Alaska RP

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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Hope »

Moon jumped up at very startled then she suddenly turned around. "Oh! Your scared me!" then suddenly she heared something in the forest. "So you want to see my strength huh?" she ran off following the sound without a answer. She smelled a moose giving birth, a newborn moose calf is a easy target because moose aren't usually herd animals and the mother is possibly weak. She saw a clearing and saw the calf just trying to get on it's feet. She turned around and waited for the stranger in the bushes.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Zelda0909 »

Snowdrop decided to follow. He nodded in greeting to Jonnah. Then he saw the female and the moose family. "Your not thinking of killing them are you? You relise there very weak at this piont and only low ranking wolves would attack a harmless calf." He grew very aggresive. "Besides I wont let you hunt on Tocklos territory!" He growled to moon his scars makeing him look frightning.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Hope »

Moon thought about running but then she changed her mind, If I'm ever going to be a alpha I cannot be a whimp.. She turned her head and growled at Snow. She crouched in the bushes and stalked up beside the calf not trying to make to much of a sound. She suddenly jumped and the mother moose let out a loud moo and reared. Moon back away and ran around the moose. The moose tried to turn quickly but I had time to punce onto the calf. The mother turned and reared again. Moon jumped down and walked back. The mother hooved the ground and charged, Moon quickly and the mother shook her head confused, because of the size a moose cannot turn very quickly! Moon ran toward the calf and bit it's neck. The mother ran toward me and I ran toward the bushes to hide. She turned her head to Snow and the stranger, grinned and tilted her head a bit to ask them to join her. She ran toward the mother moose. The moose reared and wacked Moon in the face. Moon shook her head then ran toward the calf. The calf callapsed and lay mosionless. The mother moose scensed that Moon wasn't alone and the moose galloped away. I turned to the stranger and Snow. "Well, come one!" Moon ran off into the forest with the mother moose.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Zelda0909 »

He grew very aggresive and enraged. Something that happend rarely for him. "You idiot omega! You big wimp picking on them like that! How dare you hunt on Tocklos territory without his permission! Get out of this territory or I'll rip you to shreds!" He growled fearsomely. His entire body was bristling and his scars stood out. his jaws her parted slighting and his eyes glared at her.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Hope »

Moon slowed pace. I single teardrop sild down her cheek. "I thought I would be treated differently, my whole life Iv'e been bossed around and picked on." she whispered to herself. She ran out back into the clearing and picked up the calf. "Oh well, a skinny claf is supper." she pawed her cheek and wiped up the tear stain. The tear stain still showed but she was to focused and getting away from the bear's territory. She dragged the claf into the great unkown.
The bear's claw marks dissapeared and Moon smiled but the thought of being mistreated turned it into a frown. She continued walking but the calf got heavier. "Ugh.... I shoulda went for a rabbit hole!" she laughed of the thought of rabbits running everywhere. Then she heard a high pitched squeak. "Squeak,*snfif sniff*, who goes there?" said a squeaky voice. "Moon, former omega of the Long River pack." she said in a noble voice. "Yeek! A wolf!" the voice said in a higher voice. "No, no! I'm friendly, and by the way, I have a young calf right here so I won't need food for a week!" she said in a friendly voice. "Oh okay, I'm Stacy, former forager mouse of the Little Pond Tribe." a creamy mouse appeared from the bushes. The little mouse stood on her hind legs and gave a paw for me to shake. I reached my nose down and Stacy shook it. "Ugh, it's wet!" I laughed then picked her up and placed her on my back.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Zelda0909 »

"How could she do that! Hunt a baby that couldnt even walk yet!" he growled. he stormed away and went back to Toklos cave.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Mook »

(Bummer didn't reply soon enough >.<)

Jonnah growled as the female dragged the calf away, he followed a distance behind her as to not be seen. He stopped seeing her talking to a small mouse, he stepped out of the bushes with his entire pelt bristled. His teeth bared and an enraged look filled his non matching eyes, dancing wildly like a fire.He was only feet away from her and could perfectly reach her from were he stood. "Its not right to attack a harmless calf, it shows only weakness. You have done wrong Omega, much wrong." he growled stepping slowly towards her in a threatful posture, his growl growling louder until it was a vicious snarl ripping from his throat. He soon found himself standing over the fae, looking down at her with his harsh snarling.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Zelda0909 »

He thought back to the day he played with his daughter but her face was blurry. the memory quickly changed into Darkness standing over him coverd in blood with and insane smile on his face. Snowdrop shook his head trying not to think about the day his family almost died and the day he almost died.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Hope »

Stacy squeaked then ran off. "Stacy! Stacy come back!" Moon yelled then turned her sttention the the stranger. "Who...." she whimpered. She tried squeezing out. "And what do you want?" she whimpered again.

(Hey um.... Zelda, is it okay if Moon is Snow's daughter? I can change the name and colour if you want. But you don't realize i'm your daughter and I was pupnapped when I was weaned then raised by a evil pack but the pups there saw me as a Omega!)
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Zelda0909 »

(Snowdrops daughters name is Softblue she is a lightblue color and ran away with her mother. so sorry I have used this story 100 times in my rps.)
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Hope »

(OKay I can change her form then if you want :D, how about SoftBlue's mother died from attempting of joining another pack or of starvation then another friendlier pack found SoftBlue and adopted her and called her moon because of her blue pelt?)
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Zelda0909 »

(No im sorry but Softblue is my charrie and I played her in alot of rps you just wouldnt get the characters persanality right and I cant describe it to you. you could be Brownies pup though. Brownie was the beta.)
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Mook »

(I have to agree with Zelda.)

He raised his tail into a dominant position seeing the omega sink in fear. "My name is name of your business." he snarled harshly. He quickly lunged for her muzzle, attempting to grab it and thrash his head violently in a scolding.
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Hope »

(I'm actually going to make another wolf that is Moon's sister! :D)

Moon growled as she was bit and shook by the older male. She squirmed a bit trying to run off. "Get off! Off! Now!" she yelled.

Name: Mischief (Missy)
Age: 2
Gender: female
Description/Picture: A stunning brown wolf with gold flecks on her back. She has jet black eyes with a silver shine to them.
Species: Alaskan brown wolf
Personality: A alpha since puphood, she was the best of the best in her father's pack. She may be a bit stubborn but is super kind IF you get on her good side! She was to be future alpha until the flood washed away the pack and the territory. Missy was seperated from her sister, her pack, and her future when she was a year old. Ever day she set out to look for Moon, she always failed. (Anyways she's near the river that runs through Toklo's turf, and Missy is very close to finding Moon.)
Other: Nope, nope!
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Re: Alaska RP

Post by Mook »

Jonah only snarled at the omega's words, shaking harder until his chest was splattered with a reasonable amount of blood. He lunged for her scruff with his quick reflexes, attempting to throw her into the nearest tree he yanked upwards on Moon's scruff and whipped his head. Easily overpowering the fae with his size.
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