How to use the Pale Moon Browser to Play WEO

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How to use the Pale Moon Browser to Play WEO

Post by webearthonline »

There are some players who have been able to play WEO again by using the Pale Moon browser.
This topic will be used for information on how to use Pale Moon browser to play WEO.
Bluebird Chick
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Re: How to use the Pale Moon Browser to Play WEO

Post by Missooni »

If you have a Windows system you can still use the browser 'Pale Moon' to access WEO. Here is an unofficial tutorial people can follow as they are setting up the browser for the first time, with methods provided to the forum by user actualScarikas:

1. Download the Pale Moon browser from the official webpage (As of writing this tutorial on January 24th, 2023, the Pale Moon browser can be found at
Here are the system requirements at this time, and what you should see upon going to the Pale Moon website:


The full system install can be found on the downloads page, for both 32 and 64 bit operating systems. I would recommend using the official Pale Moon download links if you do not want to go through a third-party website to download the browser.


2. Download Java (As of writing this tutorial, the website to download the most recent version of Java is
The website should look like this, as it is being accessed using the Pale Moon browser:


-and your installation window should look like this while you are installing Java:


Restart your device after the installer has finished.

3. Access the WEO website from Pale Moon


At this point, you should be able to log in and access the game.


If you do not see the game appear after you have completed the steps above, double check your Pale Moon add-ons page for Java Deployment Toolkit, it should look similar to this:


It is important to download the browser first, and Java second so that the browser can be detected and the Java plugin can be installed.
Uninstalling both the browser, and Java (using the official Java Uninstaller) and then reinstalling everything from the beginning can help resolve possible issues encountered along the way, especially if you have had Java previously installed on your system.

Good luck!
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Re: How to use the Pale Moon Browser to Play WEO

Post by actualScarikas »

There has recently been a little bit of trouble with users using Pale Moon to play. We found it worked when specific versions of Pale Moon and Java were installed.

These are the versions that Thylafritter found to work:

Pale Moon: v28.9.2-1 64 bit

Java version: JRE 8u251 64 bit
Mata - she/any
Previously known as Scarikas and Arma.
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