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Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:57 am
by SilentEcho
Hi there, I'm SilentEcho.I've decided i'm going to make a mouse guide for fellow members of WEO :3 Enjoy.

I've decided i want to colour code everything, so you can choose which parts you really want to read:

Orange=Survival Tips

Green=Food Tips

Blue=Mating Tips

Indigo=Other stuff

So, you want to be a mouse? Don't be scared, it's fun!
Some people are scared of playing as Rabbits or Mice, but please don't avoid them, you just need to be witty.One important thing about being a Mouse is to NEVER GO ANYWHERE NEAR A PREDATOR, yes i know what you're thinking: "That's impossible you numbskull, predators are everywhere", when i say don't go near them, i mean stay atleast 2 squares away from one. Condors, Hawks,Foxes, Both snake species and (maybe) bobcats are the animals you should avoid the most, be daring and go near a bear or wolf, but i'm warning you, they may hurt/kill you.


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The noms
Om nom nom nom.Mice like any other animal, need food, the simplest things you can find to eat are: Seeds, some bugs,flowers and (i think)grass.They can also eat fresh and rotting meat.During winter food will become dangerously scarce, make sure you store as much as you can, or you may starve.Winter is the hardest time to live, as there is pretty much no food, and it's freezing and hard to get outside without getting cold.I usually build a nest, pile some food and wait for winter to finish, remember to also bring MINERALS, they're important, and you can get sick without them.If you do use my strategy, remember to shake the nest, and limit the amount of parasites in you hole/cave/wherever you are.

Love is in the air .......-<3. During all four seasons mice will fall in love with each-other, and kits will be born.Although NPC mice will respawn in Spring, you may breed whenever you're in heat, which can be at any time, so be on watch for the little egg icon if you wish to breed.
Now onto more important things, the nest.Whether you're mating with an NPC or real player a nest is important, Mice nests consist of straw and hair. Straw can be pulled from long grass, or found lying around.Hair on the other hand is only found where death is, when an animal with fur dies, hair is left, you only need 1 or 2 of these (you don't even need them if you don't bother looking).It's handy to have a predator friend if you do want hair, but it is fairly easy to find depending on what season it is.

Now, mate with who-ever your mouse is in love with.If they're an NPC they will follow you to your den, now i split this section :3

Males have a pretty easy job, bring food to the den and clean the kits.It's easy, but for impatient people like me, it can be a pain. I've got nothing else on this, so "To the next section!".

This is a great time for you, all the excitement of children with out the pain of giving birth or looking after annoying children.These children will lay in the same spot most of the time, they will suck you dry quickly,make sure all of your stats (except for the poop and pee meters) are full, this will ensure you make milk.If your mate does not come back from getting food, don't panic, this can be a one mouse job.Once they're weaned get some food, and constantly be on the watch for predators when you're out, if you die, the kits will too.(unless your mate is alive).Now all you need to do is keep on feeding them until they grow :3


Admit it, everbody wants to eat us mice, but we're proud beings, and we've found out who to befriend and who to avoid, it's obvious after a while, but for some 'non-mouse players' here's something to help:

• Bluebird: Seriously, what would a bluebird want from a mouse?
• Cardinal: Same as above.
• Mouse: Yeah, cause mice are cannibals -_- FRIENDLY EDIT: Apparently they are cannibals 0.0
• Rabbit: Friendly, rodents are FRIIEENNDS
• Gecko: Friendly, but as normal, do not enter their holes.
• King snake: Beware, you're like a walking hot dog to them. They will enter mouse holes, make sure you attack them when they enter, NPC parents usually scare them off quickly.
• Rattlesnake: Read above.
• Hawk: Hawks are faster than you, as they're birds, they also think you're a hotdog, A SPECIES TO AVOID
• Condor: Bigger, than the hawks, usually stronger, are somewhat forgetful. (They're SUPPOSED to be scavengers :/)
• Red Fox: Will eat you if there's a chance, but won't come from a far just to kill and eat you.
• Bobcat: For a mouse, these guys are death in a furry suit. BEWARE. But like Foxes, they are LESS LIKELY to come up from a far just to kill you.
• Coyote: Coyotes generally hate everybody :/
• Elk: Friendly, but don't attack ANY, they'll attack you as a herd.
• Buffalo: Look above
• Mountain goat:Look above the above :3
• Bear: They usually don't take any interest in a mouse, they swipe though, don't go close to them.
• Gray wolf: Quite like the fox.

Handy Tips
  • Snakes are not afraid to enter your den and kill your babies,be alert.
    Migrating can be helpful during winter and summer, go to the desert during winter and the mountains/river during summer
    Food can be hard to find, searching holes may help
    (apparently) If you are a baby, and your mother dies before you're weaned, try racing into another hole, and suckling from another mouse, they may adopt you.
    The forest is a nice place to have your hole in summer
    Being a baby is dangerous, dig a hole up the top of the map and hide till you grow :3
    Any condor will dive for your nest when all you and your siblings come out, They're watching over your nest the entire time e_e and then when you come out.. BOUSH, Blood is everywhere! DeathDeath Death! (Scarikas)
    If you get parasites, take a bath in the river or pond. It should wash them away.
    If you start out as an NPC baby, kill and challenge your siblings to gain combat. Extra combat means you can dodge more attacks then if you had no combat.
    Have multiple holes, but only live in one, mark the others but not the one you live in (to trick predators)
Silent's Walkthrough (mainly focusing on living long, not points)!

Yep, a WALKTHROUGH! Just to help you, this is more of a way to stay alive for the longest duration possible, and going into the options you may choose, Enjoy!!

Step 1!!! (For people who start as an infant)
So you're logging onto WEO, you decided you want to start as an infant, you are happy and proud because you seem to like the pros and cons this options has.

•Being an infant is something that WILL always, in the end, get you many points.
•Siblings to maul for points and combat
•A warm place to stay, possibly a refuge, or extra den to keep on rebuilding.
•Great for writing stories

•For lazy people, this can get irritating
•Parents need to be arrested for starving their children.
•Constant competition with your siblings.
•Must wait until weaned before you can make an 'early escape'.

So, killing all of your siblings is your first goal, eat as often as you can, once your siblings are gone, you can get fat, there's no competition.
Once you're grown up, exit as fast as possible, do not hesitate, fill up your stats, if Combat is not full wait until all of your other stats are full before you continue training.

Step 1, for people who chose to enter as a young adult
You're a young adult, handsome, young and downright perfect. But you're childhood was short, you can not remember it, but now you are in a random spot in the world. You feel rather happy, the pros and cons of this option fit your standards.

•No need to wait the long baby-adult wait
•Get right into the game as soon as you open it
•You are old and about to grow
•You are already full stats, no need to run around searching for minerals.

•Less points
•Less combat
•No parents, so you look like some random mother-less zombie
•A short, but annoying wait to become an adult.

This is rather easy, you don't have to do anything a person who started as an infant did, but you need to get some combat, try spamming the challenge button on any mouse (of your gender) you see.

Part 2!!
Assuming you've got SOMEWHAT high combat, you can start building a nest, both genders should do this, unless you're multi-mating, read the Multimating section down the bottom.You'll need hair and straw, both can be found easily, hair is underneath carcasses of animals with fur, straw is always lying around, if you can't find any, 'take' long grass.

PART 3!!!
Hey, you're still alive, LOL, I've only gotten this far a few times, but don't worry, i'm not going to lead you into a death trap! So, if you're a male (you can TRY multi-mating as a female, but is that healthy? I think not) you can multi-mate easily, but beware, as with all good, things, this has many cons.

PROS (of multi-mating):
•As a male, you get less points than a female for having healthy babies, this will give you a reasonable amount of points.
•Gives you a fun challenge.

•Takes a lot more effort, and you'll need to start nest building very early in the year.
•Annoying mates lack milk, and you have to keep them from leaving their hole and dying.
•A bazillion kits can get annoying.
•Snakes terrorizing your holes.

Ok, if you want to multimate, and assure your babies live, you might want to make sure you've got a tonne of FULLY built and well maintained nests. I recommend looking for two small holes next to each other, and digging more holes if needed. Once their done, and it's still not breeding season, ask yourself a few questions:

•"Do I have Full Combat, if not I should work on my skills"

•"Is my fat full, if not it's helpful to go and get full food, then rest"

•"Is my energy full, low energy gets irritating, sleep lots or/and stay idle in a SAFE spot until it fills"

•"Have I marked my holes, marking the outside of my holes seems to make less random animals come in, but i'm pretty sure it attracts predators"

•"Have I re-checked my holes, they may need maintenance?"

If you've asked yourself these questions and mentally (don't randomly say "YES" out loud, your family may drag you to the mental asylum) answered them, you should look for the egg icon, found in your info screen (thing) if it's there look for some mates, (LUCKILY all males are allowed to mate) socialize with a female, put it in one of your holes, then find another and continue the cycle. When they give birth, keep on checking on them, make sure that all the babies are safe, don't bother with the nest, SHAKE off parasites, they will infect your families.

Step 4 for normal males
Find a mate, build a nest, mate, put your mate in the hole. VOILA, you now have a mouse family, when they're weaned feed them normal mice food, and remember SHAKE OFF PARASITES!

Step 4 for females (sorry, not doing multimating for females
Once again, all you've got to do is build a nest, mate, and then put your mate in a hole. Milk can get low, when this happens, fill up your stats then stay still (away from your kits) and wait for the milk to return. Continue doing this until they're weaned, always be careful when looking for food, predators are everywhere.

Got tips? comments? Reply to this topic though!

This is supposed to be the basics, not how to make your mouse smarter or something, please don't flame..

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:01 am
by IcyFox
Wow thats a really great guide! It really helped me. Good job :D !

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:57 am
by SilentEcho
Thanks, I wrote this ages a go, I sound so immature x3.

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:10 pm
by Mumble785
Excellent guide! :D Makes me wanna play a mouse. <3 I love them, but every time I try, I die young D:

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:54 am
by IcyFox
yeah. join the club. i always die befor i reach adulthood

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:43 pm
by SilentEcho
Suggestion for a boring life:
Stay in a hole for most of the time.

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:09 pm
by Scimitar
I have a tip for playing as a mouse: Have multiple holes, but only live in one, mark the others but not the one you live in (to trick predators)

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:05 pm
by SilentEcho
Added :3

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:17 pm
by Erik
-.- I always stay in my hole I was born in, chowing on my dead siblings and holding one of my NPC "sisters" hostage till breeding season then mating with her and keeping her there the whole time, killing off the males to keep the female pups/kits alive till they grow and repeat for the next three seasons. Never left the hole once! I only died cause a snake came in.... :x

EDIT: Typo :(

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:45 pm
by SouthernStar
Draco wrote:-.- I always stay in my hole I was born in, chowing on my dead siblings and holding one of my NPC "sisters" hostage till breeding season then mating with her and keeping her there the whole time, killing off the males to keep the female pups/kits alive till they grow and repeat for the next three seasons. Never left the hole once! I only died cause a snake came in.... :x

EDIT: Typo :(

How does that even work?

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:32 am
by Lady
I once survived to a very old age as a bunny cause I was in a bunny pack. The pack died, but I never forgot how they took care of me. I hardly had to leave the nest. :3
I know that rabbits aren't mice, but I could've survived like that as a mouse, right?
Anyway, by the time almost everyone was gone, I was old enough to survive on my own.
Great guide. ^^

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:25 am
by SilentEcho
Confused e_o

None of you could possibly understand how much I want to rewrite this whole thing.

Re: Silent's Colorful Mouse Guide :3

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:50 pm
by Redpaw
this is a nice guide even if I don't play often I will play actively