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The true fox spirit. (Fox story)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:04 am
by WildLife
Chapter 1,The ants.
Chapter two., Off on my own
Chapter three, Mating season!
Chapter four, The true spirit of the fox.
Will add more chapters as i go on in weo as a fox, cause nothings happening much right now.(Npcs talking is just something I add in to make it more intresting, do not rage.)

The ants (Chapter 1)
I look at the bar above me, half way through 'Good' i thought 'At least i can get half way trained..' I notice my brother, Nanhoke, challenged me and I challenged him back, and defeated him. My father Cory was probably proud, and I was too. I saw Hese and my underbelly grumbled, and I tackled her and bit her in the neck deeply and aventualy killed her, and then ate her. Father looked a bit suprised but like the wise friend of mine named 'HoopyScoop' or 'Hoopy' says "Don't be sad, Animals die to keep other animals healthy." Yes, that seemed wise enough to me. Nanhoke stared at me coldly and growled, before dragging a piece of meat to somewhere nobody went. Nanhoke and me were the bestest of friends, at least in my eyes. We played, showed affection, shared meat, even sometimes wander outside the den before Mother Ursa came to the 'Rescue' but, I didn't NEED rescuing, as we knew what predators we avoided, and what prey we attempted to catch, and we usualy did catch at least a mouse and then we would split it up then eat it together. Yes, me and Nanhoke were VERY close. After a rest, and killing Maya, my other sister, I saw Mother Ursa leave to bring some more food. I saw her get some seeds, and I began to follow her. She was being attacked by fire ants and they began to poison her and I yelped "Mother Ursa!" before running over to her and killing thew fire ants in one strike. Mother Ursa looked down at me, gently cleaned me, and I showed affection to her before walking over to the den. I think of that as the 'Goodbye' thing. Father Cory looked at me and said "Son..Never leave the den again until adulthood, okay?" before he left and I followed him, and I saw Mother Ursa on the square of a coyote "Mother Ursa!" But I knew I couldn't do anything about it. I looked at her and I heard her last words, very quite words. "I gave up on you, Okoke, I gave up on your sisters and brothers and father, Okoke, I gave up..On life." before she died. "Mother!" Before I felt the wet tears drip down my face quickly. "Mother Ursa!" I ran up to the carcass and began to nozzle it and then I bit at the coyotes leg, and it let out a whine before running. As i returned to the den, My brother Nanhoke said "What do YOU want murderer?" before I grew.

Chapter two, Off on my own.

Nanhoke snarled saying "Well, You may be strong enough to kill my sisters, but your not strong enough to kill me!" he said. "Are you challenging me?" I growled. He nodded "I am!" before running up to me and clawing at me. I growl and pin him down, but he kicks me off "Get off of me, Gecko breath!" before snarling and biting into my ear. I yelped and tore away, and my ear fell off. I yowled and tackled him, pouncing on him and biting deeply in his throat. At this point he was almost dead, he said "Please spare me Mother Earth, please allow me to-" before I killed him. I ate his carcass before barking a "I won!" bark. Father snarled, and said "How dare you, your my only son, Your mother killed herself because of the stress of having cubs, the stress of you and Nanhoke leaving, and now my best son!" Before scratching me on the face and running. "Mother earth.. How must you treat me like a fool.. Like i'm some kind of TOY!" Before stomping on the ground, leaving my paw bleeding. I saw the den and sighed. It began to rain. I decided to change servers, and I did. I changed to the winter server.

Chapter three, Mating season!
I began to make a nest, and yawned. I heard a hawk baby say "Bu-AHAHAHA! Your so funny, Tristan! I feel bad for any dunder head that would kill their own family." I felt bad, as I did kill my own family, even my best friend.. I shook the though off of me. My father always had told me "You have the true fox spirit" before cleaning me. I saw the baby hawk fall and the other hawk saying "Tristann!" before yelling "Mother, Mother, Help! Tristan fell." The mother said "Now, Now, Cory. He may survive on his own, the spirit of the hawk flows through his blood, as it flows in your blood." Before flying off. I looked at the fox and said "Hello, I am Okoke. What is your name?" the hawk squealed but got picked up by me and put in my den. I put him down and he squealed saying "Why did you do that, Okoke! Oh, and my name is Tristan." I barked "Well, Tristan. I could use a hand in hunting through out the skys. Mind if ya help?" He stared at me. "Well, I can't magicaly fly. I have wings, Yes, But I cannot fly until the age of two." I looked dissapointed. "Well, You can live with me!" He shrugged. "Why not? My brother, Cory, saw me blow away.." He turned around. I remembered. "Well, Tristan. Todays mating season, So I will mate. Stay here." and i left the den. I saw the most precious female, she had gorgeous orange fur, the sneakiest of looks on her face, and she was going to have 5 babies. A male named Apollo attempted to mate with him, but I tackled him and mated with the female. I brought her to my den and she looked at the hawk chick and said "Who is this?" I said " A hawk that will help us hunt." She frowned. "Fine, he may stay." before falling asleep.

Chapter four, The true spirit of the fox.

It became spring soon, and I had my youngest cub named Scout. "Scout, c'mon." It was halfway through spring. "Yes, Father?" He asked. He had half way combat, too. "Time for the morning walk along the waterfall." He smiled "Thank you, father. Where might be Tristan?" I said. "Hunting, Now lets go before the rabbits return to their dens!" as I ran off. Scout drank from the lake a bit and gathered a mineral. "Father, Look what I found!" before showing me his shiny little mineral. "That is GREAT son." Scout saw tristan, I could tell. "Tristan, Ol' pal! Come ova here! We havin' the daily walks!" (Please mind that Scout has a british accent.) I was almost to the den but then I saw a male coyote named Nanhoke. "Br- Brother..?" He glared. "We meet again, Pack, Kill!" The pack behind him tore at me, and Scout yelped "No, Father!" Nanhoke bit down on my leg and my son, Scout said "Get off of him, you brute!" before pouncing on Nanhoke, and biting him deeply in the throat. "Get off of me, RUNT!" before hitting the cub off. "Say goodbye, Okoke!" as I felt a flash and the coyotes ran off. Scout was yelping "Father, Father, Stay with me.. Father!" I saw him yell that and burst into tears. I looked behind me and saw my father. He stared at me. "You and your son there, Have the true spirit of the fox."

Side story, Revenge of the foxes. Scout is now the main charater, as Okoke was dead.
Chapter 1, Dealing with death. (Will write later.)
Chapter 2, ?
Chapter 3, ?
Chapter 4, ?