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Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:51 am
by Lex
(It's a good idea. I suppose we could do that. ^^;)


Ash looked up at the sky. It was getting darker, and it wasn't just natural. The female took flight, not remembered the male at this time, she was too curious.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:18 am
by SilentEcho
Venom lazed around deep in his cave, counting his stash of gold coins. Luckily, the bats had just come back from their insect hunt to sleep, and Venom managed to catch a few, but the dragon was still hungry.He was looking at one especially shiny coin when suddenly his cave went pitch black. He grumbled in annoyance and walked towards the entrance of his cave.It was a tad brighter outside, but Venom was pretty sure that it was day, not night."More dragons"He muttered to himself. He could almost feel his territory shrinking. This time Venom was going to try his hardest to not get scared of a parrot and tell this dragon to stop changing the weather.

His cave was a only few metres above the ground, so taking off was a bit tricky.Venom managed to get himself in the air and used his illusion powers to hide himself from watching eyes.He roared, hoping for a reply.

((We should probably make up our own spells as we go, and ask Lex to add them to the first post, that way you don't have to be part of a particular fandom to use them))

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:51 am
by Alias
Sure ;] Although I wouldn't really bother with adding it on a list or anything, just make stuff up as you go along. Anyone else watch BBC Merlin?

Karaku used the wind to help her glide racefully across the sky. Since her scales were grey, they blended in with the dark clouds. She heard a roar, seemingly from a dragon not far away, and decided to ignore it for now. Looking around, she smelt the scent of bear; a good meal to a dragon, as long as you skinned it properly. She slowly flapped her wings up and down to fly faster until she saw the familiar shape of an adult black bear. Karaku gave a side-smile (if dragons could smile o.o) and hovered closer to the ground. The bear couldn't see her. She breathed out, not fire, but normal dragon breath, and hissed; Ahrissan yeldo. Instead of fading away into the air, it formed a cloud of steam and decended, shrouding the bear, at once, the bear grew paralized with the cold touch of Karaku's breath and stopped dead in it's tracks. She dived down and snatched it up. It would do as a snack... for now.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:16 am
by SouthernStar

(Dodger used to be able to use spells, but then he took an arrow to the knee.)

Dodger was just about to reply to the female before she abruptly took off. "Eh." He sighed. Dodger was just about to take off himself until he heard the same dragon that had talked to Ash a little while ago roar. For him it was easy to recognise a dragon's roar after meeting them. Dodger roared back; hoping to catch the other dragon's attention.

(I'm just wondering; can Dodger have the ability to breathe fire if taught by another dragon, if that's okay with you Lexie? Because he was never taught how to by his parents cause he fell out of the den and got lost? He's still weak to fire attacks though xD)

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:46 am
by Alias
If that is possible, Karaku can teach him ;]

Karaku flew back to Karr Kepios and dived down, sweving around and dodging the ledges. Then she spread her wings to slow down and landed with grace on the stoney cave floor. Settling down, she placed the bear in front of her and breathed over it again, the steam from her hot breath softening the meat. The bear was no longer paralized with cold, but it had died anyway. It's blood had frozen and the heart had stopped, so Karaku ripped the skin apart and fed on him. Afterwards, she made her way back up Karr Kepios and discarded the remnants of her eaten prey for the forest. She sat on the ledge of Karr Kepios at it's highest peak, but keeping to the shadows of the entrance, and looked up. "Fierrh sante agrisas – yeldo!" She growled, and the grey clouds parted to reveal sunlight. With a satisfied grunt, Karaku remained on the ledge, watchful.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:48 am
by SouthernStar
(That would be great, DarkReality :3)

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:20 am
by Alias
No problem ;] Waiting for a reply

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:36 pm
by SilentEcho
Venom heard the roar of another dragon and began to fly towards the sound.He assumed it was the silver dragon, but he was going to have to find out himself. He roared once more. Even if this dragon was not the one who'd been changing the weather, The other dragon could be a great tracker or something.

Remember to keep the spells relevant to your element. (Or I'll just go around and 'avada kedabra' everybody.)

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:44 pm
by LunaWolf
Jade gave a disgruntled rumble as the scales on her back rapidly cooled. She opened her eyes and stared up at the sky. Where had her precious sun gone? She huffed. She sky was a uniform, dreary grey, it didn't look like the clouds would be clearing any time soon. 'Not much point in sitting around...' She stretched for a moment, before taking to the skies again. Maybe a warm meal would cheer her up a bit. Her eyes scanned the land below carefully. Nothing huge, she had trouble finishing anything larger than a small deer... A speck of white on the ground below caught her eye. A sheep? She never saw wild sheep anywhere but on the mountains, this one must have been a wayward farm animal. She savored her good luck for a moment on finding it before any other wild creatures did, before swiftly soaring down and striking the animal with all her weight, like an owl on a mouse. It didn't even have a chance to bleat. She briefly considered plucking off the wool before consuming it, but she didn't have the patience for that. Instead, she simply swallowed the animal whole. That would tide her over anywhere from a day to three, depending on the weather. (She had to consume quite a bit more during inclement weather, during such times her body burned many more calories trying to stay warm.)

Jade was vaguely aware of other dragons in the area, she wasn't entirely sure where however. She may have flown off in an attempt to locate them, if she hadn't been distracted by the sight of the weather suddenly changing. That was certainly odd, maybe there was someone around messing with the weather? It didn't matter to her too much, she wasted no time at all stretching herself out to soak up the warm rays.

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:37 pm
by Lex
Ash continued upwards, swiveling her head around. The female saw the sky change again, and was tempted to mess around. "Fierrh sante agrisas feldom," she whispered, watching the sky as the clouds covered it once more.


[I used the same one you did. o; I'm not creative..]

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:41 pm
by SilentEcho
((Hmm..What about.All dragons can do spells.But each dragon has different breath or something?)

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:44 pm
by Alexander
(I will be delaying my character until after vacation.)

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:26 pm
by Ayashe
((OOC: Yes! Dragon shouts! ;D Corbeau would probably use Fo Krah diin the most, since his element is ice. Now I'm off to the land of Skyrim for a few hours! *3*))

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:53 pm
by SilentEcho
((I'm going to go play some too :D So it's settled? We're basically making them up as we go?))

Re: Dragon Roleplay

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:03 am
by Ayashe
Corbeau sat up on his haunches and yawned, flashing white fangs for a moment before snapping his jaws shut with an audible klack. He sat perched high upon his unnamed mountain, enjoying the cool weather as he napped. Now he turned his had to and fro, looking for the cause of his untimely awakening. A six day journey should surely put him out for longer than a few hours.
Standing drowsily and shaking his dark blue fur free of snow, Corbeau slunk towards the edge of the peak to peek over the side. Nothing but a dragon could make it up here, he was sure. He pulled his head back as a gust of freezing air whipped up the side and into his face. He growled quietly, not exactly thrilled by the harsh winds that seemed to cling to his home. Corbeau didn't worry though, for he had flown through many blizzards and hurricanes. Neither were easy feats, but he had accomplished it nevertheless. A skimpy mountain breeze like this wasn't going to trap him up here.
He bounded back to the edge again and pushed hard with his hind legs, leaping right off the side. He unfurled his massive feathered wings and caught the wind underneath them, letting it carry him. Gliding along the mountain side was an easy way to spot prey. He kept his sapphire eyes searching the cliffs until a certain white bear caught his eye.
A bear for breakfast. It made his tail twitch in amusement.
The beast spotted him and snarled upwards, but made no attempt to run. Corbeau roared back the challenge and and swooped downward, landing heavily and nearly knocking the massive snow bear off it's feet. Corbeau swayed, head low to the ground and growled. "Draal fah hin lass, mal raan." Then he lunged, tackling it with all his weight. The bear was not easily overtaken by such a reckless tactic and managed to slip from Corbeau's grasp. It scored a hit on his white snout. He snapped his head back and wiped it with a paw growling deep in his chest. Not about to let himself near the bear's claws again, he opened his mouth and let loose a torrent of icy wind with the words, "Fo krah diin!"
The bear froze in it's tracked and fell lifeless to the ground. Corbeau hummed, proud of himself, as he approached the carcass. "Dreh ni dah aan dovah," he muttered to the bear's cold form before sinking his teeth into flesh.