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Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:11 am
by Quagga
Yet, what's the difference between a coyote and wolf? An elk, buffalo, and mountain goat? Bluebirds and cardinals? They are all similar, aren't they? Yet they still have their few, but important differences that makes them unique enough. If we can offer similar animals with different behaviors, then what? Or should we ban all birds, all felines, and all canines, now, because they are too alike the bobcats, the foxes, the hawks?

Elk and buffalo are pretty much the same animals with different sizes, appearances, and health. Coyotes and wolves are pretty much the same as well, right? Why aren't you "ranting" (for lack of a better word) about them? Mountain lions and bobcats? It would the be equivalent of the coyotes and wolves.

Sure, I agree, we need to focus on their behavior, their differences. But if you're going to say that, then I say: don't suggest "out-there," hard-work ideas - unless you're willing to wait any possible amount of time for it. The fish requires an entire new area, food source (unless you're content with the squares of insects), life cycle, and reproduction, to be made. Unless fish are the most-voted animals, and if WEO thinks it possible, I suppose, I find it unlikely to be added anytime soon. It simply would require a lot of thought. I'd be all for fish, but it would be a massive update.

But, what's the harm in suggesting general animals at all? If you suggest one animal, it might also spark another idea. Though I suppose you ought to give the pros and cons in each suggestion you make, then. Then again... not like everyone is going to be happy about every suggestion, anyways...

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:13 pm
by Slueth
Customizing your animal sounds very cool, some animals in real life have
variations, why can't we?

Obviously the bluebirds are still blue and such, but the wolves and foxes,
the bears and geckos, the rabbits and- You get my point.

Eh, a larger color scheme for your character could be cool. However...
How you would implement a system of what color the offspring will be
might be a little challenging.

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:58 pm
by Døøm Dragøn
If animals are to become customizable, it should be an advanced player only option. It makes me. :|

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:17 pm
by Hope
But thats not very fair for those who play basic and basic needs more interesting things! Otherwise I vot yes for costomizing animals!

Basic: YES!
Advanced: NO!
Both: Myabe.... changed my mind: YES!!!!!!!

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:08 pm
by Quagga
However, if we give basic all the good stuff, then there is no reason to buy advanced, and WEO gets even less or no income; maybe it doesn't sound fair to you, but really, WEO deserves some praise and money. After all, WEO has given us this game to play. Basic already has the most animals you can play, and a good variety of them, too. Give Advanced the extra colors; it needs more reasons to buy it.

Typically, on most sites, the things that cost real money are unnecessary, but are "luxury" features to make the game easier or even more fun. None of these features are necessary to play the game, and you're able to continue playing it without having to spend a single real-life cent. The money you spend is typically used to keep the game running, maybe some of it is necessary to add even more features, and... I'm sure there's one or two other possibilities I haven't thought of.

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:05 pm
by Scarikas
Would you guys have animals that behave differently or animals that look cool?
Just sayin.

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:20 pm
by Quagga
Both. I like servals primarily because of their appearance, and likewise, nyalas. Their behavior is nothing unique; they're just another cat and antelope. Although... nyala males do puff up in a dominance display - which is one reason I particularly LOVE them - and servals are some of the highest-jumping cat (compared to their size). But like I said, I like them primarily because of their looks, not their behavior - which I think the poofiness fits under looks category...

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:44 pm
by Døøm Dragøn
Quagga wrote:However, if we give basic all the good stuff, then there is no reason to buy advanced, and WEO gets even less or no income; maybe it doesn't sound fair to you, but really, WEO deserves some praise and money. After all, WEO has given us this game to play. Basic already has the most animals you can play, and a good variety of them, too. Give Advanced the extra colors; it needs more reasons to buy it.

Typically, on most sites, the things that cost real money are unnecessary, but are "luxury" features to make the game easier or even more fun. None of these features are necessary to play the game, and you're able to continue playing it without having to spend a single real-life cent. The money you spend is typically used to keep the game running, maybe some of it is necessary to add even more features, and... I'm sure there's one or two other possibilities I haven't thought of.
Thank you, that's my logic in a nutshell.

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:15 am
by SouthernStar
Yet if we give advanced all the good stuff, and make basic worthless, people will hate the gameplay, and will probably leave and never buy advanced. Let's also not forget to mention that it's hard to get people to like our game as soon as they see the chessboard like gameplay. That usually puts off most people, before they can even actually try the game.

So..... how about we have basic colour choices(White, brown, grey etc.) for basic game, and if we buy advanced, we can request a custom colour animal. (A white wolf with grey socks, a black wolf with a white patch, a brown wolf with a scar etc)

My opinion, thanks.

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:43 pm
by Alpha Ridley
Alpha Ridley wrote:Then what about a wolverine?

This bearlike creature is a fierce predator and has strong jaws for crushing bones. It is also called the glutton-a word we use for a greedy person!

These guys hunt elk, and a lot of other animals too! They could have one to three young, in a medium den. They also live to 17 years. Wolverines can use bone marrow for energy and food, to get them going. They could either hunt or scavenge.
Find this on 4. Anyways, wolverines perhaps?

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:46 am
by Slueth
How about we make both customizable.


The Advanced had more customizable things. Such as basic you can
only access one color, but on advanced you can have five or something.
Base it on a point thing is cool too,

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:33 pm
by Moonrose
I agree. Having points means that you really have to play the game in order to earn those colors.Some people would probably try the color first, get bored and leave on Basic.. =\

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:52 pm
by Zelda0909
Maybe there should be another bird... like how lots of peaple suggested great horned owl.

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:55 pm
by SouthernStar
A Swan, it would be funnnnnnn funnnnnnnn funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :3

Re: Suggestions Topic

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:15 pm
by Quagga
I'd personally like a ground bird. It'd satisfy the varying behavior desire some peoples have... Like prairie chickens, killdeer, pheasants, turkeys... But I also don't know how easy it would be to survive. Maybe a bit too hard...