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Another story...

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:46 am
by SilentEcho
I wrote this story last year, and I plan on continuing it, so if you guys have any crit or suggestions please tell me :)

Unamed story:

Soft spring wind blew through a very softly wooded forest, a nice change from the freezing gusts of wind that blew everything apart in winter. Much had changed in that particular forest that year. One of the more…remembered happenings occurred very recently; Winter was coming to an end and the snow was rapidly melting, revealing bitter green grass, something the elk in the area had been craving. Of course, where Elk go, wolves are always close, as they love the taste of these peaceful animals. As more snow melted, more elk came, and soon, the whole forest was filled with elk, which’d just moulted their antlers and were spluttering blood all over the place.
Wolves from forests elsewhere were cautiously entering the elk-feeding frenzy, which of course, angered the local packs but of course, they held in their anger and let them stay. So, for almost a week, wolves were in hiding, waiting for the elk to become plump and lazy, and by the end of that week, many of the packs were planning hunting techniques and discussing elk in general. All of those wolves were prepared; all of those wolves were ready for the hunt, except for one, dopey wolf: Bee.
“Hey, share some of that rabbit!” she screeched, drawing attention to a small, brown wolf that’d caught a large rabbit. Everybody had been told to keep their voices low, as any sudden noise would made the elk flee, Bee of course disregarded pretty much every rule. Every pack of wolves suddenly hushed, with an odd murmur carried into the air. A loud snarl was rumbling from the most eastern pack, it was Demanutaur, the lead male of a large pack from the heavily forested areas nearby, he did not like it when a wolf broke the rules of “The annual inter-pack elk hunting festival” tradition and would probably tear a wolf apart if he could-and rumors say he has.The omega of his pack; Opheria, barked at him “Do not do this again o’ mighty one, this wolf does not mean trouble, she is only rather…slow in the brain”. Opheria was referring to the last time a wolf broke the rules, he’d ripped of a chunk of the wolf’s skin in pure anger and scared the fur off of of every other wolf.
Bee cringed, scared of the same thing happening to her. “Don’t dare tell me what to do small omega. Our pack will risk starvation if the day is wrecked by this inferior wolf” Demanutaur growled “This wolf should be immediately be demoted to omega and she should not attend the hunting festival”.
A roar came from the right side of the packs “She is in my pack, you do not run my pack. DO NOT TRY!” A smaller, but bulkier gray male began stepping towards Demanutaur, “Bee is a valued wolf, my pack does not cruelly settle things”. Demanutaur snarled at the other wolf, lifting his tail into the air dominantly. The smaller wolf’s hair raised and he bared his teeth.
“Give it up Aglar, your pack is not mightier than mine, you are all weak wusses!” Demanutaur barked, raising his fur and baring his teeth too.
A dark black male entered the scene, he of course was smaller than the others but was clearly the most intelligent “You are all imbeciles, arguing will not make the elk die, if you want to prove your strength, there are other, less barbaric ways of doing it. Such as an elk hunting competition, the pack who kills the most elk will be crowned “Most powerful pack. Deal?”.
The other lead males agreed, giving soft snarls at eachother. Though, they’d not realized that every wolf in the area was totally silent and almost scared of their leader’s decision, they all then turned their heads to the elk, who, just hundreds of metres away were grazing on the grass..
A few hours later, every pack was in formation and ready to begin hunting, Bee’s pack, the “Pack of sorrowful souls” was going to send small groups of wolves to hunt individual elk. Since there are around 12 wolves in the pack, they moved into 3 packs of 4, each with a designated leader. Bee’s group had all the strongest females in it, the lead-female, Bojah was a large white and brown wolf with bright gold eyes was the leader of her group, she was the largest and the strongest.There were two other wolves that were Bee’s size, but Bee failed to remember their names.
“Let the hunting begin!” A small brown wolf announced, a ripple of voices went through the air, then everybody went silent and began to hunt. Bee’s group trotted in between trees, looking around for the weakest elk. Bee spotted an injured male, it’s antlers had just fallen off and the scent of the blood made Bee’s heart beat so much faster.She softly tapped the ground, the rest of her group spotted the elk and nodded. Bee was strong and fast, but her will to hunt was-over the top, the sight of an injured elk would easily maker her jump for joy-sadly, this usually scared the elk away in seconds. But the thought of losing the comptetion hushed her inside and she was ready to hunt. Bojah lept out into the open, and begun chasing the elk, the rest following behind.
There wasn’t much strategy, they’d just chase the elk until it could run no more. Although it was weak, the elk seemed to have endless energy, so-without informing anybody, Bee raced ahead of the others and leapt onto the elk’s rump, sinking her huge canines into the soft flesh. Bee tasted the blood, and it made her taste buds tingle, but the elk was now furiously bucking. Bojah raced in front of the elk, who was too busy trying to get Bee off to realize. Bojah leapt for the elk’s neck, missing the throat but still grabbing onto it’s neck. She tried her best to pull the flesh off, but the elk’s skin did not rip. Another two wolves ran underneath the elk and ripped it’s stomach open, causing the elk to collapse onto it’s side. Bojah was finally able to kill it and Bee howled with glee, the other 3 joined in.The 4 dragged the elk under some trees and set out for more hunting. The blood on Bee’s lips and teeth reminded her of how hungry she was.
Bojah sniffed the ground momentarily and began running, the others followed. Bee knew that the whole herd would be running away, and it would take a while to catch up-though when this did happen, they found a calf who’d stopped running to catch it’s breath, Bee sprinted towards it and leapt onto the calf, snapping it’s neck quickly. The calf did not even manage to scream before it lay on the ground, dead.
Bee looked for more, while the others carried the calf.