Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Ayashe »

Valicente's bright aquamarine eyes squinted up at the sunlight filtering through the tiny spaces between the leaves of The Oak. The marshy atmosphere of Shadow territory cast a green hue to even the warmest rays of sunshine. To anyone else this might have been found depressing, living in such a constant state of gloom, but not to Valicente. No, to him this was as good as any clear sky or field of green grass. The brown wolf stood up from his worn spot in the pack shelter and bowed in a long, satisfying stretch. He then glanced around, searching the deep shadows of the den for any remaining members of the pack. His gaze caught a sleeping form that he knew was his friend, Dyxequ. Valicente watched the slow rise and fall of the other canine's calm breathing, mind running over the same doubts and worries for the hundredth time in his short life. Then his attention slowly found the main source of light, the den entrance. He silently stood, casting one last glance at the other male before slipping out and into the morning sun.
The air was almost muggy in Shadow Pack territory, but not uncomfortably so. It suited him much better than the crisp winds of the Lunar wolves across the river, but he found himself wondering if he would have been different. Had the Luna Pack found him first, would he be relishing the hard ground rock beneath his paws and cold breeze from the mountains? It was an interesting thought, but he didn't think about it much. There were many little 'what if's' in the world, but he found it stupid to dwell on what could have happened.
Valicente sniffed the dry ground around the den site. Few scents were new, but that was to be expected in Shadow Pack. Unlike the Lunas, they weren't nearly as tight knit, though they would defend each other if it came to it. Most of the time Valicente was either alone or with Dyx. Rarely did the Alpha Male show his face or his fellow pack mates come around. A scent here, a howl there. It was enough to make sure everyone was at least still breathing. Valicente liked it that way. He wasn't a very sociable wolf.
Giving a large, whining yawn, the mud-brown canine slumped down onto a patch of dry grass and light. He sighed, deciding to wait for Dyx to wake up before he went hunting.


Malcom watched Kitsune go, feeling compelled to catch her and thank her for saving Tazim. His little brother had told him everything.

(Which had left Mal's thoughts screaming at him, telling him how stupid, stupid, stupid he was to take Tazim into such a dangerous-)

That's when they heard the growling and sharp click of teeth snapping on air. They both tensed and Malcom turned, eyes widening at the scene. He growled quietly and began to stalk towards the females. Then he felt a sharp nip on his ear as Tazim bound up beside him and expertly grabbed the soft black extremity. This caused the Alpha Male to stop, not so much because of the sharp prick of pain, but because of the vibe he was getting from the younger canine. Tazim let his ear go and shook his head. "No. If I know anything about you, brother, then I'm sure you know that stopping that is not a good idea."
Malcom stared at his brother, eyes wide. Tazim turned his blindfolded eyes towards the two shewolves, a frown on his muzzle. "You told me once that you hoped to chose an Alphess. It was quite obvious who you favored for the position. I agree, Mal, but if she can't do this on her own, she's not ready."
Malcom shook his head. Where was all this coming from? Where was his scared little brother, the one that cried when he brought home rabbits for food? Any other time he would be begging Malcom to stop this conflict from escalating, but now he was encouraging it?
With a quiet, shaky sigh, Malcom nodded. Tazim seemed to understand despite the verbal confirmation, sitting down beside his tense brother.
Last edited by Ayashe on Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by NatureHeart »

(Hey Ayeshe, what about Malcom? There is a wolf trying to pass pack boarders and SunJewel is about to rip her to shreds.. She's from a violent pack..)
Cheer up!
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by hoopyscoop »

(I don’t know what to type... Sorry)
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Alexander »

The maned wolf's left ear twitched as he was in a deep sleep, feeling nice and rested within the den. Thoughts of a regular day coming up, food, and cracking some jokes loomed around his head, meaning his beginnings of waking up. It took the grey and black wolf a while, but finally, suddenly, a large, loud yawn erupted from his big mouth. He then got up, not even phased by the idea of taking things slow today, and began to trot around the den like a race horse. "Hey, you awake Val? Are you?" He asked, quite excited. He looked to his left, noticing a clearly awakened Val before him. "Oh. Say, I'm hungry, what about you? I wonder what we will find today!" He lowered the first half of his body right in front of Val, a massive grin plastered onto his face. Dyxequ stared at him with big, emerald eyes.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Ayashe »

(OOC: Nature, I edited my post.)


Valicente's ears twitched in slight annoyance at his friend's peppy attitude. One eye opened to stare intensely at the tall maned wolf crouched in front of him. He studied Dyxeque for a moment long in silence, then sat up and looked around. "I think I might know of a rabbit warren nearby. There are many scent trails around the area. I think we could possibly catch one, with it being so early."
Giving his coat a shake and ridding it of the bits of dirt and grass, Val flicked his tail at Dyx as a signal to follow him. Valicente took a moment to admire the way the sun glinted off still pools of water dotting the land and how the shadows flickered and swayed on the golden landscape. Fallen leaves crackled underfoot, but when the scent of rabbits touched the brown wolf's twitching nose, he sunk into a stalking gait. His whole body shifted to favor silence. Lowered head, slow placing of the paws, equal weight distribution and even a more focused gaze to pinpoint possible noise-making objects and avoid them.
He prayed to Fenris that Dyx caught his body language as a signal to keep quiet.
Slowly, carefully, he padded forward, eyes scanning the brush. A scrub twitched. He halted.
Seconds dragged past.
Then the rabbit exploded from the undergrowth, eyes wide with fear at having caught the wolf's scent. He lunged forward after it, white teeth gleaming.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Alexander »

Dyxequ nodded, padding out of the den and somewhat following him. As soon as he thought Val was in his own little world to get at the rabbit, the skinny-legged wolf quickly yet quite silently sneaked away. He Thought he was far away enough, wiggling his tail-end in the air as he got into his position. The maned wolf's legs sprinted, trotting like a mad horse as soon as he saw the rabbit. He already knew that the rabbit would focus solely on the wolf right in front of him, but it surely wouldn't expect another suddenly beside it as well. He sprinted as fast as he could, air breezing through his black and grey coat. Almost immediately, the male dipped his head, let his jaws open wide enough, snatched the rabbit's side, and scooped it off the ground, halting to a stop as soon as he did so.
"eyy! Ai caugh ih! I really id ih! Look! Look!" He showed it off a little, hopping next to his friend with quite the excited eyes.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Summerbreeze »

Name: Nymeria
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Pack/Loner: Shadow
Rank: Alpha female
Family: Shadowheart and Emerald
History: N/A
Personality: She is a born leader, she gives an order, you obey her, you should be great friends. She will do anything for her pack and family. She wants a pack that can kill but still make peace, and she does not want anyone in her way. Meria is tough and hard to get to, but she knows how to handle a pack. Meria does not kill unless forced to, and she is smart about it.
Other: =^-^=
Description/Picture: ... ers_03.jpg
Her eyes are green too, and by the way, she is Emes aunt.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, lazy form. Well guess what? It is 2:00 AM and I am tired. I will edit in the morning
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by StarWolf »

(Late post is late. Added all three new characters of Alex, Ayashe, and Summerbreeze.)

Venom-green eyes eyed his would-be kin as she bounced around.
Pups were so full of energy... had he been like that, once upon a time?
And now he needed a plan- which was a huge problem. Kazimo didn't plan, he dove. Tasor was the one who planned and was careful, who thought things through(After all, Tasor remembered lessons that they had learned- Kazimo did not). But now Tasor wasn't here, and Kazimo had to be the grown-up.
Life could be cruel.
"Um... well, I'm hungry. So... let's go find some food."
With that said, Kazimo exited their log and hesitantly sniffed the air- one could never be too careful. His nose was immediately assaulted with the smell of wolves, though they didn't seem to be too close.
Still- better say than sorry.
"C'mon." He barked the half-order, before trotting off into the greenery away from the river.

Silvery blue eyes cracked open, heavy with crust. His eyesight was slightly blurry, and it took him several moments to realize a few things:
One, he had passed out again, somehow made it back inside the log, and remembered nothing of his delusional wakefulness(Other than the feeling that he had made a complete fool of himself, of course).
Two, he had a massive headache and couldn't see straight.
Three, he could hear voices outside.
Grumpily he pointed his muzzle outside of the log and glared with bleary grey eyes. "Would you stopit?" He muttered to the figures outside, words slightly slurred from sleep. " 'Givin me a headache..."

Cashew yawned, her jaws widening fully and involuntarily released a high-pitched whine before licking her lips and turning around, spotting Solaris who seemed to have just woken up.
The sunlight was spilling over his already golden fur, and he nearly glowed.
He'd look better if it was red, came one of her inner voices- not Kipper, and not important enough to be named. He should be glowing red.
She gave one of her face-splitting grins at the wolf who should look like on of the Gods(Because the Gods were all stained with blood of the suffering, right?) and gave a happy bark. "Sol, G'morning! What adventures should we go on today?" Her hyper personality seemed to take hold for a few moments. "Maybe we should go fight a bear- or, scale a mountain! Or maybe go find Kipper, or track the Rabbit-Dog! Oh, how absolutely exciting..."

InGame name: Esari or Starwolf
I respond to StarWolf/Star or Teashell/Tea
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Alrai »

Atropos brought her head back at the neck slightly, knowing what jaws can do when snapped together, but assured in the fact that such a warning clash of teeth was purely show. Cool emerald eyes looked directly into those of the female before her, unwavering, and searching. Ears, however, flickered in the direction of movement to the side. Paw pads pressed the ground with little wisps of rustled leaves as they descended into nonexistence. They had no haste in their sound, and didn't seem like the feet of any messenger calling for assistance. Rather, they simply told of a lowering in the number of threats. Her smirk quickly faded, and parted into a soft lullaby of a coo coupled with a nearly paternal loving facade, "Little one, there there.." The she-devil drew in air through her nose, perhaps pulling enough that the similar organ of the wolf before her could feel its scent being drawn into the intruder. She continued to coo, "You are as unwavering as a tree, but much more opposed to being walked around than most such plants." Attie tired of performing the same move thrice, especially in the literal face of such a mobile wall. She shuffled her feet into a comfortable position, having not moved them a tad since the warning snap of jaw. With that, and without warning of her own, the she-devil opened jaws and shoved her face forward through the impossibly small gap between the two, aiming to capture the snout of the wolf before her within her own. For half of a moment she entertained the thought of chuckling into the other female's closed mouth, "Ha. Got your nose."
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Summerbreeze »

Emerald stepped forward and trotted alongside Kazimo, "Where are we going?" she asked, "Kaz, um... Well I didn't tell you because i didn't want to tell you, because I was scared but, yesterday, there was somthing out there." she said looking around, "A female wolf was watching us." she said.
She really did doubt that Kaz would even belive her, but it was worth a try. Eme stopped dead in her tracks, someone was near and getting closer
someone familiar. "Nymeria" Emerald mumbled, "Kaz she is here. Not the same one as last time."
Nymeria had been following Emerald and te red wolf for a long time, she had scared the other wolf away, and had been in the most uncomfortable places to hide.
She wondered if Emerald wanted to be with this wolf. Nymeria ran forward and rushed towards the red wolf, attempting to knock him down. Emerald began to bark at her and she snareld back. "Stay out of this, Eme, he is a killer, that is all he wants with you."
Last edited by Summerbreeze on Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by LunaWolf »

Karvin squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a frustrated sigh through clenched teeth. 'If I had have payed just a little more attention, instead of just taking off like that.... ugh.' Now what? What could he do? He could pick a random direction, and there was a slim chance it would bring him home... but the risk of getting himself even further lost was overwhelming. He started to contemplate the possibility that he wouldn't be headed home, that he was facing a life as a loner, or a death at the hands of the rogue wolves. He didn't consider the possibility of finding another pack; who would possibly accept him in? He doubted he could bite his tongue long enough to avoid being ripped to shreds, let alone sweet-talk an alpha into becoming a member. That wasn't the real deal-breaker though, in honesty the thought of joining a new pack just made him feel ill. He didn't want to live with strangers, he wanted his pack. He treated most of them like dirt the majority of the time, sure, but that didn't mean they weren't his whole world, and it certainly didn't mean he didn't think of them as family. In his panicked state the thought of never seeing them made him feel ill, and threatened to smother him. The young wolf felt a prickling at the corners of his eyes starting up when he heard a soft voice call out his name from somewhere in the nameless forest behind him.
"Kit? Kitsune? Oh Bob Kitsune! I'm so glad to see you!" He barked, cautiously at first as though suspecting this to be some sort of trick. After a moment, however, his demeanor changed and he went charging towards the white wolf, nearly bowling her over in excitement. It might have been the first time the irritable adolescent had expressed genuine happiness towards anyone. He had to stop himself from clinging on her like a lost pup. "Wh-what are you doing out here? Wait, no, nevermind, do you know how to get back?"

The golden-pelted male turned to glance at his companion. "Aah! When you throw out all those brilliant options like that, how am I supposed to choose?" He feigned a distressed tone, before grinning. "I've always been of the opinion that 'all of the above' is always a legitimate option. What say you? Personally I'm itching to tear something apart, something challening." He swished his tail in excitement at all the possibilities the coming day held.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Kitsune »

The words coming from Karvin confused her. It's as if he's been there for days, alone without any socializing. Was that why he was in that position earlier, that he was starting to go crazy? She stood there in amazement, as if he'd changed a lot since they've last spoken. Before she knew it, in her last train of thought, Karvin sped toward her, knocking her over successfully onto the ground, making her yelp out of surprise more than anything. Almost immediately, she felt her ears getting hot, and she couldn't help but to giggle at this reaction. He seemed to be very glad, and quite clingy, even though she didn't mind either. She smiled at his excitement, her leaning her head forward to lick the side of his forehead. "Silly, yeah I know how to get back." To be honest, she was quite heavily tired, but maybe she can make it anyway. She needed water as of now, and going back to the Pack would mean passing the river, therefore giving her a lot of will to go back as soon as possible. She's been around here before, but she hasn't located much of any water sources. It's been a while since she's last been in this place. The bubbly she-wolf slowly started to get up, hoping that motion would make him, too, get up without her having much trouble doing so. She still felt quite nervous, most of the other emotions she was feeling was unknown to her, but all she could read from her head was nervous. Her ears still felt hot, especially her face. Kitsune decided to delete that from her mind and try to focus on getting him home. She pivoted herself to the direction to go back and waited for his readiness.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by LunaWolf »

"Ack- sorry" He whined, stumbling to his feet and feeling a bit embarrassed about knocking her down like that. He tensed up for a moment upon feeling her tongue on the side of his forehead, before sighing in relief at her words. He quite possibly would have broken down on the spot if it had have turned out that she was lost as well. "Good." He spoke, the relief evident in his voice. Karvin loped forward to stand beside her eager to get going and tail swaying ever-so-slightly at the anticipation of heading home.

(Feel free to say that he followed Kitsune if you have her get going in your next post. :3)
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by Kitsune »

"Alright, we head this way." She giggled, padding forward. The white and blue she-wolf gazed at Karvin for a moment, wanting to say something, but was far too nervous to come up with anything, let alone actually speaking. Her ears twitched, and she held in a whine after thinking so much about what to say. Tail wagged back a little, really starting to move along with Karvin, even though she was pretty tired out. She tried to hold in her tongue so it didn't look like she was all that tired, but she didn't realize how much her body posture may have shown otherwise. She felt like resting, or sleeping, but she knew she couldn't, not now. She wanted to go home as soon as possible for Kar, and it made her very determined to keep going paw by paw. Little by little, her mouth opened, beginning to reveal the bit of heaving her body really needed. No matter what, her face still seemed to be quite hot, and she wasn't exactly sure why. She eventually had to stop looking at Kar every so often, for it didn't help the odd feelings she was receiving. Anyway, they were getting pretty close to the river next to the Luna Pack territory.
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Re: Shadow Wolves REBORN (Wolf Roleplay)

Post by SilentEcho »

Name: Anise
Gender: Female
Age: 3.2 years old
Pack/Loner: Shadows?
Rank: Beta female?
*Personality:Anise treats everybody in her pack with respect, excluding the Omega. She likes to kiss the toes (not literally lol) of anybody with a higher rank than her and will do almost anything they tell her to. She despises anybody that tells her what she's doing is wrong and she loves to make sarcastic comments. Her opinion on the Luna pack is pretty confusing, she doesn't actually have very much against them, but the rest of her pack has hated them for generations, so she does too.
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