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Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:52 pm
by redwing
Hi, I joined the game yesterday, and even though I nearly know all the controls, I might need some tips (like when the age for mating is.). :) I hope I find a friendly community in-game C:

Re: Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:06 am
by Foxesrule
I've been on WEO for about 2 years (I joined the forum afterwards.) so I'll be happy to give you tips. ^^ I'm also on the leaderboard for Foxes (as Foxesrule, my old name.) and the mouse leaderboard (As my current name, Braviary.) I have made it to red age as my fox, and half of the age circle for a mouse. ^^ (As a fox I raided coyote dens... I got hit by a coyote and I got the red age sickness. I was about to drink from the waterfall and the Lake of Youth, as I call it. Drinking from there temporarily gets rid of it! Unforunately because of the health drop I died...)

Anyway, this is a very friendly and close community, don't be scared of me just because I'm a Mod. ^^ Do be scared if you see Kenya or WEO poston one of your topics... Heh heh. :3 I'm not sure what your interests are, but I hope I share some with you!

Re: Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:49 pm
by animalguy888

Re: Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:53 pm
by Alexander
Hello! (:
The mating seasons are specific for some animals. The best way to find out is either looking at your animal information page when you enter a world or go to My Account, View Your Current Animal, (More Info on this Animal), and look for Mating Seasons. Mating always occurs at the very end of the season(s) you are allowed to mate in.
The requirements of acquiring a mate is staying relatively healthy (stay clean!), having a higher rank (if you're a male it is almost always a requirement), having a whole nest (unless you're an animal that doesn't require one, and if you need help in that, the ingredients are in the information page as well).

If you're confused with anything else or with whatever I'm saying, let me know! I'd be glad to help you out and play alongside you. (:

Re: Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:31 pm
by redwing
Hehe, I'm the smartest kid in my town when it comes to animals, i helped my cat give birth two times when we did not have any money pretty much.
Anyway, my interests:
fav animal: All >-<'
I have five pets. I'll tell you about them in warrior cat like stuff :D
Spike, tom, white maine coon two diff colour eyes, would be leader (and he is anyway xD)
Pixie, would be.. deputy/elder? black she-cat, white star on chest.
Slash, eldest daughter of Pixie and Spike, also only fit in Pixie's first litter. White she-cat. Two diff colour eyes. Would be warrior. xD
Bond, black tuxedo tom, eldest son of Pixie and Spike, likes to slap Slash, or annoy his little sister, Meep. Would be warrior.
Meep, white she-cat, small, but lean and agile. Loves to take care of her family. Likes to annoy her sister, Slash, by licking Slash's nose or biting her tail. Would be medicine cat. Btw, If anyone hates animals, im normaly the gal to rip their face off e.e'
I think i would love to show you pictures of my cats sometime. Spike.. is suffocating my foot right now. xD 25 pound cat ftw!

Re: Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:50 am
by Foxesrule
HNI_0001_MPO.JPG (116.76 KiB) Viewed 11503 times
HNI_0036_MPO.JPG (145.7 KiB) Viewed 11503 times
My kitties!

I see we have things in common. XD I'm the smartest at animals in my school, let alone street.. I throw random facts at people.

I love Warrior cats, heh heh. I have two cats..Lemme describe them.

Smudge, fluffy WHITE and black cat, yellow eyes and black tail. Grumpiest elder to ever live. XD She's 20 years old this August! O_O

Iris, dark tabby cat and green eyes. Apprentice.
Iris's sister had to be sent away with her kittens. :c

Believe it or not, I once had 10 cats...
My favourite animal is actually a rat, not foxes. I want a pet rat but Iris hunts rats...
My mum owns a horse, Jack, and I have 2 fish. I'm also vegetarian by choice. n_n

Re: Hallo my fellow peeps

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:46 pm
by animalguy888
I used to have cats. Jake and Joe. They were always getting themselves into trouble. The our golden retriever would else discipline them. I currently have only two pets. A cockatiel that we found as a released pet that was about to starve to death. The other is a house sparrow who fell out of the nest in our backyard after a crow attack and was abandoned. so we have some things in common. we both have owned or own cats and care about animals.

I am also the science guru of my neighborhood, friends, family, school, and family friends. Some other users on here say I use "Big Words". Witch is actually fairly true.

The fields I am good with, and have plenty of facts on to spare are Biology(animals), Astronomy (The study of space and the universe) and I am fairly decent and have some knowledge in Geology (The study of how the earth works inside and out. From the science of volcanoes and Earthquakes, to the science of mountain ranges and canyon's.)