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Reporting Meow (55499) and Woof (unknown ID)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:34 am
by WhiteFang
Just thought I'd move this as they haven't yet been banned.

Ok here's the story...

First of all, I kept on seeing Meow around the WEO World and thought he/she was a pretty nice person. After a while I got killed by NPCs who had stollen my nest.
Anyway, Meow was nesting in another cave (we were both condors) so I decided to reincarnate as one of her chicks. He/she still seemed nice and for a little while he/she looked after me, until I started to become hungry.
He/she brought very little food and cleaned me hardly ever, in fact, only when I asked.
All the while there was a bluebird called Woof in the nest who aparently couldn't type. I have reason to believe he/she was the same person as Meow, though have no solid evidence.
Anyway, Woof somehow managed to start talking after a while and apparently wanted to be killed so he/she could be a hawk. I was suspicious as he/she only talked while Meow was out of the nest.
Now, one time Woof said Meow is the No. 1 condor, but I checked and he/she isn't. Could be a mistake, yes I know, but this is al now turning into an accusation of a double account, so let's get back on track...

Well, Woof also said one time "Meow brings LIVE food..." and straight after Meow came in with a rabbit and Woof stopped talking. All Meow said was "I bring food!" so I said "Let me eat it!!! :O" Because my stomach was empty, as you can see in the bellow screenshot. Another thing you can see is Meow hitting me after he/she released the rabbit, and also my name which I had asked him/her to change back... ... proof.png/

Ok, so I still didn't get any food because the rabbit hopped outside and I had, in a vain attempt at killing the rabbit, depleted my energy supply.
After he hit me he went out and I took a screenshot to show my health; he had cleaned me shortly before but I was still dirty as I was living in a pile of poop, as you can also see... ... roof2.png/

By the time of this final screenshot I had an empty stomach, no fat, next to no water and hardly any energy. I went out to find the rabbit still on the doorstep and had tried to attack, leading to the depletion of my energy. Woof flew out and insulted me, as you can see here; ... roof3.png/

He/she had insulted me just before that, after I had asked him/her to pick me up and take me down he had said "I can't" followed by "you're too fat" then "Your mother abandoned you" as seen in the picture.
Eventually Meow came back. After I shouted at him/her (not being rude, mind, but shouting, yes) he/she took me down and said he/she didn't meen any of it, though I do not see how he/she could have hit me by accident.

He/she had also tried but failed to hit me several other times which I did not manage to take a screenshot of. The important thing is I have solid proof of Meow hitting me and can safely say he/she deserves a ban.

EDIT: Sorry but I can't post normaly for some reason... :/ Anyway, thanks for the ID and I read through the old post but couldn't find anything that said either of them where banned, so if they were I don't know nuffin' about it.

Re: Reporting Meow (will get ID in a moment) and Woof (unkno

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:20 am
by Alexander
Wait so I thought Meow was already banned? And that Woof's ID number was never found.
I can't find WEO's old forum to check. -.-

Well, never too late to punish a mother whom abandoned and abused her child.

Meow's ID: 55499.

Re: Reporting Meow (55499) and Woof (unknown ID)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:29 am
by Kenya
I think she was banned and then unbanned...I can double check.
Anywhoo, I think a permanent ban will do since she's done this before?
I'll ban her asap.

Re: Reporting Meow (55499) and Woof (unknown ID)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:44 am
by Alexander
Sent the Warrant for User ID 55499.

WhiteFang says that none of 'em were banned before.

Re: Reporting Meow (55499) and Woof (unknown ID)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:06 am
by Kenya
Yep, unfortunately we made it so members who are not in the City Hall group cannot post here (since it caused problems in the past).
Anywhoo, I banned Meow permanently. If anyone knows Woof's ID that would be great.