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Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:46 pm
by animalguy888
DarkReality wrote:Whoa! Lol, which two cats? =] Kachiri and Tabby are in the alley, and Paws and Nahuel are down by the beachy in a cave.

(yes Kachiri and Tabby)

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:40 pm
by Jade
Spring slowly opened her eyes and saw her gray brother,Chico, on the other side of the box looking around. Spring rubbed her sleepy eyes and slowly got to her paws "What are you looking at? " she yawned. Chico turned his attention on his sister."Mom and dad arn't back", he meowed. Spring narrowed her eyes,"what do you mean they're not her?" She meowed. Chico shook his head "I mean they havn't come back. See? Mom and Dad are missing!" Rant and Polly awaken "What are you meowing about? Who's not here?" Spring's black and white brother,Rant, meowed. Spring turned to Polly and Rant. "Mom and dad arn't here! They've gone missing!" Polly's fur stood up."Gone! They can't be! Surely they'll come back!" Spring turned to her sister."No. They're not coming back...They...They abandoned us!" Polly's lips drew back,"don't be such a mouse-brain fool!" she spat, "Why would they abandon us?" Spring was about say somthing when Rant interrupted her."Abandon us or not. I'm not staying here to starve to death." he meowed,"If you wanna stay here and arguing all day,you go ahead. I'm gonna go hunt. Like a true ally cat does!". With that he jumped out of the box, padding cautionly. Spring was shocked. That was mom's number one rule;"never leave the box". But, mom's not here. A tiny voice said to her. Spring stiffled a smirk. Mom and dad isn't here. They can't tell her what to do. Spring jumped out of the box and followed Rant."What for me!" She yowled after him; ignoring her brother and sisters's cry. She was going to hunt.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:14 am
by Alias
Omigosh I can't believe I said BEACHY X'D
Edit: I'll try to include you Jade =] Maybe when Tabby and Kachiri go out to play, they might find you.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:04 am
by wildchild
Kachiri laughed and poked him with her tail, "Come along then," she said and wriggled out from under the tarpualin, setting of at a pace slow enough for Tabby to keep up. She looked up at the shimmering night sky and the moon threw its light on her sleek coat and twinkled in her smoky eyes.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:09 am
by Alias
Tabby squeaked with excitement, and bounded off, "I'll race you!" He said, even though he wasn't as fast as Kachiri. His eyes twinkled, and he rolled over and chased his tail. Tabby panted, and shook himself, he raced off. Tabby smelt the salty tang of the sea, and followed it. When he reached the beach, his paws sank into the soft sand. He grinned and looked up at Kachiri, then ran off again, spraying sand into the air. He felt his paws sink into the wet sand, and Tabby felt the waves lick at his paws. Tabby purred in delight.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:18 am
by wildchild
Kachiri smiled and ran with him, careful to keep close enough to protect him, but always staying a little behind him so he could 'win'. She skidded to a stop when her paws hit the sand, spraying up shells and golden grains. She laughed at the little kittens antics and feeling the thrill of the beach shiver through her, she ran up and down near the waves, her powerful shoulders rolling, long legs strectching. Until, finally tired she stopped and sat, licking the sand from her fur.

Nahuel frowned, "You are pretty, very. And your not weak, whoever bullied you was wrong and blind!" he said firmly, his grey eyes earnest. He yawned and stretched, his muscular shoulders rolling, "I'm going to stay here for the night, your welcome to stay to" he told her and padded to the bed, the dim colours still thrown around the room by the delicate crystals. He lied down and curled up, making sure there was enough space for Paws if she wanted.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:28 am
by Alias
Tabby grinned, and began to sing to himself. He didn't know where it came from, but he remembered it and it sounded nice. Tabby blinked and pounced on a shell, but the wave spattered his face, and he shook the droplets off, scowling. Tabby looked up. "Whats your special word?" He asked. Maybe Kachiri would give him a hint. He licked his lips, but they tasted salty, so he spat the taste out.
Fellen shook his fur. He'd caught a fish. Well, not really, he stole it from the Fish-seller-Furless, but then he had tossed it in the air and caught it neatly, so that probably counted. Trotting off to the Sea, he noticed two figures beneath the moonlight, and padded over to investigate. Then he recognized the kitten who called himself Tabby. "Hey lil' one," he greeted
Tabby looked up, "your Fellen aren't you? The big tom?"
Fellen laughed at the way Tabby regarded him, as a 'big tom'. "Indeed I am," he grinned. Fellen observed the she-cat next to him. "Well, isn't it Kachiri from the alley?"
Tabby looked at them inquisitively.
Back in the crystal cave, Paws was honoured, so she crept into the nest and lay her head on her paws in thought. Nahuel was increasingly kind to her, he'd called her pretty, and that she wasn't weak. As much as she was grateful, Paws was still in thought. But she decided to believe him, because it gave her a warm feeling inside.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:00 am
by wildchild
Kachiri smiled as he sang. She watched as he ambled over to her and discovered that sea water does not taste nice,
"The special word you said I remind you of? Does it begin with an.... m?" she asked, sincerly hoping the word was what she hoped it was. She looked up to see Fellen and stood next toTabby; Fellen probably wouldn't hurt him, but she still didn't know the tom too well. She got up and also laughed quietly at Tabby regarding him as 'the big tom'. She moved forward and slunk in a circle a circle around him, "Indeed it is, the one and only!" she half laughed half purred.

A small smile crept across Nahuels face as Paws curled up next to him, he subtly flicked the end of his tail so it was resting on hers and closed his eyes.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:10 am
by Alias
Tabby looked thoughtful. "Muh... Muueewoow..." He shrugged.
Fellen grinned, "Ah, well you see, I was going to give this to a certain Kachiri," he showed his long silver fish. "Fresh from the Sea." Tabby pulled a face at this, and played with his tail. He thought they liked each other, but it wasn't the kind where you touch noses and rub cheeks. It was where you try to impress the other cat and make them like you. Tabby observed the silver fish, it was nothing like the sausages he had earlier.
Paws relaxed, she was still slightly uneasy, but she closed her eyes and thought of the Sea and it's rushing waves. She heard the call of the wind above, and slept.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:50 am
by wildchild
"Ah, I believe it goes like this: Miaow" she said, with a smile, then looked at Fellen,
"Oh indeed, I wonder why you want to do that?" she teased. She bent down and took the fish,
"Thankyou," she purred, it was cod, her favourite. She tore some of and threw it to him, he had stolen it after all, she then tore another bit off and dropped it before Tabby, "Trust me, It's just as nice as sausages" she laughed, chewing into her own peice.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:58 am
by Alias
Fellen grinned, and gulped down his share. "My pleasure," he said, eyes glinting. With his long tail, Fellen saluted, and trotted away to the harbour. Tabby looked at the piece of silver fish, prodded it, and began to eat. He purred to show it was nice, and ate the rest. "What shall we do now?" Tabby said as he started to run around back in the sand. He tripped over himself and landed near a bundle of seaweed. But instead of landing safely, he fell right through it! Tabby squealed in surprised, and rolled onto stoney cold floor.

Going to add some tension =]

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:18 am
by wildchild
"Tabby!" she shouted, her eyes wide and, for once in a very long time, felt the cold sickly feeling of fear. She ran over to where Tabby had fallen at an extraordinary speed, her strides swallowing up the ground as she ran. She skidded to a halt where he had fallen, her sharp eyes noticed a hole and she cautiously pushed her way through. With a gasp she froze... the crystals. The tunnel. The colours around the her. She knew where she was. It took her a moment to comprehend all this, however she quickly came to her senses and looked for Tabby in vain. And there was the young kitten, laying on the floor some way from the tunnel entrance.
"Tabby!" she whispered, the claws of fear gripping and twisting her heart. She bounded over and gently placed a shaking paw on him and moved his head to look at her.

Nahuel meanwhile was awoken by the noise, he hissed angrily. Swiftly, he stood and approached the corner of the tunnel. Looking round he saw his sister stood over something, but what it was he cold not see. He hissed again, angry to be interrupted by her, however she did not here, for she was obliviously wrapped up in her own world of fear and concern.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:37 am
by Alias
Tabby complained, he wasn't badly hurt, but he had received quite a shock. Seeing Kachiri stand over him, he got up and gave a assuring purr, "I'm ok, what was that? It was like a huge monster swallowing me up then––". But then he noticed another big tom standing there in the shadows, and shrank up against Kachiri. "Who's that?" He whispered, wondering if he was also swallowed up by the 'monster'.
Paws woke to a hiss, she turned around fearfully, and noticed another cat in front of Nahuel. Getting up, she crept over, and made out the shape of a kitten. Her heart twisted with pity, what it alright? It seemed afraid. Was it in danger? She watched.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:01 am
by wildchild
Kachiri heaved a sigh of relief. "You fell down a hole," she explained. She sensed someone behind her, slowly she turned. "Nahuel!" she exclaimed in suprise, putting her paw on Tabby's back and pulling him towards her, just in case her brother tried anything. "What are you doing here? And whats that??" he spat, angry and bewildered about the kitten. "Leave him be, and I'm allowed to be here if I want to, you don't own me!" she hissed, her voice dangerously dark. She made out a figure creeping behind Nahuel; Paws. "Well, well!" she taunted, a smug smile creeping across her face. Furiously Nahuel lunged forward, as did Kachiri, the two angry siblings stood their ground, swiping at eachother, angry snarls and hisses echoing through the tunnel.

Re: Alley Cats RP

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:25 am
by Alias
Fellen heard noises as he walked away. He hadn't been far, as he'd found an interesting shell. Following the sound, he sniffed around, and fell right through the earth. Mumbling, he noticed it was a cave, and recognized the cats. Tabby was frightened, he'd never seen such anger, viciousness. He whimpered, and begged for someone to stop the fight.
Fellen and Paws saw the kitten's fear. They both looked at each other, and then stepped between the fight, attempting to tear Nahuel and Kachiri apart. "Don't fight, please," Paws begged, confronting Nahuel, her ears slicked back.
Fellen was confronting Kachiri, his fur standing up. Tabby whimpered again.
"You're siblings, if you haven't noticed," Fellen spoke up. "You're not supposed to fight, over what? A piece of meat? I don't see any, oh, I know, that kitten." Fellen's voice hardened.
Fearfully, Tabby stepped a little closer to Fellen.

This is exciting =3