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Clean upon "Mommy!" or "Daddy!"?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:05 am
by Mata
Hey, Mata here (AKA Arma/Scarikas)

So, I occasionally just say "Mommy!" or "Daddy!" whenever i'm the infant of NPCs just for the heck of it to fit in with my siblings and whatnot, and I've been noticing this little thing that happens for a while now...

I'm not sure if it's been noticed, but do your parents actually react when you say "Mommy!" or "Daddy!"?

I tested this out, and when I said "Mommy!" My mother instantly cleaned me.
The same thing happened with my father when I said "Daddy!"
It doesn't happen every time but it has happened a lot, and right on que.
So, is it a fact, that your NPC parents clean you when you say these things?
When I was a fox, mine neglected to clean me until I did so. Is this something that's been happening for a while, or am I just delusional?
Could a few people test this out so I know it's not just me?

EDIT: I also seemed to notice that when you make a noise as an infant your parents seem to be in more of a hurry to fetch you food.

Re: Clean upon "Mommy!" or "Daddy!"?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:05 am
by NatureHeart
Wow! Cool little experiment for me to try! :D Yeah, I will try that. I hope you aren't wasting my time! >:O Just kiddin'! :3

Re: Clean upon "Mommy!" or "Daddy!"?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:40 pm
by hoopyscoop
Interesting! I'll have to test this out. Off to the game I go! :D