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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:53 pm
by Alexander
The Wise male stood after Knero had finished his meal, letting Ruby go first before he'd take the rest. He noticed her eyes, however, and it let him know that he could join in with her. He gave a gentle smile before walking up, with a little distance, and began to tear into the flesh. He created the bit of distance so as not to cause too much of an awkward atmosphere around the two. Something in his head was bothering him, too, and he felt like he needed to look for something in his stash deep in the cave. He felt he had the time, however, and ate his fill before he sat right in front of Knero, gently eyeing him. "Hello." He said calmly, awaiting for Knero's attempt to respond to him. He could at least try, right?

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:18 pm
by Hope
Knero turned his attention to Lupis. He wanted to talk but was scared. He opened his mouth then stopped. Ruby looked at the two and giggled. "Go on Knero. You can do it." Knero looked at her then back at Lupis. "H-h-h...." he mumbled then looked at Ruby again for confidence. Ruby nodded and walked beside him. "Come on.... like this." she looked at Lupis. "Hello." Knero shook his head and tried again, "H-hello...." his voice was simple, kind, shy. The nickname he was given by Ruby suited him. He was exactly like a little rabbit.

(Yay! First words are always great :D)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:44 am
by Ayashe
((OOC: So I take it that the storm is over? Should be around, what, late afternoon now?))

Tazim didn't know how long it was before he woke up, and what greeted him was not the warmth of the Luna Pack's den. No, it was burning fire. The pain was white hot and his throat was parched. He couldn't even opened his eyes. The smell of blood was thick in the air and he felt like half his face was gone. Maybe it was?
Despite how hot he felt, Tazim shivered uncontrollably. He couldn't open his mouth without nearly fainting from the pain, so panting to help cool himself off was out of the question. Instead he breathed heavily through his nose, though that stung as well, and the dried blood made it hard to do so. Slowly the pain resided enough for him to think about more than how miserable he felt.
Where was he again? Tazim smelled leaves and the musty scent of the forest after a storm, and also the distant scent of the river. That meant he must be just off his pack's border. A bit of relief washed over him. There was a good chance he'd be found here, at least.
Having recovered some of his strength (And thanks to the blessed fact that the rest of his body seemed to be free of any injuries.), Tazim managed to sit up. He swayed even then and nearly fell. If only I could call for help.

((OOC: Tazim will get a headband from Lupis eventually, so here's what that will look like: Click here.
Without the headband: Click here. Keep in mind that those are both after his wounds have healed. Right now he's just a mess. x__x))

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:40 pm
by Alexander
(Reposting Kitsune's character. Keep in mind that she is technically new as of now, and that she is also only 1 now. She used to be 4 so it was relatable to Alex's age.
Name: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Pack?: Luna
Parents: None
Siblings: Is like a sister to Alex
Other: She likes snow!
Description/Picture: )

Lupis smiled, watching Knero make an attempt to speak. He was glad to see that Ruby was also giving him the motivation. He noticed the hint of shyness coming from his pup's voice, which was kind of expected but still pretty cute. The male got up and gave his pup a gentle, playful lick on the forehead. "That was amazing, Knero!" He couldn't keep the smile off his face, it was just too much of an experience for him to ignore. He then turned, facing the way back to the cave. "We should go back." He said, though making sure he was a little bit ahead of them. He felt like something was there, a string left in his cave. He wasn't exactly sure what to make of it yet.

A bubbly white she-wolf peered out of the bushes, having just woken up from a pretty long sleep. She felt refreshed, and happy as always. Her eyes were bright with happiness as she hopped about in No Man's Land, somewhat hoping to get back to Luna's Pack soon. She moved farther East than normal, confident that she still knew where she was going. The more she went this way, however, the more she could smell something like a fresh kill. It wasn't exactly like that, though, was it? She sniffed more, trying to get a better idea and understanding, however nothing still made any sense. She wanted to feel afraid, and something about it made her heart beat more strongly, but she took a deep breath and kept going. It was interesting her, now, exactly what may have happened. Her eyes averted to the floor, a bit of blood stained on some leaves, like bloody paws stepped there somewhat recently. She was kind of afraid, well, actually she was much more afraid now. She wasn't thinking right, like her head just wanted to tell her to leave right then. She continued to move forward, however, and it was until she squeezed between two trees that she saw the scene. Her eyes instantly widened, mouth agape, the sudden realization of that smell. Of course it was weird, wasn't it? She knew that smell all along, but her body was making her not think of it.

"Taz!" She cried out, horribly desperate for an answer. Blood was literally everywhere, the scene darkened to the point that her fur no longer seemed white anymore. Everything either looked grey, a musty brown, or blood. She was no longer worried of the blood surrounded by Taz, only the fact that her lovable friend, the kindest, most gentle wolf she had ever met, was now right there in front of her, soaked in blood as he sat in the middle of everything. Her body wanted to freak out so bad that she was shaking, but she couldn't freak out, not in this situation. Kitsune gently sniffed him, she almost wanted to think that it wasn't him. It couldn't be him, right? Her eyes were watery, throat all choked up, but she shouldn't care about that now. She softly pressed her body against his bloody fur, not minding it all that much. Was he blind? She was on the left side of him, and his face was dripping a lot. It looked like his eye was tightly closed. Maybe it couldn't be opened at all. She could only hope that he wouldn't do anything to her, that he was just as scared as she was. He was obviously still the same old Taz she saw a long time ago, when she was smaller, but would he see himself the same way she did? Can he move now?
Her voice was almost as soft as the wind that blew through the scene. "Stay close to me. I'm going to help you get somewhere safe."

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:57 pm
by Hope
(Alex, wanna start the fight that we discussed now? I'll start the first arguement I guess....)

Ruby was amazed at his urgencey to leave. "Why the rush?" she asked and looked down at Knero who was repeating the word hello quietly. "And why do you 'talk' to that wall so much? It's strange and different. I'm not one to judge but this is just abnormal." she tried not to sound to mean but she was just curious. She didn't know that saying this would lead to a fight but those words were what would change her life. She sighed and nudged Knero. "Come one sweetie. Let's do what Lupis says." she joked and Knero looked up and barked.

(Do you want Knero to be a joint character? We both play as him but he's my charrie. But major things have to be discussed?)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:23 pm
by Alexander
(Sure, let's see how this goes. XD
And I'm unsure if I'd really like to play as Knero so much. I guess I could, though, if you think it's necessary.)

Lupis stopped his pacing for just a second, listening to Ruby's words, before continuing once more. He wasn't sure how to explain it all so quickly, really. "I don-- well." He stopped again suddenly, this time turning around. Her string was uncertain, therefore unsafe. "And what if I am different? Wouldn't you talk to a wall as well if no one would understand the complexity of your mind while everyone else ignored you?" He said calmly, although there was a hint of a "matter-of-fact" attitude within it. To be honest he couldn't help but to feel the inner pain and frustration build up within him, his temper losing it. "Someone's in there, I have to meet him. I just have to. The strings... strings tell me things. I need to follow what they tell me." He wasn't going to wait anymore unless she wanted to try to fight back.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:50 pm
by Hope
(Okay, just wanted to let you know you can play as him if you wanted so I wouldn't be mad if you wanted to. He's still my character, just that you can play as him if i"m away or yeah.... and would you like to have Ruby saved by Lupis or Knero be the reason? I personally want Lupis to save Ruby but it's totally up to you ^_^)

Ruby growled and bared her teeth. She didn't want this to get physically violent. "Then... then... then you're crazy!!" she barked and ran off. She ran until she stumbled along a small swamp with a willow tree in the center. It wasn't to far from the cave but it was quite a distant. The she-wolf stepped into the cool water and paddled toward the tree. It was surrounded by a small patch of land that Ruby could easily lay on. The branches swayed in the wind and waved. A cool wind past by and a voice was carried. "They need you sweet child. Go back...." the ghostly voice whispered. Ruby sat up with a jolt. It was her mother's voice. "I can't... please mother. Tell me what to do." she cried. "Go baaaack. They need you, they both love you my dear." Ruby whimpered and could hardly reply. "Why did you leave me then?" she asked the ghostly voice of her mother. "I didn't choose to die my dearest. We couldn't of stopped them. The terrible wind, the cry of the giants, and the blood spilled that night. It wasn't my fault. But this time, it's your choice. Let Knero never know the soft fur of a mother, the sweet voice, and the beautiful eyes. Help Lupis care for the cub, he loves you my dear. They both do...." the ghost ended softly and sweetly. "Don't go..." Ruby whispered but she heard no reply. She sat still under the willow for a long time, staring at the water. "This is my choice." she repeated her mother's words.

(Extra if we're going with the Lupis saves the day thing, so only reply to this last post if you want to do that! :D)

Ruby heard a low growling of a wolf. "Mother.... is it you?" she whispered, already knowing the answer. A dark black shadow emerged from the bushes. "Hello..." the giant pitch black dog smirked. He stepped closer and flicked his tail. A female wolf emerged with the same black coated and blood red eyes, but she only had one. The other eye was covered by a bloody scabbed scratch that ran down her forehead to her muzzle. Ruby growled a warning and the two dogs leaped forward, into the water and paddled toward her. "This is our turf!" the male growled and sprang forward, out of the water. The female sat behind him licking her lips. Ruby howled for help but was cut off by the male wolves claws.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:03 pm
by Alexander
The tables have turned for Lupis. Fear struck him, no, nono, the strings were changing positions. He had to do something quick, he had to follow her. "Follow, but stay back, Knero." He said pretty seriously, in all honesty he was trying to keep his cool. Knero seemed to understand, replying with a gentle "hello", which at that point was hard for Lupis to pay attention to. Lupis made a break for it, sprinting with urgency while he desperately tried to pinpoint Ruby's string while ignoring all the others, which for him was hard to manage. He'd rather spazz out on the floor than to ignore all the information, but it couldn't be helped at this point. He tracked Ruby down as best he could, at this point already knowing her string nearing him. He was almost at the scene, and Knero was wandering around not too far behind. Lupis barked, tail high as he could in the air as he entered the fierce moment. "You have one chance to get off my lady." he growled, stance clear and strict. He felt a she-wolf was here, but he didn't care to look. If any man were to get their paws on Ruby, it would be Lupis.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:08 pm
by Hope
Ruby shook with fear as the male pounced. He was distracted by Lupis and turned to look at him. "This isn't your fight." he growled, licking his lips. "This...." he turned to Ruby, "is the daughter of a very old enemy of mine. Her father wounded my mate." he looked at the she-wolf who was scarred at her right eye and had Ruby pinned under the tree. Ruby was to shocked to even turn her head to look at Lupis and Knero, but she knew they were there, she felt their presence.

(I'm tired... again... so I won't post anymore til tomorrow. And don't kill the she-wolf but you can wound her. I want her to come back in earlier years to avenge her mate's death.....)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:16 pm
by Alexander
A crazed grin flew onto Lupis's muzzle.
"Well yeah. You know, I know a lot more than you think I do..." He barked rather smartly. He didn't want to waste any more time on this pitiful little talk. This male wolf was merely a bunny to Lupis now. Prey. The less the Wise wolf thought about strings, the more insanity he consumed. He instantly dashed, mind feeling erased by the second. A horribly menacing growl escaped the insanity-seeking wolf's throat. At this time, the ticking of a clock paced much less, the anticipation for time to continue lessened as he raced forward. It was slower for everyone in his eyes, and oddly enough, this very moment, no, this very second made Lupis realize his true love for Ruby. He did care, as much as he questioned himself about it before. He remembered talking to his wall about it, the oddity of actually having the ability to care for someone else. He really did love her, however in the next second it was erased from his mind as insanity and rage consumed it. It took over his mind, the carelessness in his body helping him tell himself that he can do what he wants, and the care for Ruby making him aim those intentions on the male that touched her. No, no one shall touch Ruby anymore, no man shall lay a paw on her, especially when out of his sight. How dare that thing, that wretched male that already has a mate, touch the one he loved so much. Suddenly his jaws separated, sharp teeth glistening to the Sun peaking through the crowded leaves and claws out as far as they could reach the foe's pelt.
How dare he.
It was only a few seconds until Lupis reached enemy's bubble space, mentally popping it in his head and crushing the male's hopes to avoid pain and agony by Lupis throwing his well fisted paw against the thick fur on his neck and then the sharp teeth clamping down hard like a snapping turtle on a human's finger against the foe's ear. There was a lot of yelping involved in the next few seconds, and then a different yelp after the next. The female had charged Lupis, which made the Wise male tug onto the foe's ear, obviously making it more worse for her mate than she thought it out to be. Lupis had a fair share of pain, however, as he was headbutted off balance and pinned to the floor by the female, the male only beginning to recover from the blow to the neck, somewhat making his breathing unclean, and the rather unbearable pain from his torn ear. The female began to fiercely try to tear Lupis a new one, however Lupis simply wouldn't take any of it without fighting back. Using the natural heavy bulkness of his fluff, he suddenly attempted to stand, making the female become suddenly thrown off balance when she thought she was doing so well at holding him down. The thing is, no one holds Lupis down to submission. There is no such thing as putting Lupis and submission together. Cold orange-yellow eyes stared into the male's, the lust for blood building up quite fast within him. It was now a decision. Should he break the female's heart, or break the male's? Something came in mind, and he simply thought it was good enough. Insanity took over once again, making him not think once more of anything, only a picture in his head, that being Ruby, and that seemed to be about it. The male foe had told the female to back off, her doing so, and that's really all Lupis could understand by this point. That wretched foe charged at him, again time slowing, watching the male show off how he can run so clean now that he finally got his breath back.
Lupis hadn't thought much about the rest of what happened, only that he too charged back, and at the last, very last second, they both jumped, both pairs of eyes fierce with hatred and rage. However, one was a little bit more bloodlust, the other's, widened. For a brief moment, everything was black for that wolf, his body aching and paralyzed, maybe. He had crashed onto the floor with enough force to be stuck there, everything temporarily numb. He knew the warrior was there above him, however, and whimpered. The wretched male on the floor took a Lupis paw-slap to the face at the very last second, then was hind kicked onto the floor. The female foe, with not much importance to Lupis, had pleaded something, a horribly surprised expression on her. Lupis either couldn't or wouldn't listen to her pleading, it didn't matter to him. He gently picked up just enough neck-fluff in his jaws to find the jugular on the wolf. The pleading words were muffled echos, nothing important for Lupis to pay attention to. She kept pleading, Lupis kept grinning. The wolf's jaws crushed the wretched male's life right out of him, attempting to rip it right out of him as well. A horrible cry was released, then he could no longer speak. Otherwise unmoving, insanity-filled eyes averted to the female before him.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:41 pm
by Hope
The female looked at Lupis then at her mate.
"I'm Jasmine, and you better remember. I'll have my revenge, and I'll kill the ones you love most." she ended with a high pitched laugh and ran off. Ruby slowly got to her feet and Knero slowly exited the bushes he was so well concealed in.
"Little rabbit, it's okay." she smiled and licked the pup's head when he came running.
"A-a-are you ok-ok-ay?" he whisper.
"Yes I'm fine Knero." she gently said and Knero dug his nose into her fur.
"Mom..." he thought in his mind.
Ruby looked at Lupis and her eyes twinkled.
"Thank you..." she looked down and sighed. "I would've died. You know when you found me, the first time we meant? I wasn't okay, I was being chased by Jasmine and Felix. We were wolf clans, my family, his family, and strong wolves we found who have left Luna or Shadow pack. We trained them the ways of our packs. One day..." she stopped and cloud barely talk. "One day our clans fought over hunting land and it wasn't just a fight, it turned into war." she looked back up with shining eyes. "That's how my mother died." she looked down at Knero who was shaking with fear.

(I guess I'll think about making a form for Jasmine. She'll be a joint charrie to but I'll do most of the roleplaying but when they start fighting we'll both play.)

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:02 pm
by Alexander
Lupis really felt like falling to the floor and spazzing out, but he couldn't exactly remember why. There was a cloud in his mind, and he was really busy trying to clear it out. What was he searching for, exactly? He looked at Ruby, easily recognizing her. He saved her, right? She was okay, right? He was listening to her, but during that time he was sniffing her down like a madman, then attempted to press his nose against hers. He looked into her eyes, his just the same as they were when he killed a wolf, but they quickly changed. His eyes were much more subtle, dazed even. Yes, that's right, strings. He remembered about the strings. The clouds in his head cleared away, the strings now in view for him to watch over. He remembered her thank you just about a minute ago, and to be honest, it made him smile. Maybe it was a late smile, but he was just recovering. He remembered this information. It was her that was in that situation. Right...
He remembered the thing he had to look for, and the wolf in his cave. He wanted to go back there, they may as well while they can.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:48 pm
by Hope
Ruby pressed her muzzle against his. "Thank you so much..... I love you..." she whispered. "I always have from the moment I met you." she added and nudged Knero. "COme on little wolf. Let's go home." she smiled then remembered the moose that they had killed. It was probably by eaten by scavengers. The thought of the moose just made her more hungry and she tried to push it away from her mind. She was happy and that flooded the thought of Jasmine and the clans. "Ma... ma...." Knero tried to speak and nipped at Ruby's nose to get attention. "I'm hungry too, be better get a move on then." she replied to the pup. "Food...." he whispered.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:05 pm
by Ayashe
Tazim started at the sound of his name. Malcom? He replayed the sound in his head. No, definitely a female, but that could only mean...
"Kitsune?" Tazim rasped, the named barely audible to his own ears. He doubted she had heard him. Then he could feel her standing near him, on his left side where the worst of the pain was. He almost flinched away, but caught himself before he panicked. It was just Kitsune, she wouldn't hurt him. Hearing her, Tazim slowly got to his feet, leaning slightly on the she-wolf for support.
As they walked, Tazim wondered what their destination was. Was she taking him to Malcom, or somewhere else? He eventually decided it didn't matter, because the effort to keep his paws moving, one after another, was becoming more and more. If the place had water and somewhere dry to lie down, Tazim wouldn't care where it was.

Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:40 pm
by Kitsune
Kitsune's ears lay low, eyes a little watery still while she was sniffling. "Oh Taz..." She answered with a cry, her young eyes looking at the soon-to-be scars on her older brother's left side. The most gentle and happy wolf in the world to her was horribly beaten and clawed, probably scarred for life forever. To be honest, she was now scarred too. She was traumatized, but she wanted to help Tazim more than anything. She cried to herself silently, tears falling either on the ground or on her paws as she began to stand and made sure he was close to her. She didn't want Taz to know of her grieving, it would only make the scarred scene worse. She breathed, trying to recover her smooth breathing, less crying. Something innocent flashed through her mind, as if her body was desperately trying to find something to block her still child-like mind from this nightmare. The white she-wolf began to hum to the song her mother hummed when she was a pup. It was soothing, and it ultimately relaxed her. She hoped it would do the same for taz. She felt like he was the only wolf, or anything, that shared and understood why she had such a happy, bubbly personality, as he was like that too. She was afraid that he would change, now, and she now felt like she would be alone again. No one would understand her reasonings behind her optimism or excitement or happiness, no one. Most of all, she didn't want to question what had happened. He looked miserable to her, and it most definitely hurt her. Was it worth it -- no, of course it's worth it. Now it was her turn to grow up a little more and take care of her older brother. He would be proud, right? Is he proud of her right now? Her humming continued, but she was silently crying again. Her throat wasn't as choked up, so she could continue without any real problems. She couldn't remember how long they were walking as of now, but she did know where she was going. Kitsune made sure to stay south of Luna territory, but only for good intentions. She knew someone that would help heal Taz to the best of his abilities. If they were close or near territory, someone would smell Taz and Kitsune and would track them down. She wanted less drama and more help for Taz than anything else at this point. Her humming soon faded, and so did her tears.
I can only hope he'll be okay.. She thought to herself, looking down to see his paws.
It looked like he was forcing himself to keep going, but maybe that's all he needed. Maybe it was the thought that she was there to save him from his death and that he'll be helped. He knows that, right? She would help anyone as long as they weren't mean to her first. She shrugged to herself, looking the other way for a brief moment. If they continued walking, they wouldn't be too far from the destination soon. She instantly rechecked to make sure he was still close to her, that their fur was still touching, as that brief moment of looking the other way made her lose that connection. Would it be best to stop and rest now? What about finding water? Oh gosh, what is a 1 year old to do in this situation? She's never lead anyone around before, especially someone that looks potentially blind. What should she do right now? Stop? Go? Her mind became scatterbrained. Her mind was whining, pleading to be happy and bubbly again, but no one can be happy when someone's left face is still dripping. She made a soft sniffle again, all of this being quite bothersome to her. She was a new, growing young lady, if anything, and she felt pressured, like she had to be a leader somehow. Everything was on her paw now, it seemed, and she felt like she couldn't take it. She wanted to show sisterly affection for him, to let him know that she still loved him for who he was, but it would be awkward, wouldn't it? The white, saddened wolf held back a whimper. She could only hope that he would understand her, even if he wasn't going to be himself anymore after this.