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Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:53 pm
by MidnightRose
Mystpaw nodded, listening closely to everything Icestar was saying. She looked over at the mouse Icestar told her about, and quickly crouched down. She tried her best to keep her belly off the ground and to keep her tail still as she slowly crept towards the mouse. She seemed to be doing fine when she suddenly stepped on a twig, making a loud snap. The mouse ran off, and Mystpaw leaped at it but missed. "Oops.." She mumbled, feeling like she let Icestar down.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:04 pm
by Saebre
Icestar padded over to Mystpaw, and ran her tail down her spine. "You did great!" she exclaimed. "But next time look infront of you a couple of times so you know when to cuff your paws." She showed Mystpaw how to cuff her paw. "So when you see a twig, you can cuff your paw. When you cuff your aw, if should look like a C"

Icestar scanned the clearing for something to train Mystpaw. She thought of battle training. Icestar ran to a tree near by with moss dangling from the branches. She rolled it into a ball, and shoved it infront of Mystpaw. "Now," she began. "I'm going to teach you some battle training." Icestar took her position, and unsheathed her blades. She leaped and twisted in the air, and landed squarley on the moss ball, sinking her claws into the moss.
"I know that's an advanced move, but I want you to try it on the moss ball first. Remember, this is only practice. No need to get frustrated"

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:12 pm
by MidnightRose
"Okay" Mystpaw said, attempting to cuff her paws as Icestar showed her how to. She then saw Icestar run off, and Mystpaw quickly followed her, wondering what she was doing. "Whoa" She said under her breath after Icestar showed her a move. Mystpaw crouched slightly, unsheathing her claws, then jumped into the air. She didn't twist, and then completely missed the moss. She looked at the moss, feeling a bit disappointed. "I completely missed the moss!" She complained.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:16 pm
by Saebre
"It's because you didn't twist. You must twist to land on the opponets shoulders. Try it again, then we can stop for the day, if you want. But you did a nice job, Mystpaw."

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:21 pm
by MidnightRose
"Oh.." Mystpaw said quietly. She went to try the move again. She leaped, and somewhat twisted. She then fell onto the moss, but instead of catching it with her claws, she landed on top of it and almost fell onto her side. She mumbled something, then looked up at Icestar "Did I do any better that time?" She asked her curiously.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:30 pm
by Grep42
Dogtooth looked over at Shadowpaw, "Go out and collect some moss. Now, don't give me that look, this is important. By clawing moss off a tree you learn better swiping techniques,"

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:55 am
by Saebre
"That was better, Mystpaw. Now, I want you to try it on me. Claws sheathed.''
Icestar looked at Mystpaw, and studied her, (She's doing great. She deserves to be deputy, but..... She needs to have an apprentice first. Maybe Mystfall, or MystShade, or Mystfur. She'd make a great warrior. I can't wait to name her for her warrior ceremony.)

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:43 am
by MidnightRose
"Okay." Mystpaw said quickly as she looked at Icestar. She sheathed her claws and jumped into the air, twisted, and attempted to land on Icestar.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:04 am
by Saebre
"Good," Icestar began. "When you are in battle, that will come in handy. If you land on their shoulds like you did to me, then you get a perfect shot at the neck." Icestar paused. "Let's go back to camp. You worked well today. You deserve some food. I'll teach you more battle training tomorrow."

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:25 am
by MidnightRose
Mystpaw nodded and followed Icestar as they started heading towards camp. "I'm starving!" She exclaimed as she saw camp in the distance.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:59 am
by Saebre
"Well, go pick whatever you want because you did amazing today. And get some sleep, too." Icestar flicked her ear with her tail, and padded to the fresh kill pile to grab a mouse. She gulped it down, and went to her nest, and went to sleep

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:38 pm
by MidnightRose
Mystpaw walked over to the food pile and chose a vole for herself. She chose a shady spot to sit down and gulp down her meal. Once she was done, she headed over to her nest and laid down, staring outside as she thought about what she learned that day til she fell asleep.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:42 pm
by Grep42
Dogtooth sat in the lonely warriors den. She hoped that Shadowpaw would be ready to become a warrior soon, she was lonely. But, of course, she couldn't sacrifice his training.

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:49 pm
by Saebre
Icestar padded over to the warriors den. She saw Dogtooth laying in her nest. She walked towards her. "Dogooth," she began. "I know you're lonely in the warriors den. And I know I'm eager to get more warriors. But, do you possibly think we could make Shadowpaw a warrior in the morning?"

Re: Warrior Cats RP: ForestClan (If you view, PLEASE APPLY!!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:53 pm
by Grep42
"Well, Icestar, if you think he is good enough. But first, allow me to give him an assessment," she replied. Dogtooth was excited for her apprentice. She was also excited because when he became a warrior she would be able to get the job of deputy.