Canada Rp

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Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

hi, i just wanted to do this rp for the heck of it.... i wanted it to be set in Canada due to its large range of animals that live throughout Canada.

Animals available:
Mountain lion
Snowshoe hare
Blue Jay
Snowy Owl
Red-tailed Hawk

A large range i know, but it means you have a lot to choose from!
Please do this form and after you can start role play!

Age: (Young, Juvenile, Adult)
Appearance: (picture or description... or both!)
Accent: (If you want to)

Here's Mine:
Name: Xavier
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Appearance: A large, Strong male mountain lion with Fiery eyes and a dusty coat.
Accent: A deep Australian
Personality: Quiet, A loner, Brave, Polite, A Gentleman, Stubborn, Closed-in.
History: Xavier is a bit quiet and wont straight out talk to you, he is usually a loner and is used to it and wont let anyone change that. Despite Xavier being polite and a gentleman, he is closed in and wont open up straight away to anyone.

I'm Sorry if this is a bad choice of roleplay or whatever but this is my first and i wanted one that is adaptable to everyone's needs! you can do whatever, fight among your characters, be territorial, start mini wars, have rivalry's! However, there is a but. i can control hunters and the weather, ican create avalanches above wars if i want xD Okey... dark moment over... have fun!
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by Foxesrule »

Ooh, this seems fun. (:
By the way, when you control hunters it would go something like this:
Person 1: Fang howled as he saw a hunter.
You: Lilly, Fang's mate, saw the hunter advancing.
That's because you can't roleplay as humans on WEO.

Name: Soren
Gender: Male
Age: Adult.
Appearance: Image
Accent: A london accent. Naturally.
Personality: Soren generally seems formal and strict, but all it is is sarcasm and a dry sense of humor. He is more of a loner, but often chats to predators, knowing they can't catch him.
History: The normal. Hatched, grew up, and so on.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

oh ok! Accepted i guess xD thanks for replying! i'll start if you want :D

Xavier crouched low, keeping his eye fixed only on the deer eating alone below a gathering of rocks. The doe had wondered away from the herd and had a gash on her front-right ankle, an easy target for a hungry mountain lion like Xavier. Xavier slowly crept forward silently, waiting for the right moment to pounce. The deer looked up suddenly, ears flicking from north to south, it had heard danger. The doe bleated a warning and ran away swiftly with Xavier quickly giving chase, his stealthy paws being put to the test as they crashed against the hard ground and shifted the dead pine needles. The deer tried to outsmart him, darting behind trees and leaping over logs. But Xavier was too quick, pushing off the ground with a snarl he launched into the air before landing on the doe's back. The deer tried to buck him off but he pushed down with all his strength and pulled the creature down, Leaping onto its neck before swiftly biting into her soft throat.

Xavier dragged the doe up the steep rocks towards his cave (his temporary cave that is), placing the carcass on the cold, stone floor. He panted as he lay down, tired from the chase and the effort. After Xavier caught his breath he lazily walked over to the meat and ate his full, hiding the rest in the bush outside his cave. Suddenly, the sky outside became white and snow silently fell down, covering the land outside with a white blanket.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by Foxesrule »

Soren had been watching the hunt, slightly amused, from the tree tops. He had given away the alert too soon, the herd would of course travel far away. That meant no large game for a while for that mountain lion. He chuckled as the mountain lion stored the remaining carcass in a bush.

He suddenly realised it was snowing-He had better go now, incase it turned into a blizzard. He glided over in the silent and majestic way that owls do, and landed in the bush where the deer carcass was, ripping a decent chunk out of it and flying up to a nearby tree, swallowing the piece whole.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(Sneaky Owl xD)

The hunters sped after Xavier in their metal-man machine, shooting little fire at him. He ran from them in terror, the loud shouts and explosions from their fire-sticks echoed around the forest. Xavier snarled in anger, hiding his fear. he leaped up the rock, scaling the mountain easily. He was safe. The poacher raised his fire-stick just as Xavier jumped to the ledge, a sharp pain hitting his side.

Xavier snarled as he jumped awake from the same nightmare, the one that had been haunting him for years. The one where he left his friend for dead, the only one he could call friend was dead because of him. He shook his head and sadly walked out of his cave to his kill he stored in a bush, some of it was gone. Xavier frowned but shrugged it off, eating his fill and walking back into the cave. I shouldn't have to hunt for a few days, there is enough for a good 5 to last... he thought to himself as he watched the outside world pass from inside his cave, watching the birds fly into nests and foxes prowl in the woods. I should look for a new cave soon... he thought as he watched an owl curiously I'll wait till tomorrow....

(gah my mind went blank on that one xD {^._.^} <--- its a cat! :D )
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

Hi, Darkwolf! :D Oh, how I have been waiting for a RP! =DD

Name: Nixie
Gender: Female
Age: Juvenile
nixie.png (734.85 KiB) Viewed 22842 times
(Coyote, if your wondering. :wink: (Picture isn’t mine...Obviously, how could I take a photo like that? I mean THAT’S AWESOME! BTW, sorry if pic is too big, I’m in a bit of a rush here. xD If it is, just ask me to make it smaller. =3)
Accent: Considering I can’t think of any. She just has a Canadian accent. =3 (Cause it IS based in Canada after all. xD)
Personality: Nixie is a troublemaker, she is usually very rough and is on the negative side of things, usually disappoints others without even knowing. However, she does have a secret soft side which she only reveals once she is good friends with you. =3
History: Nixie has had a very rough life, was usually bullied by others, leading to her rude nature. She left her family because she was more of a loner, she enjoys being alone, though sometimes it gets to be too much.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(Hi HoopyScoop! your accepted, start rp whenever you want :D and no worries, no need to make it smaller :) )

Xavier's ears twitched as he heard a quiet rumbling noise, it seemed to be getting louder. he frowned as he poked his head out of the cave to see nothing; Still interested, Xavier went back inside and listened- the noise now seemed to be above him making enough noise to make a thunderstorm sound like a mouse squeak.
Suddenly, the room went dark and the noise stopped. Xavier looked around with a small amount of panic, he could see everything perfectly with his nocturnal vision. By the entrance of the cave, a large white wall had appeared and was blocking the path to the outside. Xavier bounded towards it and sniffed it, Snow. He quickly started to dig at it but it was no use, the avalanche had made him a prisoner in his home. In a call for help, Xavier yowled in panic- calling any nearby animals for aid.

(i couldn't think of anything for Xavier to do so ta da! action! xD)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

(Great! =D)

Nixie was bored, she didn’t want to hunt because she wasn’t hungry, she didn’t want to run around because- Wait, what was that? Nixie all of a sudden jumped up with perked ears, she looked in every direction fast trying to figure out where the sound was coming from, her ears flattened close to her head, it was a mountain lion! It seemed to be calling for help though... “Do I ignore or help?” She thought to herself. Then she started running, she had chosen help, finally she made it to a cave, an avalanche had happened, she looked around nervously, wondering if another avalanche would come down, she swallowed hard and walked to the snow covering the entrance to the cave, she starting digging as fast as she could, but the snow was hard to get through. Finally, she broke through the snow and backed away nervously with her tail inbetween her legs.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(thanks xD)

Xavier stopped yowling when he heard digging from the outside of the cave, once a hole had been dug by the creature he jumped out and landed on his paws. Blinded by the sudden light he growled and crouched to let his eyes adjust, Xavier looked at the kind animal that dug him out he saw a coyote, her ears pressed back and tail down. He smiled and sat, his tail flicking from side to side.
"Thanks for saving me back there, it was very kind of you" He said kindly in his deep accent "I was sure to have starved if you hadn't come along, and for that i am grateful." He bowed his head politely and stood, still smiling at the small canine.
"My name is Xavier, and who might you be?" He said in a polite manner...
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

Nixie jumped back, seeing the large mountain lion growl, she whined and then the mountain lion thanked her for saving him and then asked her for her name...She studied him for a minute, he was about 3x bigger than her, and probably faster if she was chased, she might not be able to get away, and then she looked away and started to say, “Y-you’re wel..come..” She said, her legs shaking, “I-I’m Nixie...”

(Short post, best I could do.)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by Foxesrule »

(Sorry, been sick for the last 2 days. ;#;)

Soren chuckled again, lightly, as the two predators met. He then flew off the branch and landed on a tree stump next to the two, although he was ready for flight at any moment.
"So, what are you two up to?" he said in his deep voice. Realizing the coyote was female, and the cougar was male, he then added, "Love birds, eh?"
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by NatureHeart »

Name: Star
Gender: Female
Age: (Young, Juvenile, Adult) Juvenile
Appearance: (picture or description... or both!)Image
Accent: (If you want to) American, in the middle of Northern and Southern accent. o.o Whatever that is called.
Personality: Boastful, cocky, and a bully when she can. She likes to annoy predators before making a swift escape.
History: Not much to tell, actually. She grew up with all of her siblings before departing.
Cheer up!
Be silly!
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by DarkWolf »

(Accepted and you can start whenever! :D)

Xavier chuckled at the small coyote, she was clearly scared of him but who was he to attack someone who had helped him? Xavier was a gentleman and a favor is a favor, he would always repay them.
"No need to fear me young one, you saved me from that avalanche, therefore i am very grateful. i hope to repay the favor someday" he said kindly at the quivering creature, he noticed she was checking his size and judging his strength in case she had to run, She would stand no chance even if he did fight.
"I have no reason to harm you" he repeated to make her calm down, he sat down and flicked his tail slowly as he looked around. Xavier noticed an owl beside them, his words did not please him.
"just talking, whats it to you?" he said with a slight growl hidden within his words "And we are NOT love birds. even if we were, you know the rules; two species cant... you get it..." he added in anger as he trailed off with slight embarrassment. Xavier got up and shook his fur to remove any remaining snow, and started to walk away. Now i am in even more desperate need for a new cave away from humans... he thought as he walked along the river not far from the other animals.
" i bid you farewell, i must find another cave before dawn or the humans will come... they have been on my track for years after all.." He shouted to them before trailing off the last words as he trotted away to look for another home...

(gah thats short for me but meh.......)
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by hoopyscoop »

Nixie smiled and perked her ears when Xaiver said he wouldn’t harm her. “Don’t worry about the favor. I’ve done too many bad things to deserve it...Like running away from my pack when I was too young. I’m sure my parents hate me for that.” She said with a sigh, then she noticed the owl, and flattened her ears at what he said, she backed away with an annoyed look, “No way!” She growled. Then Xaiver started to leave, “Bye.” She said, then she ran off, not wanting to talk anymore. She stopped as soon as her stomach growled, “Ugh...” She sighed, “I’m starving...” She lowered her head to the ground, and took many breaths, receiving many scents. Finally, she smelled a snowshoe hare, it was faint, but definitely there. Or was it her imagination? She didn’t know, but she kept following the ’scent’ until it suddenly stopped, as if the hare had taken flight. “Possibly it was carried off by a owl or something...Or my nose was playing tricks on me.” She sighed and plopped down into the snow, “Maybe I’ll hunt again later, but it’s time for a nap.” She yawned and slowly dozed off.
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Re: Canada Rp

Post by Foxesrule »

Soren chuckled, "Moody, moody!" before gliding off, back to the tree, before flying into a hollow and dozing off.
(Sorry, short post.)
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