Alley Cats RP

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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by streak »

Licoris felt bad" I will never leave you and if i do then it wasn't my choice and it was by force" Licoris said thinking"like anything would wanna take attitude with legs and claws" Then she gave a sigh "Every dog in this city probably wants me gone. But they are bway to scared of me to do it themselves. Me and dogs aren't exactly on friendly terms anymore, not after the accident" she said her eyes going back to a time that nobody knew.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by Alias »

Tabby sighed in relief, then pricked his ears with interest. "What accident?" He meowed. While the conversation went on, Fellen wasn't far away, and paused while Paws carried on fixing the cave. Tabby was mildly interested in them, and looked at Licoris hopefully.
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"Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up."
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by streak »

(i might not be able to post tomorrow but i will try)
Licoris looked at Fellen and then at Tabby." Oh alright, go on but I made a promise not to be mean and lose my mind on somebody but that promise will be broken if i go over there and have to hear a bunch of nonsense from that tom" She thought for a moment about what mother would have done in a situation like this. She got her temper from her mother but her mother wasn't nearly as bad as her. " I guess i could apologize for snapping at him earlier. Come on lets go and see what they are up to but if he says its none of my business and snaps at me then you better find a way to distract me, oh and if you ever want to hear the story then its always up for discussion." Licoris said and walked nervously towards Fellen and Paws
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by koolkid2424 »

Blake stands up and slinks his way over to Paws and says "How is it going?"
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by Alias »

Paws dropped her pile of feathers and smiled politely at him. "Preparing for the winter, really. It's nice to be organised." She tilted her head, "what about you? Everything good?"
While Paws chatted away, Fellen gave her a gentle nudge and took the feathers away, allowing her some time to talk. Hearing pawsteps coming up behind him, he turned to see Licoris, and would've given her a stare if Tabby hadn't leapt into view. "Hi Fellen! What are you doing?" He purred. Fellen dropped the feathers and gave him a nose-touch, a friendly cat-greeting. "Preparing for the cold season. Winter is harsh near the sea."
Tabby looked at him in wonder, "what's it like?"
"Snow, ice, frost... crashing waves... not a good time to go swimming, that's for sure."
"What's snow? Or ice? Or frost?"
"You'll see."
He gave Licoris a graceful nod and sneaked through the seaweed, inside the cave. Tabby blinked, last time he went in there, a fight had been going on, and Kachiri felt very sad afterwards, and so did everyone else. But now Fellen didn't seem so bothered at all, and he thought about going after him. But then Fellen padded outside, and for a moment, Tabby looked at him. And Fellen seemed so familiar. The roguish, snake-like movements, the strikign silver eyes, the golden tabby fur...
He blinked, and everything was normal again.
"What is it?" Fellen grunted. He must've noticed Tabby staring at him.
"Nothing... um... Have we met before?"
"Of course, silly."
"No, before we first met. Have we met before that?"
"We can't have met before our first meeting," Fellen said, frowning as if there was something wrong with Tabby.
"But–" Tabby protested.
"Enough. We met first when I passed you by on the streets," Fellen growled, irritated. He looked away when Tabby stared hopefully at him.
Paws turned her head in confusion. What was going on?
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by Jade »

Frosty padded down the alley with a stolen sausage in her jaws. Her paws hurted from running away from that Furless. She found a hole big enough for a full grown cat to fit in, in a furless den. Frosty padded in and laid down to eat her food. She padded outside when she was done and continue walking down the alley. The different smells of other cats filled the air; Frost kept on alert,hoping not to meet anyone of them.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by streak »

Licoris walked up to Fellen and suppresed a growl in greeting"Hello Fellen, hello Paws nice to see you two. Fellen..."she started" I would like to apologize for my earlier outburst and I understand if you do not accept my apology, but i just wanted to let you know i was sorry.
(i think its time i brought in a new character)
Name: Blitz
Age: 2 years(older than licoris)
Gender: Male
Mate: none
Offspring: none
Family: Licoris(sister)
Personality: Hes the complete opposite of his sister, bold, patient, and nice to others.
maincoon.jpg (63.86 KiB) Viewed 22902 times
Other:Only one in the family besides Licoris who survived the accident.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by koolkid2424 »

Blake shrugged and said "Ill be hanging around the fires with the Furlesses that never go home. (Homeless people) Then for the rest of the day slinking around snatching food.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by hoopyscoop »

Name: Dita
Age: 2 weeks
Gender: Female
Crush: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Family: Cant remember.
Breed: Spotted tabby
Personality: Shy. A little impatient at times.
Spotted Tabby Cat.png
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by hoopyscoop »

Dita walked through the Alley keeping a quick pace. She stopped and looked around for a moment, then started walking again.
She then found a Fish-Seller furless. And watched him, waiting for him to turn away from the fish. "When is he gonna turn away?” she thought,
when he finally did she quietly got closer and grabbed a fish and ran off.
Then she stopped far from the Fish-Seller furless and ate her fish.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by Alias »

Welcome Hoopy (and new character) ;] It's Guardian. Also, try not to double post. Thank you ;]

Fellen raised his chin in mere surprise. "Apology accepted," he said flatly. But his attention was mostly shining on Tabby. The young tom-kit amused him, the curiosity that gleamed in those huge twin grey eyes, the rippling whiskers, the high-held tail. It reminded him of when he was young.
Paws nodded. "Okay then, it's nice to see you again..." she hesitated. "Well, if you ever need any extra supplies, I'd be happy to help you..." she tilted her head a fraction, and nodded her farewell.
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"Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up."
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by hoopyscoop »

Oh sorry.By the way, I couldn’t think of anything else than this I’m too tired. I will post more later.

After she ate her fish, she walked over to a little corner in the Alley and curled up. She soon fell asleep after that.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by koolkid2424 »

Blake looked at Paws and said "I do not. Do you need any help?" He smiles a friendly smile and sat down.
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by Alias »

S'all right. Not much to say, really. Perhaps we need a bit of drama. Dog on the loose? Rather classic really. Any ideas? Perhaps a shark in the sea? People who hunt cats? o.o Has anyone read 'The Last Black Cat'? There's an idea or two in there...

Paws shrugged. "We're doing fine at the moment. Everything's peaceful..." She sat down and started to wash the sand off her face.

By the way, I should have said 'Merry Christmas!' ;]
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"Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up."
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Re: Alley Cats RP

Post by koolkid2424 »

Blake smiles and says "Ok...Well I guess I will let you get back to making your den." He moves away quietly and slow keeping his head and tail down looking for some place to stay for the night. He lays under the Furlesses transportation (A car) and curls up getting ready to sleep.
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