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Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:22 am
by animalguy888
StarWolf wrote:I think I need advice on how to do this...
Okay, so I joined up with a manga club. The goal is for each of us to make characters and a story and MAYBE draw out the story. I have the main character(Khalida, or just Khal) and some of the storyline. But, Im not sure how to progress any further... should I write out the story in a certain form or just skip to drawing what I have? .-.
Im not sure what to say. Im not that good with manga. Plus I can only draw whales,birds,some fish,and the solor system. Im also still working on my spheres.Not only that but comics and anime do not interest me. Though If I were to do that I would go with the storyline first. Im not sure what form of story would be needed for this. Sorry.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:22 pm
by LunaWolf
StarWolf wrote:I think I need advice on how to do this...
Okay, so I joined up with a manga club. The goal is for each of us to make characters and a story and MAYBE draw out the story. I have the main character(Khalida, or just Khal) and some of the storyline. But, Im not sure how to progress any further... should I write out the story in a certain form or just skip to drawing what I have? .-.
What I'd do is chart out the whole storyline, before progressing to drawing. Doesn't have to be detailed, just a chart like: |BEGINNING|MIDDLE|ENDING| With an overview of major events in each part. Then you can work out the details, and work on drawing parts.

This is a good thread to have; I've been writing a story lately, and I'll be sure to pop in here for input if I'm ever unsure on something.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:11 pm
by StarWolf
I see... the way i've been attempting to do it kind of in play format- that way, if I don't make it into a manga(which i probably won't...) I'll at least be able to make SOMETHING out of it. :D But, seeing as I have a work-attention span of a goldfish... I haven't gotten past the opening.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:18 pm
by Alias
animalguy888 wrote:
DarkReality wrote:No problem. Do you have a spell check? Or something to proof-read your work? I always write my stories on Pages and I used to on Word (Word can automatically proof-read work). My father always tells me to do research before I write, so it's a good idea to know some facts about the subject you want to write about. If you suddenly have a great idea and you want to rush through it – don't. Simply jot it down on a notepad or something in bullet points. Take your time when you write and think about all the different senses (which of course, I think you've done brilliantly) sight, smell, taste, hearing, feeling. Also who, where, why, what, how etc. The best selling books not only have a great plot, the description is what really brings the story to life ;]
Have a quick scroll up to the first post and read through 'Inspiration' for more tips ;]
So, do you enjoy writing?

I might have spell check im not sure. I am currently using Notepad to write this story. I have some experince with native americans. My interest comes from know two and living with one. A couple of my bestfriends in the eastern portion of my home state are native american. To add to that my foster/adopted brother is full native american. All that sparked my interest in native american culture. So yes i have done some research on native american culture. Also I always loved writing when I was younger. Then my life got busy and I stopped writing. Now its been a few years and the one I posted here is the first in long time.

Wow, that's great! I've always been interested in Native Americans and their beliefs and such. I think you should continue to write stories. As someone once said; "Five minutes a day is better than half and hour at the weekends." Just a few lines a day will help you progress through your story without having to worry about when you have lots of time and when you don't ;]

StarWolf wrote:I think I need advice on how to do this...
Okay, so I joined up with a manga club. The goal is for each of us to make characters and a story and MAYBE draw out the story. I have the main character(Khalida, or just Khal) and some of the storyline. But, Im not sure how to progress any further... should I write out the story in a certain form or just skip to drawing what I have? .-.

Lunawolf is right. Jot down the main events of the story first, and once you've got your planning, start picturing bits of the story in your head. Also, not only should a story have a beginnign, middle and end, a prologue and help your readers understand basically what the story is about. A prologue is an opening that sets the scene. It creates an image in the reader's mind about the main characteristics of the story. For example, I planned to write a story about a orphaned wolf cub. The prologue explains how he lost his family, and also includes descriptions about the area it was set in (Yellowstone National Park, it was, in Amethyst Mountain) and also the weather and climate etc.
For more inspiration, read the first post ;]

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:23 pm
by animalguy888
Started working on chapter two. However I may add to chapter 1 later. Heres what my story looks like now.


Hi my name is Great Owl. I am 80 years old and am one of my villiges eldest. I currently live on a tibal reserve in canada. though It was not always that way. I used to belong to the Cherokee nation in the place you call Georgia. This story will share my life. It will also share the secrets that will become legends.

Chapter 1
The Hunt

The Bison stampeded across the land creating a thunderous roar, with hooves like solid steel the land felt their cry as the ran frightened. Three men approached on the horizon. Each armed with only a primitive bow and arrow for both defence and offence.With one swift pull of the bow it one of the men struck a Bison to the back. It fell to the ground and gave a sound of pain. The second man fired hitting it in the leg injuring it so it could not get back up. The third man struck it as well. With the final blow to the head the Bison was now dead. This battle between man and beast, predator vs prey plays often in the days of Native Americans. Food is necessary for all animals on earth and it is the same for humans.

Chapter 2
The village

At the end of that day the tribe gathered around a campfire and ate bison as the hunters told storys about their biggest kills. Intersted like a bear to a fish was I Great Owl. However I was only 14 then and had not achieved the name Great Owl. Back then I went by the name Dustu. It is a Cherokee name that means spring frog. Before I could become a hunter I needed to be 16. On My birthday I would have to pass a test. I would need travel in the american wilderness and survive for a full year. Only then would I be worthy enough to be considered an adult. It seems even in the late evening our village is considered large enough to rival New York. That is if New York was a native american village and was extremly small compared to its modern size. We had fishermen ,hunters,medicinemen,elders and just about every other kind of citizen.

As you can tell its a fictional story but I did use realistic names for some of the tribes,people,and places. I plan to add more later.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:32 am
by Alias
It's doing well so far ;] Perhaps you could make the chapters longer?

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:20 am
by animalguy888
DarkReality wrote:It's doing well so far ;] Perhaps you could make the chapters longer?

Thanks. Yes I plan to eventually make the chapters longer im just going through the basic ideas I had first.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:04 pm
by Alias
I see, good idea. Keep updating, I'll be interested to see what's going to happen!

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:45 pm
by Scarikas
Something separates us
We may not see it
or take notice
But it's there.
Sometimes we like to pretend it's not there
But it's quite a problem.
The snow blizzard storms outside, covering the ground in a cold, beautiful blanket.
Keeping me home from my school, full of bullies and haters.
Full of nonsense that hurts me from the inside out.
But I know where you are, it's much warmer and you're probably at school with your friends
While I'm stuck behind this object that separates us.
It's like glass, and we draw on it. Draw with me.
Or maybe it's just a computer monitor
and my pencil is the mouse
and the world stands between yours and mine
but I know somehow somewhere someday
We'll see eachother, and go to the same school, and have the same weather
and we won't let the world stand between us anymore.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:50 pm
by Alias
Very much like my Time poem, actually.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:00 pm
by Scarikas
I feel like writing another poem. About my fanfiction characters.

It doesn't matter how we say either thing.
Soon you will be half and half
And feline matters we'll all have
I don't care what you think
Or how smart you are
or how good you sing
The goal for this is to find your match
Now shoot the gun and open the latch
Down I go... Down I go?
Down you go. Don't be so slow.
You're coming with me, you fool.

Hun, Don't try to argue with me.
I know my wrongs and who to be
But sure, I promised to keep my word
but instead you pecked me with birds.
Revenge is coming, soon and bloody.
But who's blood will be shed
on a day so sunny?
I could bury you alive
or stab you with a knife
I could break your little neck
Or tear you both to shreds
Oh, Hun, you think I'm trying to scare you?
I have claws in-case you didn't notice.

Hey, Who said I forgot who I was?
I still remembered what happened so many moons ago.
And it doesn't matter what finishes to what
I'll be gone in seasons to go.
But if you think I'll let this clan down
and go back to my loyalty for the dirt underground
I'll fight off every badger that trespasses
And cut off the tip of every twoleg's eyelashes
Don't call me a coward
Don't call me a traitor
Don't call me immoral
Or I'll make sure to kill you later
Don't call me a devil
Don't insult my traits
Or I'll come at you one day
And that'le be your fate...
This poem is horrible...

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:25 pm
by animalguy888
Scarikas wrote:I feel like writing another poem. About my fanfiction characters.

It doesn't matter how we say either thing.
Soon you will be half and half
And feline matters we'll all have
I don't care what you think
Or how smart you are
or how good you sing
The goal for this is to find your match
Now shoot the gun and open the latch
Down I go... Down I go?
Down you go. Don't be so slow.
You're coming with me, you fool.

Hun, Don't try to argue with me.
I know my wrongs and who to be
But sure, I promised to keep my word
but instead you pecked me with birds.
Revenge is coming, soon and bloody.
But who's blood will be shed
on a day so sunny?
I could bury you alive
or stab you with a knife
I could break your little neck
Or tear you both to shreds
Oh, Hun, you think I'm trying to scare you?
I have claws in-case you didn't notice.

Hey, Who said I forgot who I was?
I still remembered what happened so many moons ago.
And it doesn't matter what finishes to what
I'll be gone in seasons to go.
But if you think I'll let this clan down
and go back to my loyalty for the dirt underground
I'll fight off every badger that trespasses
And cut off the tip of every twoleg's eyelashes
Don't call me a coward
Don't call me a traitor
Don't call me immoral
Or I'll make sure to kill you later
Don't call me a devil
Don't insult my traits
Or I'll come at you one day
And that'le be your fate...
This poem is horrible...
I like it. Its better than anthing I could ever do. Im not really that much of a poet also i do not even read poems much but I think you did a nice job.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:20 am
by Lysander
Hello! Came around for a little walk by.
I wrote a (failed) Grimdark TF Fan fiction :O (Gasp!) ... -280498009 (Needs account)
Its funny cause its laser guided at your child hood.
Honsestly i dont like it.
It counts 3,517 words and im still dissapointed in it.
Now i know some of you are a bit squimish about Voilent stories so ill make this loud and clear.
Mature warnings are there for a reason.

Eh... My inspiration was my friends joke, A few MLP Grimdark fics and some songs.
Sorry if you cant read it because you dont have an account. Its just that it might be a little too long for this and a bit scary.

Make sure to bring some brain bleach and a whole lot of seat belts.

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:44 pm
by animalguy888
Im out of ideas. Right now that is. I posted my story earler but now im out of thoughts. Any suggestions on were the storys should go. What it should incude. Like new animals to enconter,new people to meet,New characters... ill accept anything really. Just so you know what i have so far here is what I got.


Hi my name is Great Owl. I am 80 years old and am one of my villiges eldest. I currently live on a tibal reserve in canada. though It was not always that way. I used to belong to the Cherokee nation in the place you call Georgia. This story will share my life. It will also share the secrets that will become legends.

Chapter 1
The Hunt

The Bison stampeded across the land creating a thunderous roar, with hooves like solid steel the land felt their cry as the ran frightened. Three men approached on the horizon. Each armed with only a primitive bow and arrow for both defence and offence.With one swift pull of the bow it one of the men struck a Bison to the back. It fell to the ground and gave a sound of pain. The second man fired hitting it in the leg injuring it so it could not get back up. The third man struck it as well. With the final blow to the head the Bison was now dead. This battle between man and beast, predator vs prey plays often in the days of Native Americans. Food is necessary for all animals on earth and it is the same for humans.

Chapter 2
The village

At the end of that day the tribe gathered around a campfire and ate bison as the hunters told storys about their biggest kills. Intersted like a bear to a fish was I Great Owl. However I was only 14 then and had not achieved the name Great Owl. Back then I went by the name Dustu. It is a Cherokee name that means spring frog. Before I could become a hunter I needed to be 16. On My birthday I would have to pass a test. I would need travel in the american wilderness and survive for a full year. Only then would I be worthy enough to be considered an adult. It seems even in the late evening our village is considered large enough to rival New York. That is if New York was a native american village and was extremly small compared to its modern size. We had fishermen ,hunters,medicinemen,elders and just about every other kind of citizen.

should I put a new character in soon? If so what would his/her name be. What would his/her part be in the story? I will be open to anything!

Re: -Writer's Block- (Literacy Topic)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:36 am
by Alias
The character's best friend? We often see sidekicks of the main character in stories, or it could be the main character's family [brother, sister, father etc] If it helps you, write down your list of characters and beside their name write a short description.