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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:20 pm
by Summerbreeze
Emerald felt as if she had said, asked, and done way too much for her style. She looked backwards and felt the cold stone of the den, it was time to go. She ran forward, making her way past the three wolfs; she could smell the red wolfs scent. It was faint but definitely there, head down, she ran towards the scent. When she had traveled far enough away from the den, she stopped, her breathing was ragged, and her mouth was dry. She felt horrible, even as a young pup, she knew about why she felt the way. She felt that she should stop running but part of her needed to go on, so she did. But she walked, along the path, the smell changed. She lifted her head up, and her face twisted at the sight. She remembered those eyes… Brown and blue and her voice, way too sweet, like when the beauty of the flower draws you in, but then the snake behinds bites you and kills you. Though this time Cashew seemed to be perfectly happy, chasing something that did not appear to be there. She snarled and barked, but then retreated. She began to run, but then tripped over a root. Right when she tripped a red wolf ran past her, “Red!” She yelled, “Red, it’s me, it’s Emerald!” She ran as fast as she could towards him and eventually caught up.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:16 pm
by StarWolf
Kazimo gave a tiny jump when he heard someone named Red being called.
Did they find me? He thought frantically searching for a pursuer.
He nearly missed the tiny black bundle of shadows flying towards him.
"Eme..." He muttered in shock.
He had left the pup at a den. A nice, safe, warm den.
He had willingly given up what would've been his family, had he not already abandoned his other half.
And now she had a run straight back to him.
"What the heck are you doing here?"

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:05 pm
by Summerbreeze
Emerald smiled,"I came looking for you, of course! What are you doing?" She asked. She looked around avoiding the red wolfs eyes, his eyes looked just like hers. She began to look sheepish as she tilted back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. It was like a rythem, going through her head she finnaly looked up into Kazimo's green eyes "Who is your friend? Are you her mate? Why did you kill them?"

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:52 pm
by NatureHeart
(Waiting for Ayashe to RP Malcom.. Check page 46 for my RP post.)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:09 pm
by StarWolf
Kazimo felt a cold rush through his veins. Was she talking about Cashew?
"She's... not my friend. Just a..."
He swallowed, unsure how to explain his reasons for travelling with Cashew. Why am I not running back to Tasor, anyways?
"... she's just a family member of mine, who I have to take care of. Nothing more, and nothing less. And- I didn't kill them." Liar. "They just made it look like I did." Like anyone would believe your lies anyways.
Kazimo closed his eyes, trying to will away the voice. It wasn't real, so why was it so stubborn?
You're nothing but a worthless little scumbag who preys on his own kind. What kind of honor is that?
But he never wanted to be this way...
You'll die just as your living- alone, miserable, and a little puppet to life.
Why wouldn't it go away?
Everyone would be better off without you, and no one would think twice about it-
He just wanted it to be silent.
not a single living thing would give two thoughts about the lab-rat...
But the voice was right, wasn't it?

(Writer's block, I dislike you. Go away pleaase. ;_; Emo!Kaz is really weird to write.)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:19 pm
by NatureHeart
(Okay, how do you RP so good?)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:30 pm
by StarWolf
(Uh well, my best works happen when I'm sad or depressed. They get more descriptive. And I use Encarta dictionaries for thesaurus if I use too many of a word, like angry, and other than that... well I write a lot of poems and little summaries and drabbles so it's just a habit. I can give you other tips and show you other drabbley things I've written through PM if you want. ^.^)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:36 pm
by Summerbreeze
A confused look passed over Emeralds tiny, dark, face; she decided not to ask why he looked so worried. “Red, Red, Red, Red, is my favorite color, Red, Red,
Red, Red, Reeddd!”She sung an improvised song as she ran around Kaz, literally in circles around him. By the time she was done she regained the sense of
calmness and reality about her. She looked up, and her eyes widened and she felt very shocked, the wolf seemed to be caught in thought, shaking at what he was hearing, although, the fields and trees were silent. She looked around and took one more glance towards Kaz as the slowly began to back up. Her eyes
were transfixed on his, even though they were closed. She ran forward and pounced on the red wolf, digging her paws into Kaz’s chest. She attempted to only
startle him, so he could joke around and roll in leaves with her; she knew it would not happen, but she willed herself to believe it.
(Seriously Star? You only tell ME about your depressions. I am your Godess XD)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:45 pm
by StarWolf
Kazimo stared blankly at the pup running around him in circles.
Why was she so care free?
Hadn't she witnessed her own family being murdered?
Shouldn't she hate the color red?
The red furred wolf let out a startled yelp as the pup tumbled into his chest, cursing his light footed-ness for once as he fell sideways and into the leaves, wondering how he had ended up there.
Only Tasor had ever managed to unfoot him, and that was because he hadn't been paying attention enough to realize they were going to randomly begin play-fighting in the dirt. Dirt never really had suited Tasor anyways; he was too feminine in looks to be be mentally seen as a male.
"Silly kid..." He sighed, turning his head to stare at the leaves that now were cushioned beneath him- some were the same green as his eyes, while others were dulled brown and crisp on the edges. Alive and dead, and even though the living leaves were now separated from their source of life they were still trying to live.
Kazimo was being shown up by a leaf- and that would just not do.
"Wanna play, do ya?" His words held his old mirth now, stained slightly with playfulness as he shifted his leg to paw at her muzzle and head gently, trying to keep in mind that Emerald was barely 6 inches tall compared to him and not as stubborn as Tasor when it came to injuries.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:01 pm
by Summerbreeze
Emeralds worried, concerned face seemed to slowly melt, she smiled shyly at the red wolf, and he was so nice. Why did he have to be so sad? Emerald lay low in the dirt, taking the wolf by surprise, she quickly retreated and attacked from the side, she did not want to leave any scars. For she knew better than anyone else, that even if one seemed perfect on the outside that the scars inside hurt too. She also knew that if one had both, it would just be way too much. So she was very careful, only nipping playfully at his side. Hmm… She thought, is this what hunting feels like? Hunting is fun! She decided to not put too much thought into it; fragile states are to be left alone.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:34 pm
by StarWolf
Kazimo gave tiny grunts as the pup began to nip him playfully, hoping his leg wouldn't go numb. It felt slightly tingly, but not too bad- his nerves were just trying to get used to a little fuzzy bundle nipping at them.
Soft whiskers pressing into his thick fur were nothing, especially when compared to the stone-cold claws of his past.
Not that he could remember the details, of course- just that it had hurt a lot and he had been scared, and that he was happy to be gone from it.
Kaz suddenly jumped to his feet, getting an idea. He swiped his paw across the leaves, creating a little mini leaf tornado and sent it over the pup.
His reasonable mind said that he could watch her reflexes this way.
His truthful mind said that this would a fun way to pass time with the kid.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:43 pm
by Summerbreeze
Emerald had not seen it coming; she swerved to the left, but found it unhelpful. The pile of leaves landed right on top of her. Have I been outsmarted? That’s a first! She thought. Her mouth slowly curved upwards noooo. she thought. The small pup had a plan, she lay perfectly still, not moving, barley breathing, and waited until she had caught Kaz’s attention. She was playing dead; her small frame seemed even smaller as she tried to fake her own death.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:09 pm
by StarWolf
Kaz had a wolfish grin on his face, waiting for Emerald to get back up.
It was taking her longer than he expected, which was odd.
After a few silent minutes the green eyed male cocked his head an a puzzle look settled on his face. "Eme?"
No response.
Frowning now, Kaz walked forward to examine her. "...Emerald, get up." Worry began to creep into his voice. Tasor had often said that Kazimo didn't know how to control his power sometimes- had he hurt Emerald?
Or worse, had he snapped her neck?
Frantically, Kaz began to nose at her tiny body, his worried mind making him think that her fur was stone cold and no breathe escaped her tiny mouth.
"Eme? Eme- wake up. Please, please wake up!" He began to repeat over and over, feeling a sick sort of deja vu washing over him.
This sort of thing could only happen once in a lifetime- right?

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:17 pm
by Summerbreeze
Emerald was suprised by the urgency in Kazimo's red face, she let out a deep breath. She stood up and trotted over to the red wolf, she jumped up and gave the wolf a lick, a small grin creeped up on her as she murmured,"I was only kidding. . . ." She paused,"I win!" She jumped down and wagged her tail as she ran to a tree and back to waste some of her energy. She wondered why he seemed so worried, I was only joking. . . She began to run in circles around the tree until she saw somthing. And injured rabitt. She began to stalk forward until finnaly, she pounced.
RIP bunny :p

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:36 am
by StarWolf
Kazimo felt himself deflate when the pup jumped up.
I was only kidding...
The red furred wolf stiffened as he saw the edges of his vision going black, and nearly tried to fight it-

"I'm sorry," came the soft whimper. "I didn't mean to, Kaz... I was only kidding."
"Then joke about something else, you idiot!" The snarled reply caused the shorter wolf to flinch slightly, clearly not expecting such anger. "Death isn't something you just play around with! It happens, and when it does, you won't be able to get back up and say you were just kidding around. Maybe you should try to learn that before even thinking you have a chance at surviving out here!" With those words said, the green eyed wolf whirled around and stalked off, leaving the smaller to follow.
"I-I didn't mean to worry you Kaz. I just thought..."
"Shut up. You weren't thinking, and that's the problem. If you even want to stand a chance out here you need to take it seriously."
"But... you always said that joking is the only way to be okay."
"And that's why I'll probably die first. Before you, anyways."

Kazimo gasped as the warmth rushed back out of his body, and found himself back in the world of reality.
Emerald was stalking a rabbit. How much time had gone by? He still had enough sense to help her with the kill, even if it was just verbal instructions. "Go for the neck."