Animal Survival

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Animal Survival

Post by Windskipper »

"You are soon aware of your surroundings. Instincts immeadiately tell you what to do, and you obey."

In a world that was once life-less, how will you survive? The territory goes from snowlands to tundra, mountains, plains, and forest. Play as any animal you wish to play as, (animals only, no bugs! And as long as they can survive in one of the habitats) and if you wish, even animals that may have evolved. (EX: Gray tigers, foxes that live in packs, birds with different coloring, etc. Somehow relating to existing animals, please!) I encourage you all to play as animals that we already know of, though. You may have as many characters as you wish, and play as NPCs (characters that everyone can play and/or only play a small role, like being hunted and eaten.) as well. The goal of this game is to survive. I hope that in the end, every living animal in this game will be a real character, and the game goes on, like WEO itself. We will count time by actions, using the time which all players have RP'ed. (EX: Player 1 is on day 1. Player 2 is on day 1 and a half. The time which all players have played is day 1, since Player 1 did not play until day 1 and a half yet. We will call this the main time.) You may skip up to a whole month over the main time, but please stop there unless you have a good enough reason that I can agree to. You may skip time until you grow up and/or skip time until you're old, but if your actions effect other characters(not including NPCs), you will have to follow the main time rule. I hope you enjoy your RP'ing experience!

-No bob-modding.
-No cursing or swearing.
-No animals that are comepletly new. (EX: Flying lions, aquatic wolves, ect.)
-Try to interact as much as you can with other players.
-Play as an animal that lives natrually in at least one of the habitats.
-Have fun!


Forum Name:
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank):
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank):
Other(can be left blank):

Season: Spring
Weather: Clear in the Arctic, mountains, plains and forest.

NAME:. . . . . . . . .|SPECIES:. . . . . . . . . . . .|GENDER:. . . . . .|AREA:. . . . . . . . . . . .|OTHER:. . . . . . . . . . |
Wind . . . . . . . . . |Arctic Fox . . . . . . . . . . .|Female . . . . . . |In a den in Arctic . . . . | Looking for a mate
Silver . . . . . . . . .| Arctic Fox . . . . . . . . . .| Female . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | DEAD
Snowy . . . . . . . . | Arctic Hare . . . . . . . . . .| Female . . . . . . | Arctic . . . . . . . . . . . |
Ashely . . . . . . . . | Evolved Peregrine Falcon .| Female . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Midnight . . . . . . .| Arctic Wolf . . . . . . . . . .| Female . . . . . . | Arctic . . . . . . . . . . . | Exiled (No pack)
Blizzard . . . . . . . | Arctic Fox . . . . . . . . . . .| Male . . . . . . . .| Arctic . . . . . . . . . . .| Looking for a mate


Forum Name: Windskipper
Name: Wind
Species: Arctic Fox
Gender: Female
Arctic Fox winter.jpg
Arctic Fox winter.jpg (2.29 KiB) Viewed 13110 times
Arctic Fox summer.jpg
Arctic Fox summer.jpg (125.77 KiB) Viewed 13110 times
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank): Silver (Best friend and her sister, lives with her like in a pack)
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank):
Other(can be left blank): Her smell isn't as good as most foxes, but her hearing is better than most. She can also hear a slightly larger range of sounds. She is a long distance runner, but can run fast if she wishes.

Forum Name: Winskipper
Name: Silver
Species: Arctic Fox
Gender: Female
Arctic Fox sum.jpg
Arctic Fox sum.jpg (5.7 KiB) Viewed 13109 times
Pure black and somewhat fuffy.
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank): Wind (Best friend and sister, lives with her like in a pack)
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): A bit of a dare-devil, she is bold but smart enough to know when it's right to do certain things.
Other(can be left blank): Larger than most female foxes, about the size of an red fox, strong enough to fight with males.

Forum Name: Foxesrule
Name: Snowy
Species: Arctic hare
Gender: Female
Appearance: ... Hare_1.jpg In summer: ... Summer.jpg
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank):
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank):
Other(can be left blank):

Forum Name: Alpha Ridley
Name: Ashley
Species: Peregrine Falcon
Gender: Female
Appearance: A graceful female falcon, but a fierce fighter and hunter. Her kind has evolved to survive colder temperatures. Ashley's prey has also evolved to live in the colder winters.
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank): A brother named Selver.
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): She's a bit stubborn, but a warm hearted bird.
Other(can be left blank):

Forum Name: shadow wolf
Name: Midnight
Species: arctic wolf
Gender: female
Appearance: changes colour depending in which biome she is in, if in forests or grasslands she is grey/ tawny if in artic/ mountains, white.
Story(can be left blank): exiled from her family for doing a wrong deed...
Family(can be left blank): exiled
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): strong fierce hunter, hunts whatever comes by her path, even as big as a bear...
Other(can be left blank):

Forum Name: Kimiko70714
Name: Blizzard in the Winter Morning (Blizzard for short)
Species: Arctic Fox
Gender: Male
Appearance: Snow white in winter, snow white with black patches in spring, pitch black in summer, pitch black with snow white patches in autumn. Emerald green eyes, a scar across his right eye.
Story(can be left blank): -
Family(can be left blank): -
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): -
Other(can be left blank): (looking for a mate)
Last edited by Windskipper on Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:55 am, edited 10 times in total.
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NAME: Windskipper
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Re: Arctic Survival

Post by Windskipper »

The sky is gray, snow falling softly and landing soundlessly on the thick layer of the white stuff.

(As Wind)
"I wonder if I'll find prey in this kind of weather. It's hard to tell."
With Silver by my side, I pad silently through the snow, careful not to make any snow crunch.
"Silver, you stay behind and watch for any preadators. I'll do the hunting."
This was reasonalble, since she was quite large and might scare any lemmings away. Using my excellent hearing skills, I locate a little creature, about three tail-lengths (haha, from Warriors) away. I crouch down slowly, and start to stalk forward. Silver already knows that she should always keep silent when I'm hunting, so I'm not nervous about it. One tail-length away now. Half a tail.....and I pounce, nearly crushing the poor thing. I killed it from the impact, and I pick it up in my jaws.

(As Silver)
I sniff out a lemming so ever slightly, the scent smudged by all the snow. I didn't tell my sister, since I didn't really want to hurt her feelings. I look around and check for any other animals nearby. None. I follow my sister as silently as I can. She tells me to stay and I obey, still watching out for any other creatures. She catches a lemming and we head back to our den.
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Re: Arctic Survival

Post by Foxesrule »

Forum Name: Foxesrule
Name: Snowy
Species: Arctic hare
Appearance: ... Hare_1.jpg In summer: ... Summer.jpg
In winter, Snowy is pure whit, apart from black ear-tips. In summer, she is a light brown woth a white tail. All of the year, she had shining green eyes.
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank):
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank):
Other(can be left blank):
Last edited by Foxesrule on Sat May 05, 2012 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arctic Survival

Post by Windskipper »

Accepted. Let's start role-playing!

In a large den, deep in the ground and under the snow, Silver and Wind sit.

(As Silver)
"Hey. What should we do with the lemming?"
She looked at her sister, expecting her sister to reply at anytime.
"We can store it. After all, we do need some food to store."
Her sister didn't seem very confident in her reply.
I let out a little sigh, and started to think.
"Maybe I could go out and scavenge some. Get a chunk of meat or two."
I told my sister about the idea, and she nodded. She said she'd finish the den while I was out.
"Be careful!"
Was the last thing I heard from her, and I set off for food.

(As Wind)
Silver asked what we should do with the prey, and I was somewhat troubled by this. If we stored it, we would have nothing to eat. If we ate it, we would have nothing else left in storage, and Winter is a harsh season. Finally, I made my decision.
"We can store it. After all, we do need some food to store."
But that didn't lighten my troubles. Silver then said she would go out for some meat, and I said I would care for the den.
"Be careful!"
I remembered to say it at the last moment. With only two foxes in a pack, it's dangerous to even lose one. Then I'd be lone. I sigh and start to clean the den, expanding it when I was tired of cleaning.

((Hey, Foxesrule. Would you like for me to join your "Life in the City" role-play. And I'm planning to let Silver die. :P Hope your hare doesn't die. Have fun!))
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NAME: Windskipper
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Foxesrule »

((You mean Foxes of the city? I don't mind if you join or not, you can choose. :D And sorry this is a very short and undetailed post. I'm just tired.))

Snowy sniffed around, smelling some vegetation underneath the freezing, white snow. She started to dig and didn't stop until she found some food. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing, so Snowy ate it happily.
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Windskipper »

((Okay. Have fun!))

(As Silver)
After hours of trotting, I come to grey wolf territory. The scent comes from about three tail-lengths away. But I was really hungry, and I bet my sister was too, plus I smelled a corpse, about seven tail-lengths away from the territory edge. I sniff the air, checking for wolves, and head into their territory. I was taught never to do such a thing, but you know, sometimes there are special occasions. I head for the corpse, eat my fill, and grab a chunk when I hear the wolves. I guess the scent of the carcass had distracted my nose. I start to run, as far and as fast as I can, biting hard on the meat in my jaws, but not so hard as to break it off. I bet the wolves had scented me and know what I've done, and are either growling at their loss or getting ready to chase me. But I had no time for thinking. I ran and ran and ran, but since I just ate, my full belly slowed me down. I guess I was careful enough to smell the air every once in a while, but I had to get going. I was nowhere near the den. Soon, my full belly was depleted. I searched for some more meat, and managed to find an almost-clean carcass. I pick off the last pieces of meat and dare to bite off a small chunk from the piece of meat I'd carried all this way. A day had gone by by now. I guess I got lost, since there was a big blizzard that went on for ten hours. I hid in a hole and waited for it to go by. The snow's a bit heavy now, but okay for traveling. The falling snow prevents me from detecting the nearby hungry polar bear, and I only hear it when it was four tail-lengths far. I bet it smelt me, or heard or saw me, but anyway, it was coming for me. It didn't chase for long, though. I found a hole somewhere, and went down to sleep. When I woke up, the scent of wolves almost made me yelp out loud. Their snuffling and whining sounds filled my ears, then growling sounds followed. And I knew that I must've wandered into their territory somehow. And now they're going to kill me. I stuffed the meat behind me, and readied myself for a fight. A large male leaped down, snarling. His eyes were shining with anger, his low growl full with hostilty. He lunges for my neck, and since the hole could just hold me and that wolf, I was barely able to dodge. But we managed to switch positions, a bad position for me. Another wolf leaped down and bit my back, unable to grab me. The male wolf inside the hole pushes me outside, and the other wolves finish me off.

(As Wind, after Silver died)
I sigh. It's been three days since Silver went out, and if this goes on, I can only suppose she died. I've finished the den, and I'm making a nest now. I'm planning to mate next year, but it's a big decision. I nudge a piece of grass into place and flatten out the thin mat of grass I've made. I sniff and listen for anything before I head out, and detect a small lemming, nothing more. I've eaten the lemming in the pile, and found a carcass somewhere. It was quite fresh and it didn't have much meat left. The food pile only has three pieces of meat, and I'm going to try and catch that lemming. I missed later on, but manage to get a mouthful of grass. I take it back and build the nest. I settle down for the day, checking for any preadators before I sleep. The next morning, the snow's softer. I go hunting, but only get a piece of meat and some grass later on. I check the area around the den, and it's all safe. I'm quite proud of finding such a nice place, but I guess it's cause of the low population. Life is still quite difficult, though, but I'm lucky enough. I trot in the snow, searching for more food.
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Alpha Ridley »

Forum Name: Alpha Ridley
Name: Ashley
Species: Peregrine Falcon
Gender: Female
Appearance: A graceful female falcon, but a fierce fighter and hunter. Her kind has evolved to survive colder temperatures. Ashley's prey has also evolved to live in the colder winters.
Story(can be left blank):
Family(can be left blank): A brother named Selver.
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): She's a bit stubborn, but a warm hearted bird.
Other(can be left blank):
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Windskipper »

Accepted. And Foxesrule, I just found out I couldn't view your pics. Can you change a link, add a description or do you want it like that?
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Foxesrule »

((Sorry for not roleplaying in this post.))
Windskipper wrote:Accepted. And Foxesrule, I just found out I couldn't view your pics. Can you change a link, add a description or do you want it like that?
I'll keep the link, but I'll add a description aswell.
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Alpha Ridley »

Ashley flew across the white sky, searching for food. She spotted a dead fox in the distance. Swooping down, she started to quietly take pieces of it away and eating it. She flew off when she saw the wolves charging towards her.
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by shadow-wolf »

Forum Name: shadow wolf
Name: Midnight
Species: artic wolf
Gender: female
Appearance: changes colour depending in which biome she is in, if in forests or grasslands she is grey/ tawny if in artic/ mountains, white.
Story(can be left blank): exiled from her family for doing a wrong deed...
Family(can be left blank): exiled
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): strong fierce hunter, hunts whatever comes by her path, even as big as a bear...
Other(can be left blank):
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by kimiko70714 »

Forum Name: Kimiko70714
Name: Blizzard in the Winter Morning (Blizzard for short)
Species: Arctic Fox
Gender: Male
Appearance: Snow white in winter, snow white with black patches in spring, pitch black in summer, pitch black with snow white patches in autumn. Emerald green eyes, a scar across his right eye.
Story(can be left blank): -
Family(can be left blank): -
Personality(you may role-play it out and leave this blank): -
Other(can be left blank): (looking for a mate)
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Windskipper »

((Is anyone willing to take over for me? I'm not going to be active. But I'm going to connect everyone now....>:D))

Wind locates an artic hare and about to pounce when the presence of a male disturbs her. She turns around and becomes alert, waiting for the male to do something. Then, she hears the slight but unmistakable shuffle of a wolf, and she decides that if the male does nothing, she would run first. After all, safety comes first.

(Can Foxesrule, Kimiko70714 and shadow-wolf come in here? As for Alpha Ridley, I can't really connect you in this scene, so I might make a second character or you try to meet with us. So....who's taking over for me?)
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by Foxesrule »

Snowy suddenly saw the predators- And ran. Ran, ran and ran. Snowy quickly digged a small hole and hid in it, hoping the rpedators wouldn't notice her.
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Re: Animal Survival

Post by kimiko70714 »

Blizzard in the Winter Morning listened as the strange female missed the hare; it would be his food now. He hared after the fleeing critter, gaining quickly. His hearing and sense of smell helped him locate it even after it dove into the snowdrift. He dove in after it, locating it and reaching his paw to get it.
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