (Mac OS X) to select it
Check that the option selected is Ask to Activate or Always Activate or on older Firefox versions, click on the Enable button (if the button says Disable, Java is already enabled)

Click on Safari and select Preferences
Choose the Security option
Select Allow Plug-ins, then click on Manage Website Settings
Click on the Java item, select an option (Ask, Allow or Allow Always) from the pulldown list When visiting other websites
Click Done, then close the Safari Preferences window

Opera 4.x and Up
Opera for Windows does not use Java, but an embedded version already inside the Opera Web browser.
Opera for other platforms may supports Java . Please consult your Opera platform documentation.
For further information, please review the following Opera Support article:
Support for Java software in Opera
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Post by webearthonline »

After testing today on Feb 18th 2016 it appears that Internet Explorer and Firefox are requiring that you use java version JRE8 to play the game.
The latest version of java found free from Oracle will be JRE8.
A current free version can be downloaded from Oracle, just click on the link below.
In addition OSX with Safari and JRE8 was tested successfully, and Linux Ubuntu with JR8 was tested successfully.

You can check your free version of Java at Oracle's java.com website.
Click on the link below to verify your free version of Java.
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