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Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:01 pm
by Ayashe
Surely you've heard of one or the other. Both, even?

They are both animal roleplaying games, though they are very different.

Feralheart has already been released, but is still in the early stages and subject to gain new features with time. You have the choice between a canine and a feline model, both of witch you can customize with a lot of freedom. Coat color, markings, eye color & shape, width, height, weight, etc.
FeralHeart was created by KovuLKD to give the players a chance to create and share. There's a built in map maker, where you can upload height maps and edit in objects and even your own meshes. A sky maker is also there for creating your own day and night and weather.

My opinion about the game:

Please note that this is just my opinion, and you should always try it for yourself before judging it.

It has great potential, but it will never be anything like the game before it, Impressive Title. (Which is actually back and owned by another person, though I'm not sure who.) I think the addition of canines ruined the community, filling it with wolfaboos and trolls. That was bound to happen, though. The staff, however, are great. If only Kovu would put them to use! "NO in-game mods." Why? Really, what harm could it do? There are many suitable people for the job if the current staff are too busy. Is Kovu too prideful to admit that his game is going downhill and may possibly be the hotspot for wolfaboos now? That's all I can come up with. *shrug*
One thing that set my decision to leave FH in stone was the report button. It was a fake. It does nothing.
"The report button was implemented to give a (FALSE) sense of security to the members." That's low. Really low.
If Kovu doesn't get his game straight, I'm afraid it's going to be a failure to upgrade Impressive Title. I really hope IT didn't go down for nothing.


Aro'kai is also, like FH, an animal roleplaying game where you choose a species, run around, chat, and RP. However, it looks to hold a bit more potential. The game is set to come out in Phases.

Phase 1:
Owls :: This was recently changed to canines because of some difficulties Superfeesh (Game creator) was having with flight controls.
Phase 2: Felines
Phase 3: Deer & Bears
Phase 4: Gryphon & Dragons

I'm not sure where Owls are coming in, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. ^^

The world, unlike FH (Which has portals to go to different maps.) will have one huge seamless world. Some were suggesting that it be spherical, like Earth, but nothing like that is certain. Each species will have a 'home'. Like, a place in the world claimed by that species.
The world is largely in the planning stages and I can't really say much else when it comes to what to expect.

AK also may have PvP (Player vs Player). Super said yes, but later. Right now the main priority is getting the models for the species done.

There will be NPCs and a Storyline, but the story has only be revealed to the staff and not much has been hear about it. It has been announced that there will be a good and a bad side. Felines, Bears, and dragons on the bad. Canines, Deer and Gryphons on the good. I think Owls are neutral. x3

A few screenshots:

(These are from the official forum and the dA. I didn't take them.)
Equines I don't think they're officially going to be in the game, though.
Wyvern/Dragon Super calls it a Wyvern, but many argue it's a Dragon because of the four legs.
Canines 2

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:49 pm
by €hrysalisΨolfHer☼
I agree with you about Feral Heart, to a point. Although, now it has wolfaboos as well as lionboos or whatever you want to call them. :roll: There's always gonna be trolls and -inserthere-aboos no matter what the animal. And really? A fake report button? How would they like it if all the users left because they were being lied to and never secured in the first place? :evil:

I personally am excited for Aro'kai. The graphics look better and more realistic than Feral Heart. The deer especially are beautiful. I don't know too much about it, but I thought owls are going to be in the game as well as canines? I watch SuperFeesh on Deviantart and I don't remember reading anything about replacing owls...

Oh, and don't forget about Gryphons! :D

Musical preview of Aro'kai

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:57 pm
by Ayashe
She didn't replace the owls, but the canines are now the first species and will be in the first release. That's what they told me on the livestream last night, which is on right now actually. c:

If you see 'Offline' then it's okay. She's just brb.

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:03 pm
by €hrysalisΨolfHer☼
Ohh ok. I thought you meant like, totally replaced. That would've been terrible. XD Thanks for the link! It's Offline now, so I'll probably just work on my project while waiting. :p

Out of all the models, the deer is definitely my fave. (not the canine? SHOCK) I just lOVE the way it moves! *drools*

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:04 pm
by Quagga
If FH falls, then IT and FH didn't exist for nothing; it existed to teach others how to not create and run a game. :P

IT felt a bit intimidating, what with so many people around. I was afraid peoples would be watching me when I do something unintentionally stupid, and they'd be all, "lol idiot/noob." >.< I dunno, I just don't like IT, and I probably won't like FH either. Aro'kai will probably be nice for the graphics, but since it's possibly going to be similar to IT/FH, I probably won't play... I can only hope that more singleplayer-peoples, like I, will be thought of by the Aro'kai creators! It'd sure be nice...

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:08 pm
by €hrysalisΨolfHer☼
Quagga wrote:If FH falls, then IT and FH didn't exist for nothing; it existed to teach others how to not create and run a game. :P
Bahaha. XD Nice one.

I've seen the character creator videos. Dey be kewl lookin. Pfft my number one hope at this point is that there's a legit report button and awesome staff.

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:08 pm
by Ragdoll
Ehh, I play IT & FH for 4 or 5 years, and I kinda got bored of them. I mean, the first time I started IT I was amazed and loved it, but now its just kinda of... Ehhh. I mean, I liked the families that there were, the lineage and prides, and it was just funner in the early stages, in my opinion. I mean, you knew everyone!

Aro'kai, I'm very excited for and will definately be playing it.

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:15 pm
by SilentEcho
I think Aro'kai's world might take a while to load, unless it's similar to Runescape, and as you walk into a new area you have to wait for it to load, but there's no loading screen. Also, what happened to deer?

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:38 pm
by €hrysalisΨolfHer☼
What do you mean what happened to deer? Are you talking about Runescape?

Because as far as Aro'kai goes the deer seem just fine. XD More than fine. :mrgreen:

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:13 pm
by SilentEcho
Oh right, I didn't read the Phase 3 thing right ^_^

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:37 pm
by Døøm Dragøn
When Aro'kai is finally resleased I may ditch FeralHeart forever since...well...I can be a flippen dragon! Oh joy! But...they call it a wyvern?...How dare they, nooo! A wyvern has no front legs/arms while a dragon does...

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:52 pm
by SilentEcho
I personally like Wyverns better, but I don't see why they couldn't include dragons too.


Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:58 am
by Ayashe
Lol, I really don't see the problem with calling them Wyverns. She said because 'it sounds cool'. Good enough reason for me. xD
But since so many people kept yelling at her for it, Super added the option of no front legs. (I didn't hear that from Super herself, I think someone commented on the dA. So it may not be true. xD) What cracks me up is when people are like, "BUT DRAGONS/WYVERNS/GRYPHONS LOOK LIKE THIS AND THEY DIDN'T DO THAT!" Really? Have you seen any of those before? They are fantasy creatures and can look however we want them to look. They don't all have to be blue or red, and not all have to have scales or claws. That's why I like them, there's really no set look for a dragon, wyvern or gryphon.

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:16 am
by Døøm Dragøn
If they are given the option of no front legs then the name wyvern is fine for me. In fact, I may make one so the wings will become all the more important.

Re: Aro'kai & FeralHeart

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:41 am
by Quagga
There's no exact look for the fantasy creatures, but there is still a general appearance for them.

There truly is a general accepted idea of what some fantasy creatures look like - like the wyverns, with only their two legs and two wings; gryphon with a lion's body and eagle's head and wings; hippogriffs being part eagle, part horse... Naturally, exceptions exist, but there is usually a general appearance and "rule" in order for them to be that creature. A dragon can vary with scales and skin, perhaps even fur if the creator pleases; long heads and short heads, beaks and jaws, paws and claws, snake-like and lizard-like; but naturally, a horse is not a dragon. The dragon variations are all different, but are still notably dragons by their build.

Unicorns are horses with horns. The change to a deer or antelope with a single horn is reasonable; horses and deer have a general, similar build. But if it were to a lizard with a single horn on its head, it would be absurd to call it a unicorn...