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Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:43 am
by Saebre
( they're half brother and sister. His name is Silver, not Silver u....darn typo. I can change it if you guys want)

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:47 am
by KibaWolf
(yeah crush would be freaky.Halves are still relatives.)

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:49 am
by Saebre
Zasha dipped her head, embarressed. They didn't want her here at all! She turned around, and padded away, head drooping, tail brushing the leaves. She hated being called a fleabag or a puma cat. They can call me whatever they want thought to herself. All they do all day is sit around and gossip, and call other cats like me fleabags or puma cats! They have no idea what I went through, and the should be treating me like I'm a kit. If they call me fleabag or puma cat one more time, fur will fly, and blood will spill.

Silver walked though the undergrowth. His head was low, and his tail was drooping. He had no family, no one to love, no one to hate but himself. His long lost sister, Zasha, was taken away by a puma. That puma could of killed her by now, but he kept searching. He loved her because she was beautiful, and because she was his sister. Lighting crackled in to sky, and thunder boomed. He would risk his life to find Zasha. He couldn't let his half sister die without him.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:57 am
by KibaWolf
"WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE NOW BUT BEFORE WE DID!GO AWAY,FLEABAG!"MaskedStar and hiddenlight screamed in unison at Zasha.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:00 pm
by Saebre
Zasha whipped her head around and snarled. She turned to them, and unsheathed her claws. She stood infront of them. "Want to say that again, fox heart?" she spat. "I will fight you, and I'm not afraid of you." Zasha stood back, and hissed. She waited for the fox hearts to make a move. This. This should be easy. There nothing but fur and bones

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:02 pm
by MidnightRose

"What?" She said, not liking the idea of fighting. She quickly jumped out of the tree, summoning Bella to follow her with her tail.


Bella was speechless, then noticed that Emerald was summoning her. "I'll leave you guys here to kill each other for no reason." She mumbled, before jumping out of the tree and quickly following Emerald.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:04 pm
by KibaWolf
"I'm not afraid of you either,FLEABAG!I'll take you on one on one!If i have to i WILL fight you."MaskedStar spat."Stay here.I'm the only one who needs to fight."She said to ehr friends,and jumped from the tree."Now,Pumacat,let's see who's stronger."She hissed with a smirk,and walked over to Zasha."I'm pretty sure i never got your name.That's why i call you PumaCat."She growled,and backed up,ready to fight.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:06 pm
by KibaWolf
HiddenLight followed Bella.He was doing what his sister had told him to do."If i don't catch up to you guys soon,I'm dead."She called to them.She got ready to pounce on Zasha.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:06 pm
by Saebre
Zasha whipped her head to see Bella, and Emerald talking. She snarled, and stalked to her. "Now, what did you say, Bella? Want to say it to my face." Zasha shoved her snout into Bella's face. "or do you want to back down now?"

( omg... Sorry for being so feisty, and rude on the RP ;-;)

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:08 pm
by MidnightRose

Emerald ignored Mask and continued going on til she found a tree with open roots they could stay in. She climbed carefully in, then waited for Bella to come in.


Stopped and hissed at Zasha. "I wouldn't waste my time fighting a little weak thing like you." she mocked, then turned and followed Emerald, glaring back at Zasha.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:09 pm
by KibaWolf
(it's okay.) "NO!"HiddenLight cried at Zasha.He stepped between her and Bella."If you want a fight fight with me and/or my sister.Not them."He snarled,honorably.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:12 pm
by Saebre
Zasha snarled. "You're just to scared to fight me because I'm stronger than you." she spat.
She turned around and pounced on Mask's shoulders. She bit down on Mask's ear. Feeling the skin on the ear tear, and blood bubble in her mouth, Zasha let to, and dig her claws into Mask's shoulders.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:18 pm
by KibaWolf
MaskedStar let out a cry of pain and surprise.She jumped out of the grip and made Zasha turn over by spinning her body.She raked Zasha's soft underbelly,causing it to gush with blood.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:26 pm
by Saebre
Zasha yowled in pain, and bit down on Mask's paw. She felt satisfied when she felt the bone crunch under her fangs. She flipped over, crushing Mask's arm. Zasha bit down of tail.

Silver stopped, and heard yowling close by. He ran to where he heard it, and he saw two cats fighting. One a calico, and one a bengal cat.
He froze.
It might be Zasha. He sprang out of the bushes, and yowled. "What are you guys doing?" he meowed, fiercely.

Re: Wild cat RP: in desperate need of cats

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:28 pm
by MidnightRose
(Serious power-playing here, not gonna RP here til it stops)