Canada Rp

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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

Nixie dreamed of seeing her family again, oh the joys...But, it was more of a nightmare, they were angry at her, because she had ran away from them, and attacked to the point where she almost died. Then she woke up with a yelp. “I have to find my family again...they probably wouldn’t like having me there though...” She said to herself, finally she took a deep breath and then got up and walked for what seemed like forever.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(gah... decided to create an extra animal xD )

Name: Dyami (means eagle in native american)
Age: Juvenile
Appearance: Image A large coyote, many have mistaken him for a small wolf. he has a bullet-hole sized gap in his right ear.
Accent: British accent
Personality: Kind, Social, Brave, Protective, Wise, Polite, Truthful, Observant, Fast
History: Dyami got his name from Yellowstone national Park, he was named by the visitors because his fast speed and long stamina. Dyami was re-placed there but there was a hole in the boundaries so he escaped, traveling for months until he reached the woods; He had found his final home. However, his first week there didn't go unnoticed; a group of hunters watched him in his new home and aimed an attack upon him. Dyami barely escaped with only a hole in his right ear to mark the memory...

i was thinking of being a wolf but im ALWAYS a wolf so the closest thing that LOOKED like a wolf was a coyote, so ta da! xD
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

Name: Onyx
Gender: Male
Age: Juvenile. (Older than Nixie by 5 minutes.)
onyx.png (615.81 KiB) Viewed 20167 times
(coyote, Nixie’s brother. If pic is too big tell me. :3)
Accent: Canadian. A little bit heavier than Nixie’s...
Personality: He is a very kind coyote, but he has a short fuse and sometimes completely freaks out and attacks anything and everything he sees out of anger.
History: He grew up most of his life being friends with Nixie, but then she ran away without warning and now he wants to get back at her.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(accepted, you can start rp right after your application, no need to wait for acceptance ;) and, lots of coyotes! XD)

(dyami pov)

Dyami sniffed the air repeatedly, looking for something to eat. He hadnt eaten in a while and it had started to get to him, he needed to eat and now. Dyami caught the scent of a snowshoe hare and silently followed it, losing it in puddles a few times but always finding it again. After a while, he came across a hole with fresh hare scents surrounding it, at least five different hares. jackppt he thought as he started to dig into the hole, hearing frightened squeaks from the hares inside.

A few seconds later Dyami trotted happily back to his home, a crack in a cliff which opens up to a cave with a small stream running out of it, which caused the small waterfall that hid the cave. On his journey to the cave a scent hit his nose, a female coyote had passed by not long ago. what if she's in a pack... They could take over my home... Dyami thought before he shrugged, not wanting to deal with the minor problem at the moment, he walked causiously inside the crack and layed down on the small nest of leaves and fell asleep
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

(Oh ok I didn't know and btw this is written with a iPhone also sorry for any misspellings)

Onyx lifted his head the air, he smelled something familiar...
"Wait a that...Nixie?" He said to himself looking at a figure that was laying in the snow.
"I know that sleeping position anywhere!" He said before running down the hill he was standing on.
"Nixie!" He said as he stopped at his destination. Nixie woke up, surprised to hear her name...
"Onyx?" She stared into his eyes...this was most definitely her brother, he had that kind, warm, loving look that he always had. "What are YOU doing here?!" Nixie growled, tail highup In the air.
"Umm. Just wanted to see my sister and best friend? Why else?!" He replied, showing his sharp teeth.
"We're not friends anymore. The reason I left is because you attacked me!" She growled again.
"I was playing..." Onyx stated, rolling his eyes. "I was BLEEDING. All because of YOU!!" Nixie said and attempted to bite his tail. Onyx got out of the way, "too slow, gotta go!" He said with a smirk before running off. "I hope I never see you again!!" Nixie howled.

(Sorry that nixie and onyx were in the same text, I'll post one tomorrow that's different it's just because I'm on a phone and I'm rushing. Sorry)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by Foxesrule »

(What type of British accent? There are so many accents here in the UK. ;-; Theres atleast;
Black country
Northern Irish
Southern Irish (But that's not a part of Britain.)

There's lots more than that but I just listed the ones from the top of my head...
Me? I'm a Shropshire accent with a tiny bit of Black Country mixed in, and maybe a little of Oxford, but that's for personal reasons ;p.)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(Like posh kind... Ya know? And no problem hoopy! Im not gonna post a part for xavier or dyami cos im on my phone...)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by Foxesrule »

(Oh, that's London. ^^)

Name: Coryn
Gender: Male
Age: Adult.
Appearance: (picture or description... or both!)
Accent: Scottish.
Personality: Coryn is very protective. (derp short i know)
History: The normal.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by NatureHeart »

What to post???)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

(I felt like I wanted to rp so....)

“Mom and dad would be so disappointed in you!” Nixie said before Onyx could get too far away. Onyx froze, he turned around, slowly walked back, and said “Oh really? Look, Miss know-it-all, mom and dad are dead.” He said with a chuckle, “Wait, their...dead?” Nixie replied, her legs starting to shake, “Why are you laughing? This is terrible! And I never got to tell them I loved them...” Nixie added. Onyx laughed even more, “I’m laughing because your talking about how you ’never got to tell them you loved them’ if you loved them, and I mean TRULY, loved them, why did you run away?” Onyx stared into her sad eyes. “I already told you... I left because of YOU.” She growled and lunged at him, Onyx aimed for her leg but got a hold of her neck instead, he didn’t realize and bit down hard, Nixie closed her eyes and fell down to the ground motionless, “Oh my gosh... NIXIE! Wake up!” He nudged her over and over again. After forever Nixie’s eyelids fluttered, she then woke up, “Wha-what...Happened?” Onyx looked at her nervously, “, almost killed you.” Nixie all of a sudden felt deep pain, “How could you- Ow...- Do that...?” She then noticed that Onyx was putting pressure on her neck with his paw. “What are you doing?” Nixie flattened her ears, “stopping the bleeding...” Onyx replied, “Please don’t die.” Onyx whined. “Why would I die? I’ve got so much more life to life.” Nixie replied, she weakly tried to stand up in the cold snow. “I’m ok...I think..."
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(Sorry that i've been gone a while...)

Dyami's ears perked at loud barking and whines outside his cave, perhaps the female had returned. He cautiously poked his head out the crack to see a male coyote with his paw on a female's bleeding neck, Dyami growled loudly to catch the male's attention.
"What do you think your doing? why is this female's neck bleeding?" he snarled, his fur bristling and his large canines showing.

(oh and if dyami over-reacted, its cos he instantly thought the worst... in his old pack females weren't treated as equals and he hated it, its why he left
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by animalguy888 »

Name: Thunder
Gender: Male
Age: (Young, Juvenile, Adult) Adult
Appearance: (picture or description... or both!)


An Osprey, This photo is mine.
Accent: (If you want to)Has a Scottish accent.
Personality: He seems kind of ditsy and scatterbrained. But is actually very intelligent.
History: An average life for a Canadian Osprey. However his ancestors hailed from Scotland.

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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(great pic! accepted, you can start straight after you have made the fourm by the way :) )
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

(Sorry Dark, I didn’t see your reply. xD Awesome picture AnimalGuy!)

Onyx looked at the coyote that seemed to have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “Uh...She’s...Uh...”
Nixie shot Onyx a look, “Uh...Well..I...” “Onyx...Just. Go away...” Nixie growled weakly, “Just, GO. Now.”
Onyx backed away, “Umm...Look, sir, I attacked her...She’s my sister and I thought I grabbed her leg but...I didn’t...”
Nixie suddenly let out a loud yelp and fell to the ground unconscious.
“Nixie!” Onyx barked, he got closer and nudged her, Nixie’s paw twitched, Onyx let out a sigh of relief. “I am NOT losing another family member.” He said, and laid his head on his neck to put pressure on it to stop the bleeding.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(no problem :) )

Dyami listened to the male coyote called "Onyx" make his excuses, he growled when he said that he attacked the female. Dyami suddenly heard a loud yelp and his attention snapped down to the female that Onyx seemed to call "Nixie", he growled and nudged the male aside.
"Your on my territory, i can take over from here" Dyami said calmly "you seem to have done a poor job as you were the one who caused it" he snapped the last part as he cleaned the wound, checking for any infection before he put a large leaf on the neck wound, wrapping it around the neck in a neat bandage shape. Tilting Nixie's head up he could tell she was still breathing, Dyami went up to an old oak tree nearby and dug out one of it's large, wide roots and gently pushed it under the female. After Nixie was safely on the root he started to nudge it towards the cave as it was soon becoming dark and bears would love to make a meal out of a wounded coyote.

(its long i know but ya know xD )
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