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Animal High School Roleplay

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:46 am
by SouthernStar
This is set in a 2011 setting, but instead of humans there are animals. All younger animals have to go to school for education, where the teacher animals will teach them about their subjects. There are different classes and teachers for each subject(Art, Cooking, English, Maths, Science. etc). Everytime the bell rings all the student animals will have to switch to their next class, where a different teacher will be waiting to teach them. Each animal also has a locker, when you join I will give you your locker number.

(For everything else, be creative! You don't need my permission to create new things I may of missed out :3)

Class times: There will be two lessons in the morning, then there will be break time, then there will be 1 lesson, then lunchtime(All the animals will go to the cafeteria, or eat their own food.), then there will be 2 lessons, and then it will be the end of the day.


Code: Select all

(Delete everything in the parenthesis, including this.)

Breed?: (Only applies to cats, dogs etc.)
Friends?: (Any Friends?)
Are you a Teacher?: 
Grade/Subject your teacher teaches?: (If you're a teacher, then what do you teach? Are you the head master or something else?)
Subjects they're good at?: (What is your character talented in?)
Subjects they're bad at?: 


Other: (Anything that doesn't go anywhere else on the form goes here.)

(And have fun roleplaying away!)

And I'm accepting help with this, as this is quite confusing. Main reason is I live in the UK, rather than the US.