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Re: Final Survival RP

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:05 pm
by Jezibel
Sorry about that! Forgot. I'll fix it

EDIT: Edited it

Re: Final Survival RP

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:16 pm
by Alpha Ridley
Cobruu rested below an abandoned hut in the middle of nowhere. The moon started to rise slowly, with Cobruu slithering out and exploring the clear night.

Re: Final Survival RP

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:56 pm
by KibaWolf
SilverFang decided to look for food. She was hungry, now, and had no reason to wait. She killed an elk and ate its juicy, plentiful carcess. She dug herself a den, and slept for a few minutes. She was happy, at the moment, but dreamt of her family. She woke up sobbing. She touched her necklace,the one her father gave her which was made of grass and fangs, and nuzzled it. She fell back asleep, and stayed in the den. Even when she woke up. The world was a dangerous place to be in, especially when the ghosts of her family could be evil... Such as her Uncle Zora... He had tried to kill her.
She had been a cub, and nearly died. She still has nightmares...

Re: Final Survival RP

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:06 pm
by niallz299
Name: Shafe
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Jackel
Description: Normal
Personality: He is kind and calm to others of his species but a blood thirsty beast when it comes to hunting.
Likes: Females, hunting in packs
Dislikes: Other preadators
Other: Hunts in a pack

Name: Lena
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Jackel
Description: Normal
Personality: Will rp
Likes: Shafe and meat
Dislikes: Other preadators and losing a kill
History: ^^
Family: All dead
Love: Shafe
Other: Hunts in a pack

Name: Slash
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Jackel
Description: Normal
Personality: Blood thirsty like his brother but silent when with friends.
Likes: His pack mates, food
Dislikes: Other preadators
History: ^^
Family: None except his brother Shad
Love: No
Other: Hunts in a pack

Re: Final Survival RP

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:29 pm
by Foxesrule
Name: Sandstorm.
Age: Middle-aged adult.
Gender: Female.
Species: Fennec fox.
Description: Image
Personality: Will RP.
Likes: Evening, food.
Dislikes: Wolves, predators.
History: Will RP.
Family: Dead.
Love: None.
Other: No.
KibaWolf wrote:(Looks cool! :3)

Name: SilverFang
Age: Young adult.
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf (Predator but still prey for larger animals that are WAY stronger)
Description: Silver with golden eyes. Black/dark grey tail with white tip. Kind of medium for her age (size).
Personality: Fiesty and won't back down from a fight. Rude on occasion, and stubborn when need-be. Beautiful and charming, she can convince anyone to do anything if they are not too stubborn. Usually friendly, she will make friends easily, if they're not on her bad side, that is. If they are on her bad-side, they may as well be dead already. She is overly friendly to males, and falls in love easily.
Likes: Males, having friends, fighting when need-be.
Dislikes: Having her heart broken, being hurt, having something bad happen to her love (when she has one)
History: Kind of tradgic pup-hood. Her family passed away in a fire, and she misses them terribly. She will not talk about it.
Love: Not yet...;)
Other: I LOVE PIE! xD
Kiba, what type of wolf are you?

Re: Final Survival RP

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:32 pm
by KibaWolf
(A medium-sized Gray wolf but not that bulky)