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Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:40 pm
by Swifty
Nova growled to herself before stepping out of the fire, lips pulled back in a snarl. "I don't need any HELP." She snapped heatedly, glaring at them both. "If you haven't noticed, you're the only ones getting burnt here, idiots." The dog let out an indignant huff and was about to say something else snappish and rude, when they said something about Scuttle, and she looked to where they were gazing. "Scuttle!"

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:45 pm
by KibaWolf
Kiba was losing her patience."IF YOU DONT WANT US TO HELP THEN WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO KILL US?!"She burst out."IF WE'RE IDIOTS THEN GET RID OF US!"She cried.Tsume was now circling Nova,ready to attack at any moment,but his sister biting his ear told him if someone was gonna hurt Nova it was gonna be Kiba or the owl and Kiba was the more likely one.

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:53 pm
by Swifty
"Because killing is unnessisary and cruel." She spat, lips drawn back. Raising her her and tail defiantly, she let out a low and rumbling snarl, and despite her size, she had a lot of confidence. "I don't kill OR attack other animals because I do not agree with them." Nova growled, roughly shoving past Kiba and towards the stream, her tail giving Kiba a soft smack as she walked past her. "But... I will hurt you if I feel too threatened." The dog hinted.

(Btw, Nova is like, a lot smaller than a Wolf. Wolves are really big. Shes only the size of a Labrador

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:58 pm
by Swifty
(Google: "wolf and labrador size comparison" (copypaste that minus the quotes)
on google images, it should be 8th result.)

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:01 pm
by KibaWolf
Kiba growled as the dog's tail smacked her.She hit Nova's face with HER tail,as she tried to get to Scuttle."Don't worry and my brother are nice to niceanimals,unlike annoying ones like Nova."
Kiba said."Btw,Nova,with our pack (me Kiba Scuttle and you) who should be leader/alpha?I think me or Kiba should be one of the alphas.Btw,why aren't you playful or anything?"Tsume piped up,surprisingly happy for no reason.

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:04 pm
by KibaWolf
Swifty wrote:(Google: "wolf and labrador size comparison" (copypaste that minus the quotes)
on google images, it should be 8th result.)
(whoa.Kiba and Tsume now have power XD. Btw,does Nova HAVE to act like she's superior?Why does she act liek that?)

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:07 pm
by Swifty
(Wat, why do they have powers? o3o.
And shes like that because that's just how she is. It's her personallity.)

"Because to be playful, you'd have to be happy, and I'm rarely happy." She said flatly, glancing back at them. "I don't have a pack. It's just me. I really don't care who's the alpha of your pack, though." Nova said in a less agressive than earlier tone, although her snout was still crinkled in distaste and irritation.

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:57 pm
by KibaWolf
"Aww.Why ya have to be so mean?Can't you just get along with us?Awz! You're not happy much?That's too bad.I think you'd be nice if you were happy more.What makes you happy?"Tsume's inner pup was coming out,and Kiba stared at him alertly,with her jaw dropped.Umm...Did fire burn my brother's brain?!Well...He was like this as a pup, i guess this makes sense...Kind of..Kiba thought.

(Power like power over Nova in a way cuz they're MUCH bigger.)

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:41 am
by Mindy
((...From what I've read, you guys hardly traveled at all, while Scuttle's been running nearly nonstop in the opposite direction of the inferno for the past three pages. There is no way that they've found the stream in just a few strides, let alone caught up with her. :( Also, when/if you guys do find her, after both of you have posted, please, could you give me a chance to respond too? It's kind of important that I reply to posts having direct effect on my character, so once everyone's gotten their turn, I'd need a turn too.))

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:12 am
by Swifty
('Course c: <3)

Nova was about to let out another call of "Scuttle!" But when she neared, she stopped in her tracks. "Guys..." she said slowly, her eyes narrowing as she glanced over her shoulder. "Thats a rock. Not Scuttle."

Agitated, she slowly started at a jog towards the stream. "Well, come on!" The dog snapped in an irritated voice, eyes narroed.

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:41 am
by Foxesrule
(AHEM. SPirit is right next to Tsumeheart, Kibapaw and Nova. You aren't taking notice of him.)

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:45 am
by Swifty
Oh dang, really? I'm sorry Foxy. Maybe repost so it won't be out of order? I'll, atleast reply if they don't

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:26 pm
by Mindy
The black squirrel hurried as the trees became more widely spaced, and then opened to a river. She stopped in her tracks to gape. She could see trees past the opposite bank, so it must run right through the forest. She approached the bank, treading the pebbled shore cautiously. There was no way that she'd be able to swim across. Scuttle paced for a bit, anxious and unsure how she'd get across. Then she stopped herself, took a deep breath, and forced herself to look at it analytically, like a true seasoned adventurer would. Okay, she couldn't get across here, but if she continued up the river, she was bound to find a place to cross, and if the fire beat her, then near the water, where she could dodge falling trees, of which there were little next to the river, then- back up. The fire can't reach her anymore as long as she stayed immediately next to the river.

The thought danced across her mind. Then she grinned broadly. "Yay!!!" she cried in relief, collapsing where she sat. Scuttle had been really tired of running. She curled up and rubbed one of her sore paws.

((See what I did? ...I made Scuttle stop running.))

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:31 pm
by Swifty
(Yaaay. )

Re: Forest survival

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:31 pm
by KibaWolf
Kiba aimed for the jaw of Nova.She missed by a milimeter.She glared in Nova's direction.Tsume then nodded.Even though he liked Nova,he was sick of this.He Tried to wound Nova's tail,but missed by a milimeter of a milimeter.