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| | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:28 pm
by NatureHeart
On a planet, far away from Earth, there are dragons. They have lived in peace for a very long time. That is, until the humans came into the picture. The word got out all over Earth, and people everywhere were working hard to get the money for a spaceship. It started small, but science showed that the planet was the same as Earth, so they could live on there just like it was Earth. Generations went by, and the human population growed on the planet, as the dragon population grew smaller and smaller. They hunted dragons down for their skins and tender delicious meat. The dragons began to go extinct and were forced to live underground.
After 20 years of the life with no sun, the humans were mining when they found the dragons base nest. The news spread, and it started all over again. Supposedly only 10 dragon eggs survived the horrid hunt. To save their kind, they will have to work together to go to a new planet that dragons have dreamed about going to since it was discovered by the founder of the planet they lived on.

Chat speaking
Having insane powers (I will alert you if it is too extreme.)
Controlling weather, time, humans, or starting too much drama
Growing without my permission
Follow the rules
Role play correctly
Use proper grammar and spacing
Have fun!

I control time in purple, weather in blue, and humans in red. I will say when you can grow and stuff like that. There can only be 10 dragons that will hatch together, the rest are all alone.

(Feel free to add to it, just don't subtract.)

Code: Select all


The Dragons:

In Group:
NatureHeart wrote:Username: NatureHeart
Name: Miyax
Nickname: Mia
Gender: Female
Personality: I will RP this part, since I can't really describe it...
Description/Picture: ... ragons.jpg (I did not draw this)
Likes: Finding interesting things, freezing things, hunting, experimenting on things with ice.
Dislikes: Being looked down at, being scolded, being defeated, being made fun of, missing prey, being in a hot climate.
Power: She can breath either snow, air that is -40 degrees F, or small icicles.
Other: Very short temper.... Watch out..
Grep42 wrote:Username: Grep42
Name: Nethore
Nickname: Nettie
Gender: Female
Personality: Nettie is gentle dragon at heart, but can be quite ferocious if she has to be. She is also ambitious, always climbing to be leader.
Description/Picture: Adult: ... igital.jpg Chick: ... 4xt6zg.jpg
Likes: Company, free time.
Dislikes: Stress
Power: Fire breath, telekinesis.
niallz299 wrote:Username: niallz299
Name: Slasher
Nickname: ...^
Gender: Male
Personality: Will rp
Description/Picture: Likes: Black with green strips
Dislikes: Humans and people who army what they say
Power: Can control plants and talk to animals
Other: Nope
Foxesrule wrote:Username: Foxesrule
Name: Swift.
Nickname: Swifty.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Energetic, fun-lovable, Swift loves to boss the other young dragons about. As a wyvern, she only has 2 wings and 2 legs, with no arms. She loves to play pranks-So you'd better watch out! However, sometimes she prefers her own company.
Description/Picture: Image
Likes: Fun, games and bossing others about.
Dislikes: Bossy dragons, humans, rain and the sun.
Power: Controlling the wind, if possible. But not that good at it. (AKA, using Gust if a pokemon, or blowing pretty gentle wind out by flapping her wings sometimes.)
Other: Swift is a wyvern.
wildchild wrote:Username: Wildchild
Name: Aifoa (pronounced ee-fa)
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Personality: Aifoa is blunt, logical and straightforward, she says it how it is and although this can sometimes be something that others don't want to hear, at least she's honest. She has a good brain and can hold her own in a fight. She's not domineering, but she will make herself heard and she likes to appoint herself as leader when she can. She does like to have fun with the other dragons though, is very adventurous and can be very flirtatious, however she spends most of her time practising, perfecting and training.
Description/Picture: ... 0&offset=5 (as a youngster, but blue
Likes: Doing well, play-fighting, nature and adventure
Dislikes: Cruelty, lying, sugar coating things, failing and eating meat.
Power: She can control the element Earth and is born with the knowledge of the history of Dragons, why she and the others are there andeverything else nescesary to survive.
h00pysc00p wrote:Username: h00pysc00p
Name: Adalira
Nickname: Addy, Ada,
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet, fights if she needs to. Playful with young dragons,
Description/Picture: ... s/dg05.jpg
Likes: Bubbles. Water.
Dislikes: Being yelled at. Giving orders.
Power: Water..?
Other: That picture up there, is NOT mine.
MidnightRose wrote:Username: Midnightrose
Name: Emerald
Nickname: ... Emerald? (Or Emmy, I guess)
Gender: Female
Personality: Usually kind, but can get annoyed easily. She is very protective of her close friends.
Description/Picture: ... purple.jpg
Likes: Being with friends, practicing her power, cool weather.
Dislikes: Being separated from others, being told what to do.
Power: Water powers? (Such as controlling water, able to breath under water? If not, let me know :P)
Other: ... Nothing
KibaWolf wrote:Username:KibaWolf
Personality:Kind,annoyed easily,protective of friends,strong,and a natural born leader
picture:(see picture) Red with black wings and tail.
likes:Giving orders practicing her power,her friends,any weather above ice cold.Okay with snow.
dislikes:Large crowds,taking orders,and ice cold weather.
power:Fire powers:controlling fire and breathing fire.

Loner (To avoid having to many, loners are only accepted once all 10 slots in the group of dragons are filled):


Summer []
Fall []
Winter []
Spring [x]


Sunny []
Cloudy [x]
Rainy []
Stormy []
Windy []

Time of Day:

Dawn []
Morning [x]
Noon []
Afternoon []
Evening []
Dusk []
Midnight []

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:30 pm
by hoopyscoop
Yay you posted it! I will join it later :)

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:33 pm
by NatureHeart
h00pysc00p wrote:Yay you posted it! I will join it later :)

Yeah, you don't know how much I tweaked it.... O_O Thanks for your interest! :D

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:34 pm
by Grep42
Username: Grep42
Name: Nethore
Nickname: Nettie
Gender: Female
Personality: Nettie is gentle dragon at heart, but can be quite ferocious if she has to be. She is also ambitious, always climbing to be leader.
Description/Picture: Adult: ... igital.jpg Chick: ... 4xt6zg.jpg
Likes: Company, free time.
Dislikes: Stress
Power: Fire breath, telekinesis.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:36 pm
by NatureHeart
Accepted! You may start once 1 more person joins to avoid posting me then you, me then you over and over.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:41 pm
by niallz299
Username: niallz299
Name: Slasher
Nickname: ...^
Gender: Male
Personality: Slasher is very energetic, and opportunistic but loves sarcasm and pranks except when they are on him
Description/Picture: Likes: Black with green strips
Dislikes: Humans and people who army what they say
Power: Can control plants and talk to animals
Other: Nope

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:42 pm
by Foxesrule
Username: Foxesrule
Name: Swift.
Nickname: Swifty.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Energetic, fun-lovable, Swift loves to boss the other young dragons about. As a wyvern, she only has 2 wings and 2 legs, with no arms. She loves to play pranks-So you'd better watch out! However, sometimes she prefers her own company.
Description/Picture: Image
Likes: Fun, games and bossing others about.
Dislikes: Bossy dragons, humans, rain and the sun.
Power: Controlling the wind, if possible. But not that good at it. (AKA, using Gust if a pokemon, or blowing pretty gentle wind out by flapping her wings sometimes.)
Other: Swift is a wyvern.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:49 pm
by NatureHeart
niallz299 wrote:Username: niallz299
Name: Slasher
Nickname: ...^
Gender: Male
Personality: Will rp
Description/Picture: Likes: Black with green strips
Dislikes: Humans and people who army what they say
Power: Can control plants and talk to animals
Other: Nope
Could you add what she likes? It seems you left that out. :) But accepted! :D We can start RPing now!

8:00 in the morning. It is sunny with a few clouds outside. No humans in sight.

Miyax opened her eyes to darkness. Nothing was of surprise. It was all she had seen for months. As she felt extremely cramped in the space she was kept in, she stretched her legs out. She heard a crack and cool air filled her egg. She looked to her feet which was now glowing with light. She wiggled them to see that they were hers, and was surprised to see movement at all. She stretched out her arms and the same sound filled the egg. She rammed her head against her shell and she was blinded by sunshine. She slowly opened her eyes to see the world around her. She gasped in amazement and began on the rest of her body, but only got as much success as a rolly ride.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:52 pm
by Foxesrule
Swift stared at the (Hatching?) dragon. Smirking, (She rarley smiles, just smirks.) Swift grabbed a rock and put it in front of the dragon.
"It's food." she smirked. "Try it."

(If you meant I was accepted aswell. And sorry for the short post.)

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:54 pm
by Grep42
Nethore woke up. She didn't remember when she'd gone to sleep, or anything at all, but she woke up none the less. She chirped in alarm at not being able to move. It was dark, cramped, and scary. Nettie struggled, kicked, and rammed her cage in an attempt to get away. She punched through the wall with her pointed snout, and gasped the sweet air. Soon, the rest of her followed. Nettie almost immediately fell asleep, exhausted from the fight.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:56 pm
by NatureHeart
Foxesrule wrote:Username: Foxesrule
Name: Swift.
Nickname: Swifty.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Energetic, fun-lovable, Swift loves to boss the other young dragons about. As a wyvern, she only has 2 wings and 2 legs, with no arms. She loves to play pranks-So you'd better watch out! However, sometimes she prefers her own company.
Description/Picture: Image
Likes: Fun, games and bossing others about.
Dislikes: Bossy dragons, humans, rain and the sun.
Power: Controlling the wind, if possible. But not that good at it. (AKA, using Gust if a pokemon, or blowing pretty gentle wind out by flapping her wings sometimes.)
Other: Swift is a wyvern.
Accepted! Sorry, didn't see your form!

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:58 pm
by Foxesrule
Foxesrule wrote:Swift stared at the (Hatching?) dragon. Smirking, (She rarley smiles, just smirks.) Swift grabbed a rock and put it in front of the dragon.
"It's food." she smirked. "Try it."
(Re-posting because I feel like it. XD.)

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:59 pm
by Grep42
Nettie blinked her eyes open. She saw Swifty, offering something. This other dragon was annoying, how dare she wake her up! Nettie jumped at it, snapping her jaws and chirping loudly.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:04 pm
by NatureHeart
Foxesrule wrote:
Foxesrule wrote:Swift stared at the (Hatching?) dragon. Smirking, (She rarley smiles, just smirks.) Swift grabbed a rock and put it in front of the dragon.
"It's food." she smirked. "Try it."
(Re-posting because I feel like it. XD.)
(We could see it, also, how old is your dragon? We all are the same age, so your dragon can not be older than ours. It looks as if it is, considering you said nothing about your egg or you just hatching.)

Niyax looked at the dragon. Was it a dragon? It looked like a dragon, but it didn't have arms. She didn't know if she could trust thing thing. It looked to freaky. Maybe it would make her look freaky too! She cramped back into the egg, hiding from the armless thing. Wait, why was she hiding from it? She poked her head back out, and squeezed out of her egg. She glared at the dragon thing, then tried speaking.
"What are you?" she asked it. She turned around to see another one that looked more like Miyax rather than the thing.

Re: | | Fly, Fly Away | | Dragon RP | |

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:05 pm
by wildchild
Username: Wildchild
Name: Aifoa (pronounced ee-fa)
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Personality: Aifoa is blunt, logical and straightforward, she says it how it is and although this can sometimes be something that others don't want to hear, at least she's honest. She has a good brain and can hold her own in a fight. She's not domineering, but she will make herself heard and she likes to appoint herself as leader when she can. She does like to have fun with the other dragons though, is very adventurous and can be very flirtatious, however she spends most of her time practising, perfecting and training.
Description/Picture: ... 0&offset=5 (as a youngster, but blue
Likes: Doing well, play-fighting, nature and adventure
Dislikes: Cruelty, lying, sugar coating things, failing and eating meat.
Power: She can control the element Earth and is born with the knowledge of the history of Dragons, why she and the others are there andeverything else nescesary to survive.