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King_Snake Guide

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:00 am
by Scarikas
Becoming a snake.
There are two ways to become a King_Snake in WEO, One, Go to any world and select 'King_Snake' as your animal, Two, Go to 'My Account' and check 'Always play as a infant', Then go to a world that has the Spring season on it and you can reincarnate as a twin baby snake, A child of the npc.

NPC Childhood
This is quite easy, Yet hard, If you're expecting to be a good hunter when you grow, Then it'le be hard. But if you don't care about Combat Skill, You'll be just fine sitting around until you grow.
To be a good hunter means you'll be able to constrict very usually when you grow, This means you will have to challenge another snake in your litter. To do this, Select a snake the same gender as you and press 'Challenge', Every 2 challenges you will get one combat point, But challenging costs Energy, And energy costs food. Your siblings don't need food there WHOOLEE litter life, So don't worry about them. After challenging for a bit, Try going out and catching a rabbit. King_Snakes spawn in the desert, And the desert prey is Geckos. Geckos have been a favorite to King_Snakes and other desert animals, Like Condors. Go over to a gecko and quickly scroll down to 'constrict', After you press it, You'll have two things. Missing - By missing a animal, You will basicaly put no effect on the animal except for the fact that the animal will then be running in complete terror. Hitting - Acually, Since you're using Constrict. Nothing should appear, The gecko will go into your carry slot. Do NOT by any circumstances drop the gecko, After a while of having the gecko in constriction, It will turn into a carcass WHILE INSIDE your carry slot, Allowing you to take the entire gecko anywhere you please until you decide to eat.

Lone Childhood
Lone childhood is alot harder, You do not have siblings to train on and you do not have somebody to clean you, But Lone Childhood has it's own pros and cons, The pros are that you can run around freely, Going wherever you want with no home. And you also have a boost in growth so that you grow quicker. The cons are that you have nobody to clean you, Nobody to train on, But nobody to feed! So be glad!

Eat or be Eaten
Though your a carnivore, You arn't the top of the Food chain. You're about somewhere around the 4th to the bottum, Animals like Bears, Condors, Wolves, Coyotes, Bobcats, And basically anything except Geckos, Mice, and Rabbits, Want to eat you! So make sure you look before you leap, Or in this case, Slither.

Fulfilling the snakes purpose.
So say It's late spring, And you've got that egg icon that just makes you feel wonderful? Well guess what it means, BABIES! To mate, Clean yourself, Make sure you arn't sick. And make sure there's a for Bob saken egg icon =D. Go over to the male and press the epic heart button of epicness, Pay attention to your instinct bar carefully. After you mate, You will choose a hole for your family, I suggest right below bluebird forest, Because that's where all the prey are. Go into any hole (Bearcave isn't a smart choice) and your mate will follow you in, After going in. He will not follow you again, So you can't change your mind for your hole. Your mate will wait in there, basicaly paralyzed and un-moving. He won't even move if a bear comes in and starts attacking him. He will be like this until he sees and feels the whiteness of a blood-covered egg shell. After you have your ten snakelings, YOur mate will instantly go out to look for food. Usually people just pick up meat out of a carcass to make it fresh, But the Correct way to do it is to constrict the closest prey, If you go easy on your snakelings, They won't need ONE STRAND of meat there whole entire childhood, After they grow you will get alot of points.

Old age
Do you feel a time in your life where you're growing weak and slow? This is the time where you have to tell yourself that you've made your life purpose by giving birth to 10 proud snakelings, In your life you try to have as many litters as you can before you reach this point, So that when you do reach this point, You're ready to die. Shortly after the first strand of red appears on your age clock, You'll get sick. This sickness is extremely hard to cure because your body no longer has enough soldiers to fight it off, This sickness is usually the death of you. But by knowing you fulfilled your purpose, You'll be ready for your death, You have made a purposeful life as a King_Snake, And if you made it to this point. I'm proud!

Obviously by now you should be dead, But you made a good worth of points, Try going to the High Score and seeing how far you made it, And who knows! One of these days you may make it passed Doomdragon, But I doubt it.