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Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:11 am
by SilentEcho
Venom continued looking for the silver dragon, but he heard no more of him. Assuming the dragon was far away now (or something) Venom decided he'd find something proper to eat instead of fussing over the weather. Venom's diet lately was mostly made up of bats,eggs and carrion. None of these filled up the huge dragon. Venom was sick of eating lots of tiny things. He wanted something bigger, and he was going to get it now. He lowered himself and skimmed the treetops, looking down. Laas Ya Nir.Creatures in the forest began to illuminate (but only to Venom's eyes). "Bear, moose,.....Human hunter!". Venom loved it when hunters came, they always had bags full of fresh carcasses. But if Venom wanted to get the meat, he'd have to do it without alarming the human. If he does anything to the hunter, he'll be the one getting hunted.

Venom's size was going to make this very difficult, the hunter was distracted, but he'd have to be deaf, blind and incredibly stupid to not detect Venom. Feim Zi Gron. Venom had "become ethereal" meaning he couldn't be hurt, or hurt others. Greedily he snatched the bag of carcasses and flew back to his cave. Inside the sack was a dozen hares and a fox. Not the good meal he was expecting, but an easy one.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:13 am
by Alias
I guess the Elements are like our eye colour. Dragons are born with something they can't change ;]

Karaku felt another sharp ush of wind slap against her scales. "Dierrh ecreae yeldo hante," she mumbled lazily, breathing out, and the stormy winds calmed around her. Karaku, sitting in the darkness, and from her height she could see miles away. Not far away was a young – rather impressive looking – green dragon. But a lot smaller than Karaku, and supposedly less experienced. She looked up as the skies darkened once more, and remarked to herself that there must be another dragon somewhere with the Weather Element. Spreading her wings, she finally decided it was time to investigate her competitors. She flapped her wings and lifted herself off the ground before moving on into a graceful glide across the stormy sky.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:41 am
by SilentEcho
As Venom was finishing off the last of his hares the winds and clouds seemed to calm. Now that his stomach wasn't bothering him and the weather was less of a problem, he was going to see who was messing around with the weather. He could see a dragon flying pretty far away, from a distance the dragon looked small, but the closer he got, the larger the dragon became. By the ..scent of it, the dragon was a female, and she was at least 4 times bigger than himself. Assuming she had seen him by now and was going to confront him, he uttered a meek "he-llo". This dragon was so much bigger than him, and could probably send him falling to the ground with a swat of her claws. But Venom tried to man up.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:18 am
by Alias
Karaku eyed the dragon below her and dived down, spreading her wings meters before she reached the ground and landing gracefully with a steady thud. Even Karaku was amused herself, for she towered over the young wyvern easily. Observing him carefully, she could faintly tell that by his scent one of his Elements were Poison. "A difficult opponent, for one so young," she remarked, her dark eyes flashing like lightning in a storm. She tilted her head slightly, stiffly. Poison is a deadly weapon, but from what Karaku believed, it depended on the strength and experience of the dragon for the poison to be either effectly strong or pitifully weak, like that of a bee's. Karaku looked thoughtful. For a defence against poison, her best chance was to dodge and land blows on the places where the dragon is most vunerable; the neck is rather reasonable. But otherwise, she could see that the wyvern would make a good fighter, if well trained. "What is your name?" She asked with her usual quiet authority, and in a voice that is calm like unstirred water.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:26 am
by SilentEcho
Venom wasn't sure if he should look up or down while speaking. Certain dragons took being looked at in the eyes as a threat, others thought anything otherwise is incredibly rude.Taking a gamble,he decided to look up at the females eyes, they seemed as if they were flashing. "My name is Venom, yours?" he replied in a submissive tone. He hoped the dragon wouldn't hurt him if he wasn't a threat.
The young wyvern had never actually met a dragon this tall before, even his parents were vastly shorter than the gigantic female and being an inexperienced young dragon, Venom assumed anything bigger than him was out to get him.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:35 am
by Alias
Karaku sensed anxiety, and the submission wasn't so new on her either. "My name is Karaku," she replied. Curiously, she wondered if he could fight, not that she was looking to challenge him, but a wyvern like him should nurture his abilities. "Tell me, Venom. Can you fight? Have you the experience?" She asked, trying to make her voice as unthreatening as possible. Karaku doubted that if she talked in her normal voice, the wyvern would stay put.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:42 am
by SilentEcho
Venom frowned and nervously spoke "I've never actually fought anybody before. Well..., I used to playfight with my siblings, but that doesn't count..".Venom was getting more anxious by the second, the venomous spines on his tail pricking up some sort of dragon goosebumps. Trying to calm himself down he reminded himself that this dragon was extremely old, and probably out of her prime.The thought calmed him a bit and he relaxed, looking back up at Karaku, curious as to why she'd asked such a question.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:47 am
by Alias
Karaku's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Shame. You have a powerful Element, and an Element like Poison that is used well can prove to be a valuable defence." She lifted her gaze, as if about to leave. The wyvern would certainly make a good fighter, she thought. He'd have plenty of time, though, to train his skills. With reluctance, she spread her wings.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:50 am
by SilentEcho
Venom narrowed his eyes as he watched Karaku spread her wings. "Wait..where are you going?" He asked, now over his fear.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:55 am
by Alias
Karaku paused. "To Karr Kepios," she replied, expecting Venom not to know about the ancient mountain, her life's home. "My home," she added. "Since there is no more reason why I should stay."

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:59 am
by SilentEcho
Not sure what to say, Venom simply replied "Okay see you later". He turned around and took off into the skies, and glided around, not really sure how to spend his time, he knew that with all of the powerful dragons around, trying to expand his territory was something he should probably lay off. So the bored Wyvern watched Karuku from the skies.He wanted to learn more about this dragon, she seemed wise.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:02 am
by Alias
I got to go now, see you later.

Karaku nodded, and hissed a spell. "Fierrh sante agrisas feldom," she growled, darkening the clouds and makign them cover the sun, therefore Karaku could fly and blend in with the skies, travelling unoticed. She spread her wings out and took off, letting the wind guide her home.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:03 am
by SilentEcho
"So she's the one who's playing with the weather"venom said to himself, before gliding back home.

((I think I might hit the hay too ))

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:23 am
by SouthernStar
(Awwww, everybody abandons me when I go to bed D: )

Dodger was about to reply to the other dragon's roar until an arrow was launched at his neck; though thankfully it bounced off thanks to him having steel as his element. He turned his head and found a human with a bow, then growled threateningly. Dodger watched as the human offender dropped it's bow in shock and made a run for it out in the woods. Dodger smirked, then quickly wiped that smile off his face when he remembered he forgot to reply to the other dragon. Too late now... He thought. He was just about to take flight to go and find Venom but the sky's weather patterns changed again. Dodger then decided that staying on the ground was probably the safest option; at least until the weather resumed it's normal patterns. Dodger began to walk, figuring he'd just search for Venom on the ground.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:56 am
by Lex
Ash kept up above the ground, looking around. She mumbled at the changing sky, "Heru cios dise vey." The clouds formed in the sky, and soon it rained. The dragon didn't mind, she liked the rain. She glided with the wind, floating around.